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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @Steev Sounds like a bit of down and dirty live Blues Jamming to these furry ears and the chap on the desk, if there is even a desk, has probably had one to many whiskey sours or similar, but hey it maters not. Nice jamming sir with excellent blues groove.
  2. The link is not as obvious as it could be thanks to YouTube. Initially if that is a Kick in the intro it does not appear to have any weight if it is a low/floor tom like wise there is no weight. It sounds like everything below about 150hZ has been rolled off at about 48dB/Octave. Is this Death Metal or the like? Probably a good tune of that type but the mix needs a little bit more a of a visit.
  3. I agree you need to add a little suspense to the intro, just a few tweaks and there is a good song here to be had.
  4. Wookiee

    Autumn rain

    I figure you must get aggressive growling Autumn Rains there @Makke ? Nice growling guitar tone,, nice backing too.
  5. Wookiee

    into your eyes

    Not my thing but the mix comes across OK here.
  6. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 1

    Well the Dark One's are said to be waiting in Jupiter for the Sleeper to wake. Thanks for listening and commenting.
  7. Wookiee

    The Gas Giants 1

    The Gas Giants 1 The Gas Giant looms before you, as you approach you find yourself surrounded by thousands of ice crystals. Two Chery Audio Synths and two Arturia Synths.
  8. Wookiee

    A Soft Parade

    @Makke thank you, you went deep for this.
  9. RIP Charlie thank you for your solid swing style.
  10. Shame I missed it bu&&er
  11. Wookiee


    Suitably none intrusive groove for her vocal. Mix works well here on my Event 20/220's
  12. Not sure if it is the intent but the whole thing sounds constrained to me as if something is holding it back from flying. Listening on Event 20/20's driven by a TEAC A-X 5030.
  13. Sounds OK, well constructed track.
  14. Different sound s a little mechanical, the melody was fine just felt mechanical.
  15. Always an emotive subject and one can always find data the refute one argument against another. All I know is that the seasons seem to have been eroded since I was just a Wookleet However I need to remind people the point is to review the music not the political content. So keep the comments about the music or we will find not only political songs being banned but also songs with religious content, gender, etc. Thanks PS @freddy j Cool grooving sir cool grooving.
  16. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    @bjornpdx thanks glad you enjoyed this.
  17. Sounds OK here and I can nothing specific in the video that should cause offence. Perhaps it has something to do with the title and the opening scene. It could be misconstrued he is on he knees praying????
  18. I seem t be hearing I don't Know? Like wise I don't know either.
  19. Mix sounds little boxy here on my Event 20/20's sounds like the top has been cropped off perhaps a few more tweaks would help. You definitely have a Captain Beefheart quality to your vocal.
  20. Wookiee


    @mark skinner Sounds good here, on the Melodyne move from cello to violin did you play with the formants as I wonder if that what might be need to get that extra shift in tonality. This has a nice groove to it. (lead guitar players are over rated 😎😂) Your playing sound fine.
  21. @DeeringAmps I will now there's one to watch. Tom I am the onboard barista on the Falcon, I have to say she made a real meal of texturing that milk. As for her wand hygiene well. We have a proper Barista style coffee machine on board, Solo was a nightmare with out his coffee in the morning. Well I am not much better
  22. I will now there's one to watch.
  23. Wookiee

    It's a D thing

    @Dave Oliffethanks nice to know it growled for you.
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