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DeeringAmps last won the day on April 10

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  1. @GTsongwriterif you are looking for an instrument and not an amp sim, there you go. Good find treesha! useless and weak! (My new signature)
  2. @bitflipperYep, didn't take long for me to "breakdown" and pull the trigger... useless and weak! (my new signature)
  3. DON’T! Why? IF you never plan to open it again remove it from the start menu and/or task bar; simples, done. My office rig has 8.5, SPlat, CbB and Sonar all happily coexisting. Why risk screwing something up? thank me later… t
  4. Jumped on 2 and 3 immediately. I’m going to pass and wait… t
  5. I’m afraid you’re a day late and a dollar short. Ujam was running their guitars at $19, and 20% off for new users, but alas they are back to $129. (Nobody pays retail!) maybe someone else will chime in with a “deal”! t
  6. Liked and commented at YouTube! t
  7. Listened a few days ago, just getting back to add my nickel98’s worth. 👍‘s 👏 😎 t
  8. “Cryin’ won’t help ya, prayin’ won’t do ya no good” t As always I enjoyed your hard work here, BUT that is some of the Worst guitar tone I have ever endured! just keepin’ it real dog… no like or comment at SC, that site truly hates my iPhone.
  9. You quoted support from BL. As stated by @Terry Kelley it’s not up to the bakers. How many times do YOU have to be reminded? Really? t
  10. @Ricardo Belled Well, Singapore is evidently on the other side of the International Date Line. But I thought the deal was on until the 4th. You could @ Ashwin Rao or try support@cakewalk.com I’m sure they’ll get it sorted for you… t
  11. @audioschmaudio When I click on $71 I get; "You already have the membership", so I can't help or verify that... If that's the case, well; what can I say. I could cue my wife's parrotlet, Button, one of his favorite phrases (along with "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn") is; "why am I not surprised?" t
  12. @Ricardo Belled Pragi has provided the link above... or Get Membership t
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