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DeeringAmps last won the day on April 10

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  1. It’s whack a mole time again! t
  2. I bought a second ToneX for the office when the $299 deal, came up (only I used my Whammy Jammies ala @Bapu. Only to be "humped" by IKM once again, if I'd know the little guy was coming I would have just gone that route. WTF, its only money, I might buy the little one anyway. Haven't played out in a long while, but I could plug it right into the PA and leave my MR Bluesman at home... t
  3. I'm holding out on this one until its in the $10 bin... Given that the $85ish 6 pac days are over, I've gotten a little more, "selective", shall we say... t
  4. blisters on my fingers and ears are bleeding; what more could I ask for? t
  5. Agree with all the above. Subscribed, liked and commented on YT. It’s easy folks, really it is. t
  6. I must have slept through the late 80’s, totally missed this one. That being said, this was great! I fear that the general attitude on the forum is that BandLab is a joke and we are “above” that. We’ll, thanks for dispelling that notion! Great collaboration, simply amazing. 👍 ‘s 👏 t
  7. Taking on Simon is a gutsy move. 👍👏 t
  8. As always, top notch songwriting, performance and production. But I’m a fan, what do I know? 👍s 👏 t
  9. Hey Rik, gotta agree a little more motion to that drone. If I’m honest, at 6:14; too long for me. Love that! t
  10. Plus points there! 👍’s t almost forgot to mention, you can like and comment at the click; no xtra charge…
  11. DeeringAmps


    I’m a fan, so you knew I was gonna love it. I think the guitar is just fine, the vocal is sitting on top, right where it should be. Classic beat on that intro, 👍. Chalk up another great one ☝️! 👏 t
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