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  1. I started a new Playlist for Sonar. I will now use this for all future tutorials. This is the playlist link.
  2. I'm gonna push back against some of what you said here. Sure, back in the day the Top Ten was always jam packed with candy floss toss, but that was music for the general public. I remember my step father used to DJ on river boat parties, and he'd buy the top-ten singles every week, because he knew they were the ones most people would ask for. He had crates full of top ten singles from the previous years, and I would sometimes go through them hoping to find a gem. As you can imagine, most of it was trash. Anyone remember Tarzan Boy? Crazy Frog? Those were the songs people wanted to listen to. That was for the masses. But we are not talking about that here, right? We are talking about high musicianship and connoisseurship. There used to be places for people like that . In the UK, there were late night DJs like John Peel who would introduce niche audiences to niche music. My friends and I would tape his shows because you were guaranteed to discover a gem each time (on a side note, I was luck enough to have my single be played by him shortly before his passing). Then there was the indie scene. I grew up buying bootlegs and test pressings from small indie record shops. They were places to hang out, meet like minded people, even meet the bands sometimes. That was a far cry from big labels. Sure you had to make the effort to go to the shop....but you were likely to get recommended something great by the guy behind the counter, and that personal touch meant a whole lot more than the 'other buyers also liked' suggestion at the bottom of your Amazon order or YouTube page. They were places of community. Also, how did a teenager living in the suburbs of the UK get to know about American indie music? DIY Skateboard videos is where. Before the internet, we used to circulate low quality skateboard videos. That was where I discovered Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jnr, Black Flag, Husker Du etc. Sure there was MTV, but most kids I knew didn't have MTV or cable or satellite. Later on, in my 20s, it was boutique labels that introduced me to the best music. If you liked Bjork, you'd check out the rest of One Little Indian's roster. If you were into Badly Drawn Boy, you'd check out the other artists on Twisted Nerve. The labels were a form of curation, just as great DJs were curators. Not everyone was in the pockets of big labels, and not every label was out to shaft the little guys. Many of them where like small families. However, that all seems to have gone now. Sure, there are still labels (online and offline) but they are trying to stay afloat in an ocean of trash. Sure there are playlist curators....but.....comon.....seriously? It's not that the Brave New World of the internet self distribution doesn't have its pros (I can now write a song, record it in a day, and have it up on-line in 24 hours - whoopy), it's that any level of real curation has fallen to the wayside. The so-called gate-keepers were there to slow down the onslaught of sludge. I'll explain a bit more clearly from my own personal experience. A few years ago I decided to explore the world of internet radio. There are lots and lots of legitimate radio stations on-line which will accept open submission from unknows, unsigned artists. I started pushing my stuff wondering if this might lead somewhere. As I'm sure you all know, if you have an account with Spotify or Bandcamp etc, you can see your stats on a daily basis, you can monitor the progress. You can see when, where, even who, listens to your music. (I don't think this is always a healthy thing). Well over the course of two years having my music playing on loads of radio stations (sometimes on a daily basis), being nominated for an award, being put into dozens and dozens of playlists, the impact on my stats was....nothing. Most playlists are never listened to by anyone other than the artists on them (just sign up to one of the many playlists on X/Twitter and you'll receive your set of instructions to stream the entire playlist daily to 'improve' each others stats). Those radio stations (I suspect) are not listened to by anyone other than the artists on them either. It started to feel like nothing more than a vanity project. Now, take into account the millions and millions of songs being self released every day; where is the audience for them? That is, in my opinion, the problem with the internet model. The sheer volume and the lack of curation. @Starship Krupa what I'm specifically kicking back against is when you said 'it's the lack of effort' that people put into finding new music. I disagree. Suggesting that the listener isn't trying hard enough to find new music when they have to wade through a sea of millions and millions of mediocre (or worse) self-published stuff is disregarding just how frustrating it has become. And let's also be clear. We don't just search out music that sounds good. We want a story. We want a package. We want a brand. That's why the people who are good at self promotion are the top feeders. But being internet savvy and good at promotion doesn't necessarily make someone a great writer of player. Let's be honest, to get to the level of Lenny Breau you'd have to be playing for hours each day...not servicing your online accounts and pushing content. But that's what it has become. When I was talking with a mentor he told me a thing that I recognize to be sadly true. 'It's not about the music anymore. The music is just a freebie'. No-one want to pay for music anymore. So musicians are now having to use the music as ways into selling something else. At the moment the big trends are services promising the keys to the kingdom. Promises of increasing your Spotify stats if you sign up to their course. Promises of perfect mixes if you sign up to their course. The music is just an end product, like the crappy pottery experiments that are the end result of that 2 week pottery course. The music has become devalued to such a level that it means nothing. Sure there are still great musicians out there. Sure we can go look for them. But it's like me putting you in a shipping container yard in Shanghai and telling you to find a great pair of shoes: they are in there somewhere, but how much effort are you going to put into finding them?
