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  2. All of these are features that have been implemented in VST2 plug-ins, and they are all features that vendors aren't required to implement in their VST3's. They aren't "features of VST3," they're features that were already built into some VST2 plug-ins, then Steinberg wrote up a spec that recommended how to implement them going forward. All Steinberg did was decide how they would prefer other people to implement certain features, then they wrote that into the spec. A big chunk of it came from the PreSonus extensions, most of which were originally conceived and implemented during the VST2 era. One of the big "new" features that Steinberg claimed for VST3 was sidechaining. I don't know when sidechaining first appeared in VST2's, but I do know that it was around a long time before the VST3 spec was published. I have yet to see any plug-in with features that only became possible post-VST3. My system counts off over 600 plug-ins when the DAW does its scan. My toolkit of plug-ins includes suites from iZotope, MeldaProduction, and IK Multimedia, as well as a large number of plug-ins from brainworx, Waves, and other heavy hitters. With all of them, I can still install the VST2's if I choose, and with all of them, there is no difference in function between the VST2 and VST3 versions. I once heard that with some Waves compressors, in order for sidechaining to work in Cubase you have to use the VST3 version, but that's it. Ask yourself: if VST3 allowed plug-in and/or host developers to do things that they couldn't do before, wouldn't they tell us how great their new VST3-only features were, to encourage us to upgrade to the latest versions? To my knowledge, the only company that's ever talked about how great the VST3 spec is is Steinberg themselves. Everyone else seems to see it as a pain in the *****, and it even inspired some companies to form a group and come up with a competing standard. I guess it's insurance in case Steinberg decides to pull the same stunt in the future. In the long run it may save work for developers who want to implement features that depend on a lot of host communication, but I doubt that will ever make up for the extra work developers had to do to comply with a new plug-in spec. Their testing load for VST's effectively doubled once they started supporting VST3. As someone who used to make his living testing software, I can tell you that that extra labor is very much not free. More work into development and testing=higher prices for the end product. I've yet to see any benefit to consumers or non-Steinberg developers in the move to VST3. There may someday be, if plug-in and host developers start actually using the extensions, but I won't hold my breath.
  3. Those other DAWs wouldn't be SO and the R word would they? In other News, Larry has Left the building
  4. Today
  5. Larry has left the forums 🙂
  6. Nice song, wonderful vocals. I always look forward to listening to the songs you post.
  7. Dropping from six months to one month cuts the amount of time CbB will work from the time the server stops activating it. They won’t have a bunch of people out there still using it for 6 months. 30 days later, all dead.
  8. There are other useful features of VST3 depending on your use case, ex Note expression, surround out, sample accurate automation, better remote support and while some plugins may support side chaining I prefer a standard approach without vendor workarounds etc. Summary of new VST3 features: VST features I don’t mind VST2 plugins (in many cases it’s all the same) but the fact that a VST3 version is missing may be a sign that the plugin is no longer maintained. i only install the VST3 version myself although these plugins generally tend to have more issues. It’s probably because they are using a lot of new code and the situation should improve over time. It’s already a lot better than it was 1-2 years ago.
  9. Thanks for sharing a project to reproduce the issue. The problem has been around for awhile but was not noticed since likely not many people had the specific combination of factors. You have to be running projects with lots of delay and have plug-in load balancing enabled and have envelopes downstream or something that uses timestamp info. This particular project had 10000 samples of delay. The actual problem was a simple time-stamping issue and unrelated to latency compensation, though latency certainly makes it more evident.
  10. Google Translate English to Simplified Chinese to the rescue 它显示您登录成功,这与激活不同。 换句话说,它识别出您有一个有效的用户帐户,但似乎您没有有效的付费订阅? Tā xiǎnshì nín dēnglù chénggōng, zhè yǔ jīhuó bùtóng. Huàn jù huàshuō, tā shìbié chū nín yǒu yīgè yǒuxiào de yònghù zhànghù, dàn sìhū nín méiyǒu yǒuxiào de fùfèi dìngyuè?
  11. Yesterday
  12. Hi to all who might have an interest in this thread. Just wanted to provide a quick update. The fundamental issue was specifically related to Plugin Load Balancing being enabled & I'm happy to share that Noel has found & resolved the issue & the fix will be in the next Sonar release! Cheers.
  13. Working on being able to use any DAW first... 😬
  14. Still valid and not just for the upgrade. Anyone can get it for $26 with that code.
  15. I don't know if there's any way to test a plug-in to see if it's shutting down when there's no audio. Usually the people selling the plug-in make a fuss about it in the marketing blurbs. Yeah, quick scanning, it's why if a plug-in installer doesn't allow me to install only the formats I want, I'll go in search of the unwanted formats and delete them.
  16. So, what if I go more than a month without using Cakewalk by Bandlab? Will it still allow me to activate it when I go to use it next time? Will I have to reinstall or do I have to make sure I check in at least once a month to keep it? I sometimes go more than a month between using it. 😀John B
  17. To keep expectations realistic, this is what was in the most recent CbB maintenance update: Updated to (July 3, 2024) Fixes in build Regression: Per Output Instrument Track disabled in Add Track flyout menu. BandLab API updates. Changes (build CbB has been updated to work with the new Cakewalk Product Center. Offline activation is now available via Product Center. Improvements to sign in process with new activation response and error pages. Signing in to BandLab no longer redirects you to the BandLab portal after sign in. Cakewalk no longer automatically launches the browser to sign in at app startup. The Sonar promotional window should not appear when running CbB offline (at this time). Updates for Sonar promotional window content. Fixed problems with unresponsive Sonar promotional window. Fixes for analytics and app startup. Fixes for in-app updates.
  18. Ok, I was able to active Z3TA-2 using offline activation. Phew! Dan
  19. I am tryin to activate Z3TA-2 on my Mac, running Sonoma 14.5. First it tells me I don't have an internet connection, then I get a spinning circle of lines. Command Center works fine on my PC. Unfortunately, my music production machine is my Mac. Any ideas? Dan
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