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That Escalated Quickly! (Mind the Rabbits)


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many thanks! there's now a vid up in the first post . . . 


@daryl1968 - thanks so much, and hopefully I get to hear more of yours sometime soon!

@Andrew Ball - bonkers is right, and the video might help that along. I sure appreciate the compliments! thanks.

@Johnbee58 - thanks John, this one is a bit all over the place. thanks for the comments!

@Douglas Kirby - thanks, I'll pour you one any day. 

@Hidden Symmetry - much appreciated, thanks for the listen! glad we got it working!

@geeare1thanks so much, glad you liked it! You know what they say about short attention spans . . .

@David Sprouse - yes for some reason the gypsy chime things just popped right up, I did no treatment of them. I think they change the scene nicely. thanks for the listen!

@noynekker - thanks very much for noticing the little piano changes, I think that livens it up a bit for the poor suffering listener. I appreciate the regards, and by all means post away on your stuff, I'd like to hear it.

@thegaltieribrothers- hi Paul and thanks. Sound textures are kind of where it's at. Sometimes anything can be music.  cheers!

@amiller - very cool, thanks for the listen!





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4 hours ago, garybrun said:

My first job when I left school I worked on a rabbit farm with 3000 rabbits.
I used to kill and skinn them  ?

Oh Jeeze. If that vid doesn't trigger you then nothing will. So sorry!

It's a bunch of stock clips, and I left out stock clips of actual skinning of rabbits. Which, yes, there actually are stock clips available of rabbits being skinned, which I found surprising.

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Well..........I guess I feel bad for the poor rabbits, but this is the process of life for some rabbits and the way of the omnivore. We all have to eat.

I have eaten rabbit and liked it. No it didn't taste like chicken, but close. It just sucks being a rabbit or a chicken or a pig or a ...........

Well chosen footage for the subject. I didn't feel that the musical "middle" was huge. I could tell it was there. Made a nice contrast from the rest. This would just be a nice listen all by itself. 

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Wow!  This is an excellent composition and video.  I am I getting a message here.  Is this a story of: a cute little critter and a prey item; a depiction of a food chain; or the story of life??  Perhaps I'm getting carried away but I was completely and thoroughly impressed!!  Excellent work Tom!

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@InstrEd - thanks, the elements are kind of disparate, agreed! Glad u liked it.

@David Sprouse - totally get the baboushka, agreed. In the video it's rabbits. Soooooo many rabbits. Yes it gets dark but hold the meds 'cause I'm far too amused as it is!

@freddy j - correctamundo! The juxtaposition is the message. If there is a message to my madness. So glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the listen.

@Starise- thanks. I hope the rabbits don't mind being eaten, petted, chased, or for that matter, filmed. Once I started, I couldn't believe how many stock clips of rabbits are out there. Absurd! The music came first on this one, and then the rabbit clips, which apparently multiply like, oh I dunno, something. Thanks for the comment and the time!


Cheers y'all, and thanks!

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Hi Tom

Loved this - a bit bonkers but we all need bonkers sometime - well here in South Africa at the moment, we have Bonkers ALL the time -   perhaps we could swap killing Rabbits to killing corrupt Politicians - we have more of those in Africa than Rabbits!!!!

My favorite section of the track was the EDM part from about 3.20

Great job



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Hi Tom,

You weren't joking about the macabre warning. I watched this with my 2 bunnies and had to cover their eyes poor things ? 

For some reason I thought this video was going to chart the tensions of Trump killing that Iranian chap + between the USA and Iran in general with a hint to oil propagation, but bunnies is good + to my mind is an allegory for the same ? 

A great video none-the-less so thanks for sharing.

Good Job!


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