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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Speaking of things that smell like humanity, and have a decidedly poor taste,
  2. I dig the alternate panning of the hi hats. Nice concept and now it should go wherever you lead it, or vice versa! cheers, -Tom
  3. Could this also be a soundtrack to Bjorn's Dracula movie??? I like your piece, it has a mellow yet dramatic vibe. I agree, for me I'd have some longer reverb tails and a bigger space on particularly the higher pitched elements. The lower register is nice as it is I'd say as far as a sense of space goes. Good one!!! cheers, -Tom
  4. Great concept!!! I liked what you added, very clean, modern, and creepy! What happened when Dracula made a mistake in his DAW? He undead it. . . . I'll get me garlic.
  5. I'm currently serving under
  6. Kong fu tze sayeth: "two 404's do not an 808 make"
  7. Well I don't get to hear much music with this very independent sense of melody and lyrical cadence. It's unique and we need so much more of this originality. Well done in the writing department! By your comments I read you aren't really done with the mix and I think that's a fair observation. If it were mine I'd get more delay or perhaps reverb on the vocal. Apart, obviously, from your already effected sections. She really has a great vocal tone! I did wonder if melodyne might have some use in a couple of spots, but because your melody is unconventional, I could just be all wet there. (like Richard) thanks, that was a very original work and a satisfying listen. cheers, -Tom
  8. PhonoBrainer


    Great pedal steel? lap steel? and your background vocal harmonies were spot on and well blended with the excellent original. cheers, -Tom
  9. Great, love the mix and the vocal, and I identify with the song. The vocal volume for me dips in spots, as the singer drops into lower pitches especially at the end of a phrase, whil the mandolin remains loud at that point. I think you could volume automate the vocal up a bit at those critical spots. very very cool project, and where did those cigars get to, anyway? cheers, -Tom
  10. That intro cat is prolly gonna need a lawyer 🤔
  11. I notice that tailorante medieval era II is actually on sale. $155
  12. They actually got me for a hundred bucks over the weekend. First Waves I let ashore for years. I got five cool plugs though.
  13. Uh, great for the simple fact that somebody else knows the genius of "Run Lola Run" . . . I kept thinking of running scenes you might include, and voila! There it is! Great concept and kudos on all performances! Cheers, Tom
  14. Hope your family deal worked itself out ok, Larry.
  15. Kudos on the song and the vocal performance! And your choice of instruments works perfectly. I dug the guitar solo! So here's a few ideas, worth what you paid for 'em! The snare is compressed and has a sustainy ring-out . . . and that ring out is getting flanged by something pretty hard. It might sound better with a clean snare tail? Same issue for your cymbals, they are flangey as heck. If that's what you are goin for, you got it! But you might look at your drum bus processing if it is masssssshing a sustain tail on snares and cymbals that you don't want flanged. At 1:40 - you've got a nice buildup right there, organ strong, and then it dumps out into kind of a low-energy part after 1:40. A little emotional letdown? What could you add after 1:40 to keep the build going? Just a thought. sweet tune yo. cheers, -Tom
  16. Darwinian evolution must be reconciled with human psychology. If there are chicks watching him do this from the get go, and, for the sake of argument, can we assume that they are really HOT chicks, said females will respond to his epicness, extremeness, and overall derring-do with a dramatically increased desire to mate with him. I feel comfortable in my assertion of HOT chicks watching, because why else would any dude do that? Probably not for just chicks of the lesser hotnesses. Assuming there's anything left to mate with at the end, he might have just secured a purchase for his seeds in the greater gene pool. Darwin, eat your heart out.
  17. They probably had the idea a while ago but it got delayed. . . . I'll get me mask . . .
  18. Why yes, actually, some blues would be really great right now! An absoulte 100% A+++ on all those awesome guitars! Well played and well captured! cheers, -Tom
  19. My listen was on decent headphones, so any mix comments should be taken with a grain of headphones. I like this song!!! It's like a slow prog, as far as the chord progressions go! Really cool choices, and your vocal mixing is killer, those bgv's are quite distinct from the main and very tastefully mixed in at lower volume. Nice on that! And the lyrics aren't too shabby, either! Mix wise, not bad but I think the vocals are covered up a little. Bass down .5 db across the song? and anytime there is a vocal, taking the left panned guitar noodle down .5db, and the organ down maybe a full db? anything else that's in the center with the vocal, I'd take volume automation quite seriously and drop it out at least .5 when you are singing. You may have already done some of that, it's all an infinite amount of monkeys with a nearly infinite amount of plugins. cool tune!!! cheers, -Tom
  20. Fishing has its ramifications.
  21. Just looking at these Jurassic romplers gives me a warm digitally fuzzy feeling! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present . . . my 1990's.
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