  3. unfortunately venomode is no longer available, Phrasebox is a very good tool for ideas, but I haven't found anything for exporting the phrases to midi or in the piano track. You can copy it and place it in the playlist (FL Studio), but that won't be of much use if you want to edit the phrase. Anyone have an idea ?
  4. That’s because this is an old thread and I deleted all my videos a year ago for various technical reasons. I have since updated some of them and I updated the links just now this is the playlist
  5. The price for each product in a bundle ends up being attractive. Here’s a massive playlist of all the new stuff: https://youtu.be/UXeytYpr6_Q?si=3LC3Xv28FnlwTuj5
  6. @Duncan Stitt You can most certainly set up Cakewalk with playlist and then you will definitely have to purchase Sonar in the future. There’s lots of info spread all over this forum but I’ll just state the basic facts for you. Cakewalk uses a authorization system that Bandlab can deactivate any time they choose. They are going to keep it active only so people can transition to Sonar. The end date is unknown but will come. You need to have installed the very latest version to take advantage of the borrowed time. Sonar is now available as a early access version watch this video for info https://youtu.be/7CfkcisYtLI?si=h2iD8_teOHIV__uC It most certainly has the playlist and we are hoping in the future they upgrade it. The TTS-1 has become old and unstable and Roland asked Cakewalk to remove it so they did. There’s lots of alternatives to GM players. Watch this. https://youtu.be/kF3tEttGdIQ?si=fE2pYVduYk_EwoeA or better yet use better VST instruments watch this https://youtu.be/LI040J9apwU?si=ZlhSrJeLQ7QxFx5D
  7. Could you elaborate on the "borrowed time" thing? I just got CbB maybe a month ago in order to use their playlist function on live gigs. (I used to use it in the 90s-early 2000s.) Since I'm still tweaking midi files on the Mac and haven't yet moved them to CbB, would I be better off buying the new Sonar, assuming it also has the playlist function? I'd hate to spend hours and hours setting up files in CbB with TT1, only to have to set them up over again with a different midi sound engine when Cakewalk no longer opens.
  8. These videos will explain everything you need to understand to use midi. https://youtu.be/YJlI6U8Rqa0?si=S0Ufs1p4MpMNLlcv https://youtu.be/rVWeMsPZ-hc?si=x4pjeMyariIJcAue There’s many more on my Tutorials playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7YqVth30eGsURWrKGeu-fFyg3ETjF-Ox&si=z5zY8h6W-uij_zvw
  9. I think sometimes our accounts can become corrupt on their servers and weird things happen. I've never seen the problem you're having, but I'm having a weird problem of my own. YouTube shows my library is empty, except when I look at it on my cell. I'm logged in on my PC, several TV's, 2 firesticks, and they say there is nothing in my library to watch except when I look at it from my cell. What I did to get around it is, I created a playlist from my cell and added all my videos to the list and that playlist shows up on all my devices I'm logged in to. But if I ever loose access to my library from my cell I'm screwed.
  10. I have searched everywhere but can't find this topic. Is there any way to increase the font size used in the playlist? I understand using the windows magnifier ability but this blows everything up. I use Cakewalk for a live show and have the playlist minimized on the right hand side of the screen to be able to see which songs are coming up. The font is very small and hard to read. Is there a way to vary the size of the font and if not, could it be added to the program?
  11. Many plug ins need to be de-authorized on the original system first. I had the problem when the OS drive died . But all the vendors are very good about this if you contact them with the explanation. If they are on iLok you can manage that there. And yes I used X3 as an example because it is an offline system of activation. I used Home Studio as example because it is still using CCC but way more stable than SPLAT because it is simple. Splat in those days crashed a lot for me I would never go back. But HS was solid. I’ll have to check later and see if it has the playlists though. I don’t think so. Edit: yes it has Playlist. My plan was to not use the playlist anyhow. I was experimenting with using groupings of 5-6 songs in one project. That’s sort of how I play anyhow. That’s what I didn’t like about the playlist, to slow between songs. Bang off 6 songs and people don’t mind if you take a 1 minute break. But even 10 seconds between each song is enough to clear the dance floor.
  12. @scook has not logged on to the forum since last September. I hope he is well as he’s been a part of my Forum life for a long long time. I learned more from him ( and @msmcleodthan anyone else here. If you go through my playlist starting with this one I have about 6 tutorials on using VST instruments you might want to start your own thread if you have further questions as it’s confusing to start helping a different person mid thread
  13. Double points New Order - Movement (Full Album - YouTube playlist)
  14. Joy Division - Still (Full Album) YouTube Playlist of the above:
  15. I actually started a new Playlist For both Sonar and Next a while ago but had to take down the videos as requested because they didn’t want anything happening outside the beta testing. I put this first one out a few day ago just to show people how to get it. There’s actually nothing much else to say because nothing really changed.
