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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. IK was clogging up my e mail in box w 12 or more e mails every other day often of stuff I already had to boot . I tried to unsubscribe VIA my e mail ...I K would not honor my request nor allow me to unsubscribe using that approach ... I wound up filling out a support ticket and let them know in no uncertain terms I no longer wanted to receive e mails from them ever again unless it involved a response to a ticket for support I had with them . In my case that's what it took to resolve my e mail problem That is all I have to say about IK for now because if i say anything more I will end up in a full out rant Kenny
  2. It seems Cakewalk has put up this page on the Cakewalk website https://www.cakewalk.com/ Kenny
  3. Given the choice between that lovely lady holding the tennis racket you posted in another thread or this studio . If I had to choose ... I can't answer ..I'm stumped Kenny
  4. To be noticed by female 9 ! a male 6 needs to stop standing on his head ? and doing cartwheels next to the shuttle bay door on The Starship hoping to get a female 9's attention . These action s will eventually only make a male 6 look desperate and weak . Instead stand tall on your size 13 feet , ignite the booster pack that came as original equipment in your space suit 's shorts . Last but not least , don't ask for permission ever again . Start living life as the true Alpha Male 9 Space Icon you are and always have been .??‍?? Now if that don't snag you some quality time with a female 9 ! Assimilation may not be of much help to you either . If that's the case , There's a few of us out here circling The Galaxy in that state of orbit ! If you want we can send you an engraved invitation to The male only Vantuckey Friday Night Poker Game ? Kenny
  5. Seven of Nine ! I'm finally done resisting . When I get assimilated ! Will artificial intelligence help make me smarter ? Kenny
  6. Love me some Hans Zimmer ... This may be one of the first soundtracks I heard from Hans Zimmer back in mid 90's . That's when I started hearing about he whole digital thing . This is as good as it gets when it comes to the music for the modern style action film genre . Any one besides me hear early glimpse of some of the Pirates themes in there? Hans the man ! Kenny
  7. What can I say ! I'm a big fan of Western Movie Soundtrack Themes . I even learned how to ride a horse? while playing my guitar ? Kenny
  8. The genre of NOT ART may be your true calling in art as you stated . I can see lot's of the hidden talent you possess in the NOT ART genre oozing from the picture you posted of the iconic backstage casting couch from The Off Broadway Show "A Weekend of Debauchery In The Kingdom of OZ featuring The Erotic Munchkins " .... Kenny
  9. One of the many movie soundtracks I happen to like . Kenny
  10. This one constantly chirps away in the back of my head . The thing is I have not had a drink in any form of alcohol since August 11 Th of 1983 ... That will be 40 years in a few months of me being alcohol free O.D.A.T . Of all the things on The Planet Earth ! why does it have to be a booze commercial on endless loop in the back of my head ? The only thing I an figure out here is she's a pretty girl ,she delivers my favorite poison in a box and I like the way she sings Ding Dong ....typical guy huh ? Kenny
  11. If I could go back I would have to tell myself , When all is said and done , it is the song that counts the most . The emotional impact of the song itself is the thing people will remember the most . As an artist that is where your focus should be . Take them on an emotional ride that means something to them . Even if they don't know what they are looking for .... Let them find what they are looking for in YOU and your Music . Kenny
  12. I was thinking about watching his new video I AM LISTENING ? , it's just I'm a little over saturated right now . Kenny
  13. Have I ever told you about the time I went down to The Library Of Congress to copyright The C major scale in person ? Oh what memories that day brings forth . The female receptionist recognized me and asked me to perform a sexual healing on her . Kenny
  14. Great point bitflipper ? A little humor to cut the edge Feel the love I have for your musical mediocrities . If you will be my people . I will be your patron saint . Kenny
  15. After seeing that video I took a good hard look at how much energy I put into my music for so little reward . Now just might be the right time to find out if they will take me back into The Space Program . Don't laugh I heard Strummy is doing well up there . ? Kenny
  16. Also in this bundle they are offering Sound Forge Audio Studio a lighter version of S F . Kenny
  17. Milo is going to keep a close eye on this thread once you get off his lawn . Kenny
  18. Oh Oh ! what happens next ? Will The Supreme Court apply the same standards to music ? Will I have to hire a lawyer and get permission to record and play an AM chord ? That's it , if I don't destroy my whole art collection now they may come get me , lock me up , and throw away the key . I have been using other peoples photo's with out permission while putting different peoples heads in them and placing them in various back round settings for years . Times have sure have changed ! Back in my day you could write a song about shooting the sheriff and as long as you weren't the guy who shot the deputy you could still roam free . Kenny
  19. Milo is in the process of trying to recreate his throat performance using Home Studio 2 with two instances of the Delay Lama . Once he has an accurate conversion from the audio to midi, he hopes to be able to translate the meaning of the vocal using a language translator. Kenny
  20. I work hard so my dog and I can have a better life . This is why it is so important for me to fall asleep to a restful video containing just the right ambience . Kenny
  21. Kiss Me I'm beautiful ! Woah !I just woke up after falling asleep to that video and a frog told me if I kissed her on the lips she would turn into a beautiful princess Kenny
  22. On one level I can certainly understand what you are saying Yet I am not totally in agreement with you on that point of view . What we are talking about here is a double edged sword that cuts both ways . My preference is to play the snot out of my guitar and when I have something I feel captures the musical emotional intensity I want to convey I will record that . In the areas I agree , composing music on a DAW w out a clear musical picture of your intended song can become an exercise in futility . My Muse don't want to hang around for that $hit ! and no matter how many aromatic sprinkles I may sprinkle on my tunes they can still smell like a Turds . In my case I have found an approach that seems to help aid my chops and compositional skills in an alternative way using my DAW . Early on I discovered that a DAW is a perfect tool for deconstructing and aiding one in putting a great composers music under a microscope and learning how to understand, play and apply what I have worked on to my instrument the guitar or any other application I may have in mind . With out getting into great depth.... many of the common editing tools in a DAW lend themself s rather nicely for deconstructing songs and other peoples work .... One can EQ things in and EQ things out to hear what is really going on , Tempo control to slow it down enough to hear it , instant midi key transposition , audio to midi conversions , cutting and pasting sections to delve deeper into being able to understand a recognize how an artist / composer by setting up mini lessons to show the progression of how the composer arrived at their unique musical Idea ...this is just to name a few ...... For the record I happen to spend a great deal of my time transcribing music I feel is of value to me as opposed to staring at a blank song template and scratching my nuts trying to decide what to do next ... I hope you don't think I may be attacking you by what I am about to say next ....I am merely bringing up a point ... It seems to me a large percentage of the DAW community as a whole has a appetite for a number of particular market techniques that will bait their collective hooks with their favorite bait .... in addition to that idea many people can't seem to get enough ... What am I talking about here ? ... Lets consider the whole spectrum of musical software vendors that have meticulously analyzed, recorded and did a deep dive on every possible instrument , studio plug , and orchestral sound stage complete even with world renowned orchestras of world wide notoriety and acclaim while making the gear used by these artist and studios available for any one who has the coin to buy these products . IMHO this is a clear cut message a majority of the software companies are sending a message their products will aid some one in using the DAW for composition ? How do I know this ? I drank the Kool Aide and bought into the whole erroneous Idea that I can be a real legitimate composer given the right tools ? Now I know better ! all the best , Kenny
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