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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Pretty and relaxing. There's a special place in my heart for acoustic guitar music. 🙂John B
  2. Johnbee58

    Plan 9

    but you probably hadn't graduated from toy piano yet. (You can't be that much older than me). 😉 😀JB
  3. Wow! I do appreciate that assessment, but Don and Walter did a pretty good job without my help. My stuff is garbage compared to theirs, but they are a big inspiration and influence for me. I agree with the dry piano comment. The other day I tried adding some little bit of verb to it, but I couldn't find a room in any of the reverbs I have to suit it. but................ I sent some of the raw tracks to another member of this forum and he's working on a remix/remaster. Last week he sent me a PM with a link to my current mix through Altiverb's Memphis recording studio room. Knocked me on my *****! I asked him if he could do the whole song and he said he would take it on. I can't wait to hear his work. 😀JB
  4. Paul, Kenny, ramscapri and kakku- Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and comment. 🙂JB
  5. Hey Freddy-I don't know how I almost missed this! Sorry for the delayed response. This is really cool. I especially like the harp. Could benefit with some drums, but works this way too. 😀John B.
  6. Johnbee58

    Plan 9

    This would be great background for the original movie, if you (and the music) would've been around in that period of time. 😀John B.
  7. Thanks, Freddy. Yes, that was the reason why I panned the vocal to the left. To create separation between the horns and the voice so they wouldn't be in each others way in the mix. 🙂JB
  8. Arlen, Bjorn & Lynn-Thanks so much! 😀JB
  9. Nothing wrong with your speakers. The vocals are panned about 10:00 to the left. But I think I panned the reverb far right (not sure. Have to check. That project is two years old but I still have it archived). Not necessarily inspired by personal experience. I write the music first, then write the words according to the feeling the music gives me. Thanks for checking it out. 🙂John B
  10. Not familiar with the original but I like your voice. Robert Plant-ish. Interesting video. 🙂John B.
  11. This is nice. Very relaxing an soulful. Contemplative. 🙂John B.
  12. Does have a poppy quality to it. I'm hearing something that sounds like a sax in there. Nice touch. Is it a real horn? Makes me move my feet. 🙂John B
  13. I love the quality of your voice. The rough grittiness but rich and clear. Wonderful intonation. Kind of like Kenny Rogers meets Bob Segar. The rest of this is nice too especially the standup bass. Nice and clean live recording. Top drawer. 🙂
  14. Great tune. Radio ready for sure. Nice arrangement and vocal is spot on. 🙂John B.
  15. Amen to this!! Thanks! 😀JB
  16. As I had to remove the previous song I posted due to controversial subject matter, I thought I'd "replace it" with another tune. This is bluesy but not beyond the norm of most bluesy songs. No controversy here. I just want to make sure I haven't become the Sinead O 'Connor of the Cakewalk forum. I didn't really want to rattle anybody's cage with the last tune and I'm sorry some took it that way. Here's "An Easier Way to Let Me Down", a tune I did back in 2017. Using Toontrack EZ Keys & EZ Drummer, Trilian Bass, Hammond organ by Native Instruments and horns by Garritan. https://johnbowen.bandcamp.com/track/an-easier-way-to-let-me-down I will get to listening to some other's tunes on the board a bit later. 😀John B
  17. OK. I accept that. I'm still proud of the song, words & music and I don't see why people have a problem with just the declaration that I'm proud to be what I am, but I do realize that in this day and age it's political subject matter. I appreciate and respect your not wanting to get involved with it and I thank you for your kind words on the music. Peace 😊John B.
  18. People like McVeigh and Dylan Roof are abhorrent, for sure. I have many black friends and I hate to see any good people, regardless of color, religion or creed be abused and destroyed. I've read the accounts of Emmitt Till and George Stinney and I'm sickened by the injustices that were done to those young men brought on by ignorance and lies. So, I'm not racist. Some people have said caucasians are racist just because they are caucasian. I take offense to that. Maybe I just watch too many youtube videos. In my little community in SE Pennsylvania I can still take a morning walk and enjoy myself without fear, so sometimes I tell myself to just calm down until I have a personal reason to worry. And yes, I still like to believe that women are still worth writing love songs about, but I will say that I'm just glad the world wasn't like it is now back in the late 70s when I met my first wife. Now you have to be afraid to ask a woman out for fear they'd nail you for harassment! 🙂JB PS: I did so much get a kick out of Glenn Beck with the Colonel Sanders outfit! LMAO!!🤣
