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Glenn Stanton

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About Glenn Stanton

  • Birthday June 8

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  1. valid concern giving other companies dealing with users. i think for Bandlab, it's somewhat different as they're part of a well-funded media product holding company. but like anything in the future, nothing is guaranteed. Studio One could go under, Apple Logic could eventually become a proper DAW, the programmer of Reaper could decide to take the riches and retire.... 🙂 so, much like anything else, only you can decide if your wallet and risk tolerance is balanced in a way that says "yes, Sonar makes sense for me", or simply acquire another product which does provide the balance.
  2. note: you can use articulation maps for creating the patterns in instruments which support keyswitches (or expression maps - you can import those from another DAW). a screenshot of articulation map (paid product) from Art Conductor for Cakewalk
  3. you might try to compress the duration of the clip to 50%? before setting = Process - > Length after
  4. maybe drink less coffee? maybe spend more time using the DAW and creating content and skip worrying about how much social media a product is using (e.g. how many times have you visited the "off-topics" area? vs tools & techniques?) one thing - if you are wealthy and can afford to suppliment the bandlab developer salaries, i'll bet it would be win-win -- you could become less anxious and they would have more money for cars, hot chicks, and better guitars.
  5. is the mixer class compliant? i have a Q802USB and a UMC202HD and in WASAPI mode i can use both, or just (mainly) using ASIO on the UMS202.
  6. the send would be on the track or on the shared instrument buss. having a send on a reverb which then returns to the same buss could invoke a "feedback" restriction on the routing 🙂 couple of other points - on the shared buss/aux reverbs - mix = 100% wet, no dry. on a track, reverb (or other FX) use the mix control to blend as desired - typically 100% dry and some % of wet . e.g i may have my Breverb set to 0db dry and -9db wet on a horn track where i want the reverb to ring out slight as the note ends.
  7. there seems to be a significant amount of A2 notes so that may be why Melodyne is assuming this is A Major - A C# E occaisional G (7th?) - so you might ask the guitarist if they could provide a chord chart with dots on strings type or tab just to verify.
  8. typically yes, but each instrument track might also need it's own EQ (this is where the Pro Channel EQ comes in handy) so you might have a buss EQ to manage the overal group of instruments.
  9. some basic thoughts: 1) if an effect (FX) is used only for that instrument - most times you can just put it on that track (either in the FX bin or using the Pro Channel) as it's not being "shared". 2) if there are several instruments of a similar kind, those would benefit from being routed to an aux track and/or a buss. e.g. i have several acoustic guitars, or several percussion instruments - like a drum kit - those may benefit by routing those to an aux track or buss and then applying reverb there, or have a dedicated shared reverb buss you can send multiple instruments to. 3) route the instrument tracks and aux track and busses to the master buss. so: track + eq + reverb ---> master buss & send to "room" reverb track + eq + reverb ---> master buss & send to "room" reverb track + eq + ...FX... ---> master buss & send to "room" reverb room reverb ---> master buss master buss ---> IO output you can also have drums with their own reverb as a set as well as say the snare having it's own (common) track + eq + snare reverb ---> drum buss & send to "room" reverb & send to "drum reverb" track + eq ---> drum buss & send to "room" reverb & send to "drum reverb" track + eq ---> drum buss & send to "room" reverb & send to "drum reverb" attached is a block diagram of my template which may be useful for you to study as well. DAW template - 02 - mix.svg
  10. you can rem out the cakewalk core and common files, and the executable path and reinstall, then copy over the INI etc files, reload the settings. copy back presets etc. you can do a system point, and restore if you find the install did wipe out some of your specifics.
  11. SI-Drums is pretty limited compared to say Addictive Drums and EZ Drummer, and of course for fuller control you'd probably look into Superior Drummer etc). so your're not going to have much options around placement compared to other VI drums with more outputs and flexibility in setting the triggers, positions, things like overhead, room, buss positions and options for distinct outputs. given the limits, and sample/triggering, you probably just need to work out what are the things you need for a given project and set your MIDI up to use it within the options SI-Drums provides. not sure if there are detailed maps for each of the provided kits or not.
  12. your configuration files (assuming the corruption didn't overwrite those) and presets etc (assuming you didn't overwrite stock presets, templates, etc) should remain intact with a new install. i routinely reinstall after a significant MS update and sometimes after an Edge update.
  13. i mean you could just use the matrix and drop a brush snare sample on it. about 15 seconds of work.
  14. the folder extension of .vst3 was resolved in CbB a few months back. the challenge is some developers of plugins don't properly handle the directory with a DLL extension name correctly in their own space. once the vendor properly codes their plugin, it will work. i've had several prominent vendors not handle it correctly when they first rolled out their plugins using the new Steinberg VST3 spec, but most have resolved the issue via updates.
  15. maybe re-install Sonar or CbB because the Win11 update may have overwritten a library needed. whilst the MS DLL should be backwards compatible, and maybe API-wise it is, the implementation details unfortunately aren't always consistent. i make it a point to re-install (and/or run the redistributables) after each significant Windows update. as far as "wrong directory" - i have some VST3 that the plugin installer dropped into the Cakewalk\VSTPlugins and was installed correctly. and i have some VST2 that, likewise, got installed into the Common Files\VST3 folder, also installed fine. for the most part, as far as i can tell, CW did not design the scanner to care about location of a DLL or VST3 file, as long as the location was in the plugin manager list of places to scan.
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