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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. Ribbon mics often have quite a low volume and usually need a hefty pre-amp to bolster it
  2. Which microphone? Is it USB or does it connect via a XLR? If it's a condenser mic, have you switched on phantom power?
  3. There is far more to the new Sonar than just GUI enhancements.
  4. My pc won't/can't upgrade to Win 11, so I'm stuck on 10. If ever there comes a time that Sonar works on 11 only, that's the end of the upgrading road for me Being retired, a new pc is out of the question
  5. Just remember dynamic mics don't need Phantom Power
  6. Yep, that's the difference between opening Cakewalk in Safe Mode and a Project in Safe Mode. 2 completely different functions.
  7. Not seeing that here. Now Time scrolling is equally smooth in PRV & Track View. (Build 431)
  8. Don't see the need for that. It's obvious where one ends and the other starts, and a thick-ish border eats up screen estate.
  9. Latest Sonar update (build 431) has had a UI overhaul. Well worth looking at.
  10. It should be available both in CbB and the new Sonar. It's there in both on my laptop which has never had anything earlier than CbB installed.
  11. Sonar supported Melodyne as far back as X1
  12. I'm pretty sure the VX-64 has only been brought back in for the new Sonar. Certainly in CbB it was listed as hidden/didabled and had to be manually added back in to the list of active plugins. I beleieve from memory this was to ensure that certain FX chains which included VX-64 worked properly,
  13. You won't find anyone qualified enough to do this. The only ones who would be are working for Bandlab and they have many other priorities. Sorry.
  14. I've never had that many plugins on a track in over 20 years of doing this. Some of those that yuou do have are memory & cpu intensive, and the VX64 is know to be unstable Forgive me for suggesting this, but you might want to re-examine your workflow
  15. The only time I've seen this is when there is an update available for either Sonar or the Product Center I'm on the annual licence, which corroborates what @John Vere and @Jonathan Sasor are saying above.
  16. The more I use it, the more I'm growing to really appreciate the clean lines everywhere
  17. I aee no difference whatsoever between the 2 versions for load times, cpu usage or ram usage
  18. It's got nothing to do with singing. Where did you get this from?
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