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Alan Tubbs

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Everything posted by Alan Tubbs

  1. Bingo. A lot of the emphasis of the matrix is arrangement, not performance. Hopefully bandlab will find the time to integrate it more into a performance tool, tho ableton has that wrapped up like pro tools is the standard for daws.
  2. I had forgotten about plasma fx. I got into cakewalk w plasma. And a fun effect that was very ... dynamic.
  3. I upgraded to Vegas 14? During Magic’s blowout and that is wonky now. All of a sudden I don’t have permission to access the old files. Vegas 7 still works but not with modern vid files which I used. To tell the truth I haven’t tried to fix Vegas just to make some changes in a past project, but that is the point. If you buy professional tools it is disappointing to spend the day mucking about trying to get them to work. I don’t do enough video to burn time-until I have to. im sure I can get those programs sorted out, it is just disappointing to have to. thanks Lynn.
  4. Are you sure magic is safe. My special purchase of Vegas doesn’t work now, and even my almost decades old Vegas 7 is wonky. Just be prepared to upgrade every year for another $200.
  5. Of course, if cakewalk had a Mac version they’d still be part of Roland since Roland wouldn’t have had to provide an Mac daw for their hardware products as well as the pc cake. Cakewalk tried and tried to make a Mac version but failed. Don’t expect one. Cakewalk should have made a p5 Mac version when they wrote that daw.
  6. I don’t know about bouncing a frozen track but you can copy a frozen track, put it on a separate track, then unfreeze the old track and archive it. Both same the same.
  7. As far as I know, no. The uad accelerator uses shark chips to run their emulations. They don’t drain your computer cpu.
  8. Yes, there is no reason one shouldn’t drag tabs or rearrange synths. Been a bitch of mine for years, but isn’t a showstopper. Just an itch.
  9. I was gonna say a moog modular but lucky man was done on the first Mini moog in the wild. Mr moog sent him one during the lucky man sessions. But no software is going to sound exactly like a moog, but you can get close. The lucky man front panel sheet used to be around on the internet.
  10. Any electronic piece can cause distortion. Mic - see above. Preamp, yea, esp. the $5 worth of electronics that can come with cheaper interfaces. Even your compressor can … One good thing - if your converter overs you will notice. But really, you have to go down the list from mic to converter back to mic, testing each iteration. And tho I don't sing, singers are usually like every other musician and play louder than they practice. Might be the problem. @
  11. Looks good. Love wavetables. Thanks
  12. I’ve stuck w/ 22/44 since the time rate conversion could choke a computer. Never heard a difference, even after many pros went to 96 simply because they could.
  13. Find another, similiar file to put into the element(s). One that doesn't have a long attack.
  14. You can’t record cake effects when tracking. Just about every soft fix comes post recording, ie., you only add effects to the clean recording. You’ll need to record thru external hardware, an analog channel strip or something similar. Capture the sound you require going in. as to settings, that is totally source song dependent. Tempo should determine the time settings on compressors to reinforce or pulse to the tempo. eq is dependent on upon finding the tracks’ most important frequencies and the relationship between other track’s defining frequencies. You’re best option is to try different presets and work from those.
  15. Ribbons sound better backed off a bit. If you get to much of a bad room or too much bleed use a 57 or dynamic close.
  16. just checking ….
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