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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks for this detail. Very good to know the difference depending on where its done. Makes sense; I just never compared the two before.
  2. Nice explorations! I am a big fan of exploring the UI and then setting up ad hoc workflow customizations. I like that we can dock some of the views as either full height or partial height as well as either full width or partial width depending on which views we are using and the docking status of the views. You don't mention these full/partial height/width options, and I am not sure if you are planning to enumerate in your video all possible combinations like you tried to do with the insert soft synth/insert instrument methods. As was discussed in another thread, I think it would be overwhelming (esp. for those new to Cakewalk) to enumerate all of the possible combinations in the video. You might want to consider just mentioning that there are various options (maybe showing one or two as quick examples) and then put a link to a text-based document with static screen shots in the comments section (and just below the embedded video) that shows the logic behind having the options, a taxonomy of the options, and then examples.) Also, you might want to have someone proofread it for attitudinal bias--such as a statement that having options is a bad thing. I agree with your comments when you say having options can be confusing (esp. to those who are new to using Cakewalk), but to me that doesn't mean they should be removed. Rather, I would think/hope that teaching materials can show the basics and give a small taste of intermediate and advanced options.
  3. I have a lot of test themes that I haven't updated to conform with all the changes over the past year because I just use them as reference points for things I tried in the theme editor. (No need to spend time updating.) Sometimes I get UI anomalies based on a non-updated theme. I know its a long shot, but this might be from something similar.
  4. Suppose someone has multi-midi track songs that were done with hardware sound modules and she or he wanted to add some software instrument tracks to re-orchestrate it for soft synths in whole or in part. One option is to add hybrid instrument tracks, delete the midi tracks, and then point the original midi tracks to the instrument tracks with the soft synths. I think it would be more efficient to be able to just add soft synths and then point the midi tracks to the soft synths using the [O]utput track widget directly. Someone could even add a number of soft synths and test drive a specific midi track by simply changing the [O]utput.
  5. Ever since I first saw it, I have called it the insert instrument [or track] wizard in the forum. That's the term I have seen used for decades to describe a dialog system like that which leads users in a step-by-step manner to make choices which culminate in creating a group of settings. From what I have seen some groups have misinterpreted the word "wizard" as an anti-religious reference and evidently the term has been shunned by some people in some places. To me "wizard" fits "the new dialog." Apologies to anyone who might be offended, but I will continue to call it "the insert instrument wizard."
  6. I just checked 5 files (4 from November 2021 and 1 from Dec 2020); they all had different dates.
  7. Thanks! I seem to remember changing colors a while ago but more recently I couldn't find how I used to do it. Sounds like I probably did it before I started using CbB and the theme editor. Another old man memory issue mystery solved! 🙂
  8. Well, if suggestions for changes are in order, how about the ability to code the "interior lines" with I Ching patterns--different button interior patterns do different things!!! 64 different states per button!!!!! User definable states! 😉
  9. I looked earlier today and saw the "interior lines" but didn't connect that with "hexagram." But then again, I was long familiar with the 3 lines that I discovered years later some people were calling a hamburger. To me it looks more like lines, but at least now I know what some people mean when they say "click on [or tap] the hamburger." I kinda like "I Ching" lines. Ch- ch- ch- CHANGES! (Plus it reminds me of my college GF of several years and her friends who introduced me to the I Ching.) Doesn't look like "double hamburgers" or even a Whopper(r). Anyhow, kudos for figuring out all those cells!
  10. Trying to understand this. If something was previously purchased, I thought we couldn't "double up" unless we transferred the original purchase. And if we got something in the Group Buy as a promotion, it cannot be selected. I did a Venn diagram but can figure out what lies outside of those two that can be doubled up. I defer to the expertise of those of you who have some these kinds of things.
  11. Lots of quality classic music (songs and albums) from the Moody Blues. Lots of fond musical memories. Justin Hayward's brief statement about Edge's passing can be found here.
  12. Thanks for asking this and for the quick solution. I have some oral history tapes which I had started to mark up in CbB and have it on my to-do list to figure out how to export selections. This method sounds like it would be helpful to me.
  13. Just an FYI: Update Nov 10 2021: 2021.11 Update 1 (build I had logged into CbB earlier today and then again about an hour or so ago. Got the toaster notification (just got better / update 1 available). Immediately (that is, before loading a project), I took the update path and the newest improvements self-installed, rebooted CbB, and refreshed my activation. This works for me in part because my audio PC is on line.
