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Everything posted by Will

  1. I like. Nice guitar solo and very good vocal harmonies.
  2. Pretty good song, well played. I'd bring down the guitar in the right channel quite a bit though. It's hiding the vocal.
  3. When you figure it out you'll tell me, right?
  4. I don't think I've heard these before. Thought is was really good! I love space stuff. I tried to build a rocket ship propelled by skin diver's oxygen tanks in the 2nd grade.
  5. Will

    Proud Dad!

    Not bad at all! I don't know how they do it. I would never have had the guts to sing in front of people in high school. (In grade school I did because I was still too young to be self conscious.)
  6. Bout time somebody recognizes true genieass around here.
  7. For a guy who grew-up on Samuel Johnson, GK Chesterton, and Russell Kirk, the lyrics didn't appeal to me, but I liked the music. I still think the vox could be a little louder.
  8. Great playing Eric. Just terrific.
  9. Well, if you're gonna steal Clapton's SG, the least you can do is play some blues on it . . . which you did quite well.
  10. Good tune John even with the older synth sounds.
  11. Will

    A Man I Cannot Be

    Yeah, too much verb on the vox, but everything else sounds real good.
  12. I'd put a low-pass on the percussion, but otherwise it's a beautiful thing man. Love the lyrics especially.
  13. Cool tunes! Cool digs! And ultra cool hot-water-heater-echo-chamber! You got any springs in that thang?
  14. Hmm, so if I'm bitten by a Venus Flytrap, what will I become?
  15. Will


    I wanted to have a song to post at the new forum, but I didn't have a new song, so I posted an old one of mine. I've lost a little weight since then, but I'm still plenty ugly.
  16. Dude, you can't be respectable and play a Tele. They'll sho nuff throw you out da club.
  17. It reminds me of these fancy-dancy names ladies on planning committees come up with for new subdivisions like "The Manors of Woodfield". I always want to spray-paint over the entrance signs "The Houses in the Grass."
  18. I think it's the "by" part I don't care for. If they called it "Bandlab Cakewalk" it wouldn't be so bad. How would "Telecaster by Fender" sound?
  19. I have to say that "Cakewalk by Bandlab" seems to me like a really awkward name for a DAW. Why not just call it Cakewalk?
  20. I think it's partly a genre thing too. From what I can gather, nearly every studio in Nashville is using Pro Tools, so the country people seem to be really big on it.
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