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Hot Rod Blender

mark skinner

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 Hello ,  here's a new instrumental I'm Trying to finish up. It's kind of a funk /groove type thing , It's a little sloppy but the more I work on it the worse it gets as far as timing. Individual track volumes have been a little hard for me on this one.  5 guitars in the blender. Any suggestions would be a great help. I'm still unsure about the overall EQ , but this is the first time Ozone had basically nothing to change.  "Thank You" for your time and help ..    mark


Edited by mark skinner
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Well Mark, that is utterly badass tele-funk! Awesome song and playing all around on this one. A keeper for sure!

I sort of get what you mean by timing but it's beyond me how you make it any tighter than that short of taking it on the road for six months.  That is unless you want to sit there for weeks tightening things up with audio snap. Not.

And anyway, whatever timing issues there are  here and there don't detract from the groove at all, rather it sounds more human and real to me. I only wish I could play like that!

I listened to this on my phone's speaker  so I can't really comment on the  quality of the mix  but it really sounds good on that device. I'll give it a listen later on my big system. Really fine work here!

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Mark . . . lots of fun and challenge for the listener's brain to chase along with all the riffs, amazing how you get them all to work together ! . . . really like those stops, gives it time to breathe, then moves on again, drums are there for support, but take a back seat overall . . . sounds really well thought out, but with talent like that, maybe you just wing it ?

Singing guitars is the best I can describe it.

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"Thanks" for the comments to everyone. @Kevin Walsh Thanks I really wasn't sure I could pull this one off. It started as more of a mixing experiment. I'm in "A" but couldn't get Any of the "chicken pickin" stuff done until I capoed up and played in "G". This was my first time trying to use audio snap and I deleted it all. More to learn. @noynekker A Lot of parts didn't blend and were deleted , If I accidently wing something I like ,  I then have to learn it. @KurtS All the drum loops I used were Kick busy. I just deleted one of them and actually added a single kick on the 1 beat . It calmed things down . I've done a bit more volume and panning automation. I think I knew exactly where it was getting busy. I Always listen to suggestions and act on it. Sometimes I hear it , sometimes I don't until it's pointed out "Thanks" @Paul Bush I Really appreciate you taking time to listen and comment. @jack c. Thanks , I Know you're a funk man !  I'm reworking the mix now but won't repost (or bump it up) until I'm sure everyone who wants to adds more suggestions or weighs in .

Later ..      mark 

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Hi mark....sounds great....how you get the drums that tight on a DAW is beyond my patience, time and ability at this time (but i'm working on it)....EQ, mix, playing, levels all sound really good....gave me some Average White Band "Cut the Cake" flashbacks ( i saw those guys at the Roxy in Hollywood back in the day....quite polished and good) ????

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  To @bjornpdx @Andrew Rhodes @daryl1968 @Larry T. @antler @steve@baselines.com @Douglas Kirby  "Thank You" So much for responding with your wonderful comments. It Really means a lot.  The link now reflects a remix. I made a few changes per your suggestions. I did some minor timing changes on the guitars , tedious manual note moving on the bass , worked on the drums , and added a light harmonica track to glue the guitars together a little more.  I'm feeling a lot better about it now.  Let me know if It needs more work , I've got nothing but time .     Thanks ..     mark

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Is it sloppy or is it Chicken Shack Sloppy? I like the harp intro and touches through out. I did enjoy this :) 

Interesting comment about iZotopes Ozone.  I have had elements knocking around for sometime, got it free from somewhere and I thought I would give it a go.

Net result was someone suggested the tune I used it on needs more bottom, possible moral is your own ears not the software thinks your music should sound like.

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