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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. Did you de-select the Steinberg before trying to select the Presonus?
  2. I can answer that. 8 didn't ship with anything that was not included with 8.5
  3. Did the interface come with a connecting cable? These are usually USB both ends
  4. At some point the Theme Editor was removed from the Utilities menu and became a separate program with its own dekstop icon
  5. You also have the option to store takes in separate tracks which might help
  6. Yep, first thing to check I hope he's not scanning the entire C:\ drive
  7. There's lots to address here. I would consider doing the entire mix from scratch. Set all busses to 0dB, drag all faders down to -INF and start building the mix You don't say if any compression has been used Yes, roll off the lows of any instrument that doesn't have any LF content Always keep your master bus at 0dB
  8. You should be able to constrain horizontal movement by holding shift when dragging fron one track to another, or ctrl + shift for copy/drag
  9. <shrug> generally, people on here don't like resurrecting ancient posts whose content may not be applicable any more And I'm not prepared to wade through pages of dated information to see if any of it is still valid or not.
  10. Nobody here is going to laugh. The only dumb questions are those that aren't asked.
  11. Please start a new thread. This zombie one is in its fifth year
  12. This "splash screen" will ONLY pop up if you open CbB whilst being offline. If you go online first you'll never see it.
  13. Yep, leave all older versions intact. If it ain't broke....................
  14. One thing to bear in mind if you're dasiy chaining compressors. The ratio settings that you dial in will in effect be multiplied So if your first comp is set at 5:1 and your 2nd at 3:1, the overall effect on the signal is 15:1
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