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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. Hello Gary, thanks for sharing all that info. I am the kind of person who likes to know more about the people I like. Your sharing adds to my appreciation of who you are, what you are doing, and why you are excited (as you should be.) I would never imagine you to be "stuck up on your own """"" You have never come across like that in any of your posts. Before this I always thought of you as the kind of guy that would make a great friend, and I believe that even more now, after you shared your story. I would praise you even more for being a Foster Parent to six kids! I work with a lot of Foster Children, and they have special needs that only special people can address. I think you should get an award just for that. In my life, my music pales to the work I do with Children, and I would guess that you too would say "successfully raising six Foster Children means more than anything." So although what I said in my previous post may have been a bit misconstrued, as all written word is won't to do, I am a little bit glad that it compelled to share your life story. That's why I like to shop at the Farmers Market, I get to meet the people who planted the seed, tended the rows, chased away the crows, and harvested the food I will use to sustain me. I also feel the same way about the music I listen too. And Gary, your story gave me pause, and reaffirmed my belief that I am surrounded by remarkable people. I am sorry if I came across as rude, because you really have every reason to be happy and to shout it out loud. Peace my friend!
  2. Gary, please don't take offense to what I am about to say. I have thought a lot about this subject, on whether we as artists are popular because of what we do. I really think your success has less to do with you "doing something right," and more to do with being in the right place at the right time, paired with a dose of luck. Now let me explain further, I am not saying you do not have talent (which you obviously do), or that you have not practiced your ***** off to hone your skills (which you obviously have), or that you are not a handsome dude that all the kids are attracted to (which you obviously are), that is all beside the question. Remember that time we went to that little club on a Monday night, and there were only six other people in the joint, and there happened to be some live music, and the band knocked us out with their performance, and we kept asking ourselves why these kids weren't breaking out nationally, and we found out they had to pay the owner to play that night. Remeber? Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it. Ride that wave baby!!!!! You are killing it, just keep stepping up to the plate and swing at the ball! Congrats, you deserve it.
  3. Hello all, I have not tried this yet, but, do you need Melodyne for this to work? I have not validated Melodyne on the computer at the dome, but would if that is needed. Thanks
  4. David, I did miss you, but mostly I was hoping you were OK, plus, you write good music, so stick around for awhile. I hope the surgery went well😉
  5. To Joad Daryl John B Gary and Spak, Thanks for the listen. I know that my stuff is not necessarily a perfect match for this song forum, but it is the only place I know or care to post, except for SoundClick (where I never get comments), But I always get a kick out of reading the comments. It's all in fun for me, and when I hit a clinker I will hear that too, all good. Thanks again for taking the time!
  6. Hello Myriad, thanks for asking. The guitar is a Hohner HG 90 made in Japan about 1980. It has a Fishman Rare Earth pickup in the sound hole. and went direct into a Roland vs100. I had post effects of Fabfilter Saturn using the Acoustic Picker setting and tweaked the bands to taste, mostly just rolled off the low end. Then I went through the IK White 2A to get about 1 db compression. That was run to the Master where I did some gentle tweaks to taste, but nothing groundbreaking, magic, or secret. So kudos to your ears for noticing that it was plugged in. When I was listening on playback the guitar did sound kind of digital to me too, not terribly so, but some. It's funny, I am virtually deaf in one ear, but it seems that over time I am starting to hear anomalies in music, my own and others. I was listening to soome zep today, songs from Presence, and I had to keep rewinding to see if I was really hearing what I did.
  7. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13893118 WTF
  8. Jesse Screed

    Your Man

    This song reminds me a whole lot of Joxh Turner. Where I come from country music is the# 3 genre on virtually all radio stations I can get over the air, third only to crop reports and weather. and you did a great job
  9. WHAT IS YOUR ADDRESS? Will you take coupons in lieu of cash? I always love your music, so majestic
  10. Sometimes I can be slow on the uptake, but why do I get the feeling you are being sarcastic? I'm not really offended by anyone comparing my work with someone else, but in my case the comparison usually goes like this, "you sound like (insert artist name here) ON ACID" I did have one poster compare my music to garbage, I imagine there is a band named garbage, but I don't think they meant that band. If it makes you feel better, say three Hail Marys, and be done with it. You are forgiven.
  11. sure ok, your random thoughts haven't been so stellar lately either. but.....whatever
  12. No more Wham bAm Thank You Ma'am It's going to be a slow boat to Cheena from now on. you just wait and see
  13. E soul so great to hear from you way so much going on here tasty acoustic there at 3:30 or so so if you really you are in the weeds I say cut this down to no more than 3:00 you can do it man I could say more but right now i am indisposed anyway, it doesn't really matter, but it is really good, now make it better
  14. so I checked out that link and I typed in beatles and noticed that electric light orchestra was far removed but it is still a great resource
  15. that is a great story, I am happy that your woman tolerates you so early in the morning she must be a gem stone keep her close
  16. you used some great phrasing "did it a few times" "to be sure I wasn't drunk" "something went nutzo." the truth will set you FREE
  17. dang, I know, missed that Llama thanks for pointing that out. your (queue the grammar *****) the best
  18. my pleasure. scrolling is good, but I can go with the down arrow key or the page down key, depending on my state of mind.
  19. Kenny, forgive me for my effrontery, but that does not look like your Duke, the duke I know always has a smile, but if it is your duke, well, I apologize. I hope he feels better soon.
  20. Cool, nice playing, and neat use of woodwinds(?) Just very nice use of instruments that I don't hear often in my world. excellent piece you should make a video collage with this, to share with the rest of your family.
  21. here is a link to a store that sells it. It has some thumbnails that enlarge parts of the poster. It looks like you could get lost in there for awhile. Might even expose you to some artists missing from your Excel spreadsheet. https://www.ebay.com/itm/MUSIC-POSTER-OF-ROCK-BANDS-ON-TREE-GUITARS-DRUMS-KEYBOARDS-/392242161950
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