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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. As I get older, it seems people are getting dumber and dumber. Of course, it could be me getting smarter and smarter. But since I am here in this forum making an inane post....I seriously doubt it.
  2. On the upside, a drum machine never shows up late and drunk. So there's that.
  3. The "Cars for Kids" song. And every commercial jingle ever written.
  4. I can't think of a good rejoinder. I'll circle around and get back to you.
  5. "You may not be aware..." My postulation was spot on!
  6. You will let them? You may not be aware of this, but you come off as intolerably arrogant and condescending. And trust me, there is no reason for you to be either! Perhaps you should google Soundfonts. You might learn things you don't know.
  7. That's OK, a lot of people get caught up in their own little lives and don't realize there's a whole world out there!
  8. Why yes. And people still use the wheel. Go figure.
  9. Is your virus checker, assuming you have one, set to check on disk reads and writes? That could bog down a program like cakewalk.
  10. Pitch change and tempo change events may be in there. You can filter out the notes in the view.
  11. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that detecting irony isn't your strong suit!
  12. You are misinformed: Cakewalk TTS-1 is a GM2 (General MIDI 2) compatible, multi-timbral, multi-output, software synthesizer featuring a newly developed software synthesis engine, with 256 sounds and 9 drum sets built in. The TTS-1 features: A newly developed software synthesis engine that uses 32-bit internal processing, and supports a 96 kHz sampling rate Of course, a lot of people's ears wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
  13. Maybe it's your pants. Did you wash just one leg and put them in a hot dryer?
  14. Another noise source: Light/lamp dimmers will broadcast a buzzing sound.
  15. RobertWS

    USB Midi Driver

    I can confirm that, the cheap ones choke on pitch bends!
  16. I bought a defective skunk. It was 5 dollars and no scents.
  17. What do you call a potato in outer space? Spud-nick! (Millennial's probably won't get this)
  18. Are the words idiots and stupidness banned?
  19. MIDI does contain what instruments to play. My MIDI files remember each instrument assigned to each channel. Perhaps the problem is exporting to an older MIDI file format. Are you exporting as "MIDI Format 1"?
  20. There are two topics I commented on. People who are ridiculously pessimistic during the greatest time to be alive and hurricanes. And no, they have nothing to do with each other. Back to hurricanes! Looking out your window certainly gives you a view of the weather, but it will be limited. And any sweeping generalizations based on that view may or may not be valid. Let's look at some data!
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