  14. In short, check to see if you have the build that fixed this issue.
  15. Can you recommend any text-based, progressive, step-by-step tutorials that break down the overall task into chunks?
  16. Just adding some new information on NeoChip that might be helpful to the OP or others who might really want to use old, non-updated, zero-revision 32-bit plug-ins [aka abandonware, hobbyist plug-ins, etc.]. ALSO: It >>might<< be useful for CbB users who have older projects with older plug-ins that work when loaded in the older project but which cause issues under other circumstances. Several times today my NeoChip.cwp file opened and worked right away. So, I wanted to see if I could create a new project with NeoChip. Again, I started a new project using "--My Blank Template--*" [my customized default]. As before, from the menu bar I used Insert > Soft Synth... and chose the 32-bit NeoChip plug-in which I had added to my scan path [no installer; its in "Downloads"; previous added to CbB via a manual VST scan--no scanning errors]. CbB hung with "Processing tracks . . . " in the transport [not "Processing audio . . ." as I misremembered when I first did it]. So I killed it in task manager and rebooted CbB. Tried the "Replace Synth" strategy. Started a new project using "--My Blank Template--*" but this time I inserted a different 32-bit plug-in that has been in my arsenal for ages--something called photon that might have been made with Synth Edit. There were two modules that couldn't be loaded. But photon worked. At that point I used right-click in track pane > Replace Synth and switched it to NeoChip. It worked. I have seen issues mentioned years with some hobbyist plug-ins developed using Synth Edit. Just a guess (100% speculation), but maybe Cakewalk has some code that can handle some of these issues and under certain circumstances those ancient plugins will load and will run. Or maybe its something I've seen on my PC before: it works on my system, but won't work for anyone else. So, I am not recommending this plug-in (NeoChip), not recommending 32-bit plug-ins, etc. But maybe, if another user really wants to use a specific ancient plug-in, these details might help. UPDATE: Nor am I suggesting that the devs need to look into this. It is often advised not to use 32-bit plug-ins in 64-bit environments. At best, their use is "iffy." To me, its like asking for trouble. But if the above works, I'd consider it a bonus.
  17. What do you mean by pentagrams / pentagram mode? Project 5? Or, are you asking if you can write notes on a five-line staff and use different tunings based on the placement of notes on the staff? If so, altered tunings can be done by soft synths. Some even use scales [tuning systems] that are defined in Scala files.** Also, If you used SONAR 3.0 and switched recently to Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB), and you have no experience with the skylight user interface that was introduced in SONAR X1, that might be a major issue for you. The jump from the pre-SONAR X1 GUI to the skylight GUI was difficult for many long-time users of SONAR. I am still not sure what you mean by pentagram mode, but I hope some of what I said is helpful. **Some hardware synth modules (sound modules) can also use "altered tuning" scales. Are these hardware synths? If so, are you asking if there is a plugin you can use in CbB [Cakewalk by Bandlab] that will adjust the notes in the Staff View and send midi information to your hardware synths so that they play "altered tunings" on your hardware?
  18. Same lesson I learned (but I didn't get the Resonator). Wish I could do something with 12 remaining unused/unusable promotional slots. Maybe IK will take mercy on us and are updating the server at this very moment so we can fill in the gaps and get our missing 3.5 products without having to pay another $249. Maybe.
  19. Having participated in the recent IK group buy (my first ever), I agree 100%. It would be nice if people with unused/unusable promotional slots from the last big promotion (still sort of underway) could get credit toward the latest TOTAL MAX upgrade. At 10% of my unused slots, I would have $90. It looks like the latest version would give me less than a dozen products on top of what I now have. 😜 Wish I could use the mere 10% of the value of the unused slots to add the additional TOTAL MAX 3.5 content (estimated to be less than 12 products based on the latest IK Comparison Info). But, it has been a learning experience. If I am tempted by another IK Group Buy, I will wait until the TOTAL MAX 6.0 upgrade. 😜
  20. There has been a lot of discussion about using Bandlab Assistant. I don't know all the details, but I have been using the in-app process for a number of months (most of 2021 IIRC). There have been steady improvements in that process. The Web Installer is newer and I am sure there are threads that mention why it is still in progress. If by "the working installer" you mean BA, there are threads about that, too. For me the in-app updater has been super smooth for months, so I use it. Hope it works smoothly for you, too.
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