  19. You could say it's raising awareness, Tom. First of all, thank for the kudos on the music. I don't know what part of the world you are from (European, American....etc) but here in the USA there seems to be an outright attack on masculinity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_masculinity There was much controversy a few months back regarding a Gillette commercial that makes the average American man look like some kind of raging wolf, chasing women and practically raping them with their eyes. Many men have had false rape allegations against them and their lives ruined because we're told to "always believe women" when they say they are raped. Not downplaying the horror a woman goes through when she is really raped. (These false charges also cheapen real victims stories). Time used to be that if a woman and man had a sexual relation when they were both drunk, the man wasn't necessarily thought to be taking advantage of her, but now a woman can, on the day after, claim that a the man raped her and have him arrested, even though she consented. And if it's later found out that she lied about it, she didn't suffer consequences for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JVmtaTVKPU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AckyxHB2kZ4 Do you think this is fair, Tom? Google the #metoo movement and then google the MGTOW movement. In the USA, family courts always seem to be on the side of women for child custody, support and alimony. A man can go to jail for non payment of child support but not a woman if she is in the non custodial position (which rarely happens). Not saying that a man should get away with avoiding his responsibilities in child rearing, but this should apply to women too! Look at what happened to the Boy Scouts. This was a great organization that was destroyed by the feminist movement. They have recently made attacks on Father's day too and soon you will see "Special Person's Day" replacing Father's Day. These things are really happening in our society and our world and perhaps I'm trying to help raise awareness about it. If it offends you (or anybody else) so be it. Someday when you are being castigated for just being a man, you'll wish you wouldn't have questioned this. Also consider the Don Lemon quote above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Aq2cs1Sqg As a white American man, I resent his assessment as should every white American man! Most men I know are NOT terrorists. First the idiot says that "we have to stop demonizing people" and then demonizes white men! I urge you to research this, especially if you have a problem with my little ditty. Learn what's going on in the world with this because it might be to your peril someday if you don't. Men are an endangered species. I hate to break it to you, but it's true. RESEARCH IT! I'm proud of my song (statement) and proud of what I am and I'm simply saying F-you to Lemon and the feminist man haters! 🙂John B.
  20. I don't know why you didn't like this song. The word are great and the arrangement works very well. Maybe you polished it up a bit more on this version. 😀John B.
  21. Yes, I agree. Tubular Bells sound, but much more interesting with much more detail and instrumentation. TB gets boring after about the first minute because it's so repetitive. Like this lots! 😀John B.
  22. Wow! I wish I could write something half as good! 🙂John B.
  23. Removed. Content deemed too controversial. 😀John B.
  24. Don't forget to back up the .ini file on a flash drive before you add the WarnSilentBuses value. That way if something does get messed up (not likely) you can re load the original. Also, I don't remember seeing it in the documentation, but you'll have to UNHIDE your hidden folders in order to see the %appData% folder which contains the .ini file. On my system (Windows 8.1) the file location is C:/Users/John/%appData%/Roaming/Cakewalk/Cakewalk Core. If you have anything other than Windows 8 it might be a bit different for you. Next session, I'll have to remember to check my buses to see if that's why I may be getting those warnings. Thanks for YOUR tip! 😀 😀JB
  25. Thanks for your concern, Paula. I went into the Preferences menu today and changed the Cakewalk.ini file as suggested by Pathfinder above. It got rid of the nasty little message and the projects still all do what they're supposed to do. As far as your interface, I took a look at your current mixer/interface and it looks to me as if you have a better setup with that than you would with a Focusrite. INHO, Focusrite is overrated anyway. Years ago I used a Line 6 Pod Studio UX2 and then I "upgraded" to a Focusrite Scarlet 6i6 (1st generation). Sometimes I think I should've stuck with the UX2, but the Focusrite did come with a nice bundle of plugins, so I can't complain. If I were you, personally, I'd stick with the Behringer mixer if it's working for you. 🙂JB
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