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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. That's always been the case, going way back prior to Cakewalk by Bandlab. The recommended solution was always to use Jbridge if Bitbridge was throwing up errors
  2. It's only a warning - nothing prevents you from using ASIO4ALL but why anyone would want to do this is a mystery.
  3. Yes, exactly this. Back in the days before we had articulation maps, I used Drum maps extensively to map out orchestral articulations - one for each instrument It was a monumental undertaking but it worked! I had the drum map above the note pane so I could change artics in context with the note being played
  4. No, that's wrong. Any previously installed instance of TTS-1 will work in all versions of Cakewalk/Sonar
  5. We have exclusive solo, which is very useful What about an exclusive mute? I can think of several scenarios where this could be really beneficial
  6. And fwiw, you'll never see ANY improvement in performance from ANY DAW until you get a proper audio interface and ditch the Realtek.
  7. I would start by working out if it's a single track causing this or a build up from several tracks Use Mute or Solo to home in on the problem Are you sure you're not clipping your mains?
  8. From memory, I think you need the physical disc to install V8, then the download of 8.5 installed on top of 8 You need both
  9. No. Recording level is only ever governed by the settings on your interface. Setting the appropriate level there is the first step in gain staging.
  10. I should have remembered that. I went through the same process earlier in the year 😄😄😄
  11. Very odd. At this point I suggest an email to support@cakewalk.com
  12. You probably shouldn't have let Cakewalk install the basic version. Uninstall both and try installing Assistant again
  13. Just to elaborate a bit, you should be setting your gains according to the signal level coming into Sonar. Adjust each track so that the highest peak on the track is between -9dB & -12dB. This is with your track fader set at 0dB. (This process is known as gain staging) Once this is done, don't move the gain control again! If you do, you'll be affecting the amount of signal being "seen" by your compressors & other dynamic type plugins, so if their input level changes, you'll have to revisit all your threshold settings, which in turn could mean you have to change the ratio & makeup gain. Set and forget.
  14. Very few systems outside of the DAW world will play at 32 bit. But it makes sense to export at the highest rate possible if you intend to do further processing on the track and import it back into Cakewalk.
  15. I think this is exactly as designed. If you put a send to another track, you're essentially sending a copy of the original across - there is nothing in the routing which would mute the send.
  16. It's a registry entry Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\Presets\{FDEA90C0-FCFC-11CF-953F-00AA00A76449}
  17. To create and remove a symbolic link named MyFolder from the root directory to the \Users\User1\Documents directory, and a hard link named Myfile.file to the example.file file located within the directory, type: mklink /d \MyFolder \Users\User1\Documents mklink /h \MyFile.file \User1\Documents\example.file rd \MyFolder del \MyFile.file
  18. Always try and get DP working in standalone mode before attempting to load it into Cakewalk. You might also need to run the installer "as Administrator" I believe the latest version was
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