  16. REM - Fables Of The Reconstruction (Full Album - YouTube playlist)
  17. John Vere

    MIDI Tracks not playing

    I have a series of videos to explain most of the basic stuff. My Channel https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7YqVth30eGsURWrKGeu-fFyg3ETjF-Ox&si=rPDmAhZCOiKc1QcD
  18. I'm just thinking (for the hundredth time), what an interesting playlist this thread would make! 😂
  19. Polygon Window - Surfing On Sine Waves (Full Album - YouTube Playlist)
  20. yes i'd love a yt playlist from here
  21. here's the "liverpool sound collage" playlist
  22. Finally, finished my Cakewalk Tutorial Series geared towards beginners. The series is made in a way that even those who are new to music production as a whole (not just Cakewalk) will be able to understand the concepts. We are in fact producing a piece of music through the series. However, the production should be seen as a tool to help the viewer understand Cakewalk effortlessly. Here are the videos - Video Episodes 1 through 5 deals with the most basic stuff that needs to be understood or set up, before we actually start a project. Without these, Cakewalk is quite blank to even start a project. After we have set all the necessary things up, we can start working in Cakewalk. From Video Episodes 6 through 14, we see the core concepts of Cakewalk and see how they actually fit in the actual production process. 1. How to Install Cakewalk by Bandlab Obviously the first thing to do. The installation process should be done with a bit of care, as we need the files in the appropriate locations. Otherwise we might end up having to fix those later in the future, & can lead to unnecessary confusion.In this video, we go through the installation process step-by-step. In the end, we also go through some initial setting up post-installation. If you installed with a random directory, thinking you could change them in the future, a normal re-installation process will not some of them. You will have to follow the steps listed in this page. 2. How to install VST Plugins If a DAW is a factory, then the plugins are the machinery. Cakewalk does have enough plugins to mix, but seriously lacks in the category of Instrument plugins (plugins that create sound).In this video, we see how we can add plugins (instruments or FX) into Cakewalk. 3. Working with Samples in Cakewalk Samples are pieces of short Audio. This video could have been done later in the series. However, I wouldn't have been able to place it right in the story telling. Besides we do need to understand what samples are before we get into the next video. 4. Working with Sampler Plugins Samplers are plugins into which we can load samples. Some samplers can be used for quite simple purposes like triggering a one-shot sample (short audio sample), while some others can be used in sophisticated ways like a synthesizer. In this video, we look mostly look into the former type. 5. Working with Sample Libraries Several small audio samples combine to form libraries. These libraries can be loaded into plugins that can be categorized as Sample Players (advanced sampler). Sample libraries are the way to go if you want to emulate realistic instruments. 6. Cakewalk Piano Roll View The Piano Roll View is where we can write music inside Cakewalk. We write the melody and the corresponding instrument will generate the corresponding pitch. 7. How to make Drum Beats in Cakewalk We can do this by using samples directly in the Clips Pane (Main Timeline) or, by using a sampler plugin. However, there are some more stuff that should be understood to program drums efficiently. We see those in this video. 8. Cakewalk Step Sequencer Watch the video if you want FL Studio like Step Sequencer. Also, the video is kind of like an extension of the previous video. 9. Cakewalk Console View The Console view is like the imitation of the mixing consoles we see in Studios (or movies 🤭). This is where we mix our project. Mixing is the process by which multiple sounds are combined into one or more channels. The video goes in detail on each module. If you see it from beginning to end, you will be able to translate mixing tutorials on any DAW, into CbB console view. 10. How to Record MIDI In video 6, we saw how we can enter MIDI notes by using the mouse. But, if you do know how to play a keyboard, then you can connect a MIDI keyboard and record your performance. This video involves setting up the MIDI device and all the recording process. 11. How to Record Audio Just like MIDI, we can record audio (vocal, instruments, etc). In this video, we record stuff without using any interface to connect the recording devices. 12. Automation in Cakewalk Automation means to record the movement of a control such that the next time we play, that control plays automatically. Automation is one of the keys to making our project sound good. Not just mixing, they can also give some very interesting musical results. In this video, we go through everything we can do in Cakewalk with respect to automation. 13. Bounce Audio inside Cakewalk We might need to bounce MIDI or audio into the processed output inside the DAW itself. It could be to reduce the load on the CPU, or to implement some creative ideas (like reversing the audio). In this video we go through the two methods to do this. 14. How to Export from Cakewalk Not only in the end of the production, we might have to export the project out of Cakewalk for different reasons (like for collaborating and all). In this video, we go through almost all of them along with the final export to get a streaming ready file. And that is the end of the absolute basic stuff needed to be understood to make music in Cakewalk. I'll still be uploading videos to the same Playlist, but they will not be numbered episodes as they don't need to be seen in order. Regards - AdK (Until I finalise my artist name) ______________________________________ PS - Making Tutorials is not the only thing I do in my channel. My primary goal is to inspire new comers to produce music with Cakewalk & other freeware. Cheers..!
  23. First timer on the forum. I am having a problem with my playlist not working. When a song ends , now time is still scrolling across the page endlessly so i assume it is meant to stop by itself so that the playlist will then execute the next song on the list. i assumed since there is no more sound this would happen automatically ????
  24. REM - New Adventures In Hi-Fi (Full Album - YouTube Playlist)
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