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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. Create a MIDI with nothing else in it and insert a note via the piano roll view. To find the end of a project hit ctrl-end on your keyboard.
  2. Just a work around-insert a MIDI note where you want the end to be and mute that note. Or, drag the end of an existing MIDI note (or clip) to the end point.
  3. Lynn Wilson

    And Rest

    I love the deep tremelo on this tune, not to mention the nice phrasing of the chords. It has a textbook mix, and a hypnotic effect - classical Wookie!
  4. I second that! This takes me back in time, as I must have jammed this territory a thousand times. The very rawness of it makes it fresh, imo. You just can't fake this.
  5. Lynn Wilson

    A WORD

    OMG, this is so dope! This is one of my favorite tunes of yours on first listen. Your vocal just shines. (Boy, I'd love to hear you sing "Baker Street") Please, keep making videos. I hope to make one or two this year, just need some inspiration on the graphic's side.
  6. I love the sound of this, and now want to get a flamenco guitar! I can't finger pick, but that's OK. I'd find some use for it. Anyway, your blend of instruments are just right, and put me in a good mood. Thanks!
  7. Yeah! You have a habit of leaving me wanting more. This is one of those pieces that could be played live and enjoyed by many!
  8. Gary, as someone said above, this is not a Christian pop song. In fact, the words are dark and the music could be colored that way to give it a poignant feel, with an uplifting progression for the ending. The search has begun.
  9. I really like this one, Douglas! It reminds me of early Stones, especially your vocal. I guess I'm going to have to unpack my TH-U and start playing around.
  10. Superb! It gets under your skin and stays there for a while. Not bad for an apocalyptic warning. At least, I'll be dancing when the enemy catches up with me.
  11. Jack, this is quite unique and unexpected. It sounds like you put a lot of thought and emotion into this, and for that, I commend you. The only thing that caught my attention was the middle section that just didn't seem to flow with the rest of the song. Other than that, well done.
  12. I love this track! It sounds very polished and unique. I'll be back for more.
  13. Great song, mix, and performance! There is a lot to learn from this.
  14. Great job, Tom! You captured the mood I'm in, perfectly. Congratulations are in order!
  15. Lynn Wilson


    Wow! I love humor like this, dark and witty. Congratulations to you and your son, Daryl.
  16. Thank you, Makke for your kind words! Always good to hear from you.
  17. Wow! I would expect no less from you. Big
  18. This is a good song in search of a tweak or two to make it a gem. I agree that the lead vox seems a little bassy, but a high pass filter could fix that in a jiffy. I use an AT mic, too, and I often have to treat it after recording. I look forward to hearing this again after you get it where you want it to be.
  19. Lynn Wilson


    This reflects the mood I've been in, lately. Can't seem to get off the couch for very long. Strange comfort food, but I can't get enough.
  20. Lynn Wilson


    Sorry that I'm late to this party, but Wow! Listening to this put me in a really good mood, so I'm going back in. I love that big, fat guitar tone!
  21. Lynn Wilson

    Morning stars

    Another, fabulous, surfs up kind of song. You're channeling your inner Dick Dale in this. If only Frankie and Annette were still around...
  22. Lynn Wilson

    photo album

    This is a fun song to hear, which is what it's all about. The middle section, with the harmonica, seems a little disjointed or out of place, but that's a matter of taste. As stated above, it's a little narrow stereo-wise, but that's easy to remedy if you care. Keep 'em coming.
  23. What's not to like? Oh, maybe that it's over too soon.
  24. I agree with Mark, and I'm glad to see you back. This song is very timely, and I'm glad to hear it. Don't stay away so long, and stay warm and dry.
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