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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I haven't seen the movie or heard of this soundtrack piece before, it's pretty neat! I realize the tuning in spots is intentionally sacrificed for creepy effect - but the guitar panned left was a bit flat I think - 1:16 as an example. I really don't know if it matters, might be something to check if it's not your dissonant intention. A cool listen, thanks! cheers, -Tom
  2. Yeah, included with that was some mystery $50 extra bonus in the cart. Kudos for that piece of marketing strategy!
  3. Apologies if already posted, I'm no Larry. I just got the bias fx 2 / bias amp 2 bundle, elite version, for $197. Which I thought was kind of okay. https://www.positivegrid.com/promo/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2_O-ppzX7wIVQQPnCh0dgQkEEAAYASAAEgKEivD_BwE Sale ends soon, as they say.
  4. I believe Adrian has hit every single nail squarely on the head, well done! I quoted the above part because it directly described my own experience . . . once you've played "You May Be Right" by Billy Joel 12,473 times, and otherwise great song will threaten your sanity, even if you are making $300 a throw. To the OP, I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but wedding bands are the canary in that coal mine. Unless weddings and corporate parties come back, there won't be any money in music for most musicians. And, is that really music, anyway, or is it just performance? You could be the teenage kid who likes to shoot hoops, asking if there's any chance to make it into the NBA. But there, talent actually matters! In music industry, not so much. My wish for you is that you can pass quickly through the commercial desires, and return to making your personal music for its own lovely sake, for the only thing music can really feed these days is your soul. Which is enough.
  5. Here's an honorable mention and alternate for P:
  6. I'm afraid I'm having difficulty gleaning a pun out of this one. Seems more like a deeply personal revelation made public in a pun thread. So that's all good.
  7. K is for . . . is for . . . is for . . . Damn, I wish I had the knack for this sort of thing. Sorry.
  8. Best of luck, Bill, you got this. Maybe they will still let you drink water? Then Budweiser should be just fine.
  9. In other news, the GDP of Israel, Sweden, Germany and England all report 50% drops last week.
  10. Big smiles on this one. That chorus with your vocal delays bouncing around has got the perfect psychedelic groove to it. The time you are spending on vocal mixing and treatment is really paying off. I agree that the synth horn seems out of place but for me it was in a good way, and really, that first horn line you drop in there is a killer part, I would have liked that horn hook to be throughout the rest of the song. I would have to wonder what your parents would have made of this had they heard it? A fair can of worms, perhaps? Thank you for sharing your excellent work! -Tom
  11. I think you mean, your other family . . . ? Best of luck to Lars!
  12. Usually, when you buy something, you get to keep it for longer than that.
  13. Mark, it's a great song . . . . . . Bayou. Totally worth lyrics and the full meal deal.
  14. Tony LaRussa helped me load my truck after a gig. We ended up talking baseball for quite a while. It's like a religion for him. Great guy. See, I said "after a gig" so it's a musical high water mark!
  15. Yes, but have you put aside the alienation, and gotten on with the fascination?
  16. . . . so that's why you love L'Zynaptique!
  17. I just bought Samba drums from them yesterday, full price! It burns, it burns.
  18. IK Multimedia: "Let's make purchasing things convoluted." Waves: "Hold my beer."
  19. That's the horcrux of the matter.
  20. Waiting for the true realism of the "Guitarist who doesn't know he's waaaay too loud because he is deaf" VST, where midi values of 127 are just the starting point.
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