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Sidney Earl Goodroe

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  1. The Metal Gems would be installed in users. Would it not?
  2. Question! I have used up my 20 user spots in Tonex CS. As I understand, if I download the Metal Gems it will overwrite and I would lose 4 of my installed user amps possibly!! I have probably 5 or 6 of those spots used up by pedals that I never use. Can I delete those spots and that leave me open to get the Metal Gems without overwriting my other amps? I have the Dumble Collection and do not want to lose those! BTW, I do plan to move from CS to full version asap but money is tight right now.
  3. When I say I will continue to support Cake, it is conditional to them leaving it alone as is! I am no fan of any subscription model that is just chomping at the bit to turn off my software! The least you could do in my opinion is turn off my ability to update but leave me with a working software as is! Give me the choice to upgrade. For years I have preached the gospel of Cake to anyone and everyone who would listen. However, we have been so roiled over the past year about pay or subscription that I stopped doing it. I use several other DAWs and would have no problems jumping ship elsewhere but I CHOOSE to use Cake. What is sad is that the other DAWs I use I have been sometimes as far behind as 2 to 3 versions and they worked brilliantly until I could afford to upgrade! I don't see that subscription model anywhere close to Cake right now. AND NO ONE IS BEING COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT ABOUT THEIR INTENTIONS BEYOND THE MISERABLE SUBSCRIPTION MODEL WE HAVE NOW! I will continue to use Cake as long as I can but until I see a better sales plan than what we have now, I will not recommend Cake to anyone!
  4. I have used Cake products since Pro Audio 9! I have a copy of every version since then all the way to CbB. I have amassed a HUGE collection of their plugins along with third party plugs! My point being, there is not much they can offer me to jump to subscription because I am perfectly happy with CbB as is. That is aside from the known bugs that are already there! I feel that I have spent enough hard earned dollars for Cake products up until now that we deserve to either have a free version or a stupidly cheap stripped down version for those of us who don't need the bells and whistles of a fully blown out version costing hundreds of dollars! If they leave CbB alone I will be perfectly happy to use it the rest of my days! I will also be a die hard supporter of Cakewalk products as have always been.
  5. As I said! Badly missed but not so much that it would stop me from going back to SPLAT. I do have to say, Reaper is not looking too bad after all this drama with Sonar perpetual license drama!! Currently, my projects are seeing a lot of use with Samplitude and Mixbus. I finally broke down and tried Reaper, which I must say, was pretty impressive for the price point and features. I do like having a notation editor built in to the DAW so I don't have to skip around for quick score print outs. That is one feature that I absolutely must have! It is also what attracted me to Cakewalk in the first place. Anyway, I am struggling with facing the ever growing fact that I will have to walk away from Cake after 20 some odd years of dedicated support and use of this product I have loved. Still hoping 🙏 for perpetual licenses!
  6. When they first announced they were going to charge for CbB, I opened some recent projects in SPLAT and they ran without a hiccup! I did miss some of the newer features but nothing showstopping!
  7. This update worked on my Toshiba laptop fixing the standalone disappearing trick! STILL DISAPPEARING on my Asus desktop!!!
  8. Ended up installing 1.1.5a standalone while installing 1.1.6 VST3! Working fine!
  9. Will this amp work in amp locker or do you need ReAmp for it to work?
  10. VST3 version seems fixed! I was having to move the .dll file around to get it recognized but it seems to be ok now!
  11. Let me know if the clean reinstall works! I tried it and had no luck!
  12. I have the same problem with the stand-alone! Tried restart and reboot! Still blips out! May have to rollback unless they fix it quick!!
  13. Website still shows 1.1.2 version on download! Wazzup!
  14. Tried for almost 2 hours to get the download from Octane for the setup to quit stopping at 99.99 percent!!! Shut it down and started the plugin but can't get it to find the sounds or presets folders! Finally, UNINSTALLED!!!!!
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