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Everything posted by Skyline_UK

  1. Happy New Year everyone! And thanks to Noel and all the team. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
  2. Many thanks. All ok. Before installing it said the previous duff version was running and needed cancelling, so clicking on the 'X' to close a running instance of Assistant obviously doesn't actually work.
  3. Doesn't work for me. ☹️ What's the 'manual' method?
  4. A terrific track Kevin, I loved the guitar sounds and the superb vocal harmonies, all just up my street! Do I detect a liking for Steve Miller? The track was excellently engineered as well, great job all round. John
  5. I once sat up all night studying for a urine test. 😐
  6. Bob: "Those in the coda of life..." I hadn't realised I was enjoying my final movement! πŸ˜–πŸ˜
  7. Ha ha! Love it! An ingenious mix of found sounds and Lord knows what else... Very original to say the least! Loved it, and the barmy video! Maybe you have to be a Brit or Aussie to fully appreciate! (It's a brave soul that includes Rolf in something! ....) 🀣😎
  8. I found it here: Lynn's BandLab page Wow, that was loud! In a good way...! Love the vocals Lynn. Smart lyrics too.
  9. Yes, I don't think I've ever seen such a clean, spacy looking forum. Well done BL. πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
  10. Cool, I enjoyed this. Nicely engineered too.😎 John
  11. Hi Bob and welcome! I remember you from way back in my early days of using BIAB! John
  12. Thanks Kurre, I hadn't realised I'd done that! Actually I've done a couple of tests and it seems if I copy and paste the long URL from the top of the screen on the YT site it doesn't embed, but it does if I use the different (short) link given in the YT editor for the video.
  13. Jesse, when put a YouTube link it doesn't embed automatically. I'll put an example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbqBtr56Et0
  14. Very impressive Pete, I loved the vocal harmonies and the frequent changes of direction.😎
  15. Very enjoyable guitar improvising Eric, and a nice tone! πŸ†’
  16. Thanks mkerl. I basically scour the tinterweb and look for snippets that might fit the music well. Can be fun, but can sometimes take a long while! I ask owners where possible if I can use them, telling them the context, and have only ever had one refusal.
  17. Nice track Wookiee, I enjoyed it. BTW I can't see how to embed a video, how's that done?
  18. Just testing a post really, but this a song of mine I'm kinda proud of ... with its very personal lyrics!
  19. Tell me how, I can't seem to change my name field. EDIT: Solved. I change my BandLab name and then choose to have it reflected here. πŸ‘
  20. I made it over. Hi everyone! John ('Skyline_UK')
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