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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. It seems I may have lost all my credibility around these parts for having started this thread and bringing up this songs subject matter . The writing is on the wall and it may be a good time for me to take a short pause for a good cause ... I would get me coat but since I already have a shell ! I will get my suitcase and rocket instead ! Kenny
  2. This is the time honored Blues story of "Another mule kicking in my stall" updated with a much more modern contemporary song lyric !? Kenny
  3. Poor Jimi ! After hearing Brent Mason play his smoking hot version of Sugarfoot Rag he had no choice but to burn his guitar ??? Kenny
  4. What about setting your guitar on fire . Does that count ? Kenny
  5. Oh Frankie !!! Why don't you be a dear and take all the oily rags out with the trash . Oh Yeah Frankie !! Please do ! I love finding those oil soaked rags in the trash . They do a great job of clearing up my nostrils and help jump start my spontaneous combustion glands . Kenny
  6. A few more odd Freebird guitar solo performances . Kenny
  7. Oh WOW !! I am no longer dead or dying ! I have gotten 3 whole new song listens over on my u tube page since last Saturday when I posted my next to last dying breaths in this thread .. Seven of Nine must have been listening rather closely to my heartfelt supplications .... I have faith !! I know it is only a matter of time before I get assimilated ... Oh Yeah !! Yee Haw !!.Mother Hucker ! Shut the Front Door ...Borg Collective here I come ?? Kenny
  8. It is actually a good survial tool ... Have a section of your gear with a pouch of 4 0 steel wool ...have a few 9 volt batteries safely in its own compartment ... If you car breaks down you will be able to start a fire ....? .....hhhmmmm freshly toasted marshmallows and a cup of hot choclate under the illuminated nightly stars .?... Oh yeah life is good !!You can even offer some to the tow truck driver when ever he shows up ? Kenny
  9. Your wellcome Grem ! I'm glad you are taking my words of warning serious .... A fella can work on his guitar all day and deep ito the night and say to himself I'm tired I'll clean up this oil mess tomorrow .... Famous Last Words ??? BTW oil soaked steel wool may be a lot more flamable and may spontaionusly combust a lot sooner than the oil soak rags . To illstrate my point take a bone dry 4 0 steel wool pad and touch it with the termanil ends of a regular Nine volt battery ...it will go up instantly ? dang not having a spell check skucks ? stay safe out there , Kenny
  10. Be careful with your oil soaked rags if your using Linseed , Watco , and any other number of linseed oil based finishing products .The rags need to be soaked ( very wet )before you seal them up and dispose of them ...The same goes for your steel wool if you are using steel wool .... 4 0 steel wool was a fave of mine ... What can happen is they will start to smolder and eventualy spontainiously combust ....I am being polite when I say What can happen ..the truth is it will combust and start a fire ...it may take a few days ...yet It will happen if you don't take the nessacary precautions to safely dispose of them . I used to make and sell butcher block furniture when I was in my early 20 's ....With the resturant grade large butcher block cutting tables we made we always used mineral oil because that works with food preperation and it is noncombustable combination when applying mineral oil with a rag. A large part of the stores buisness was to also make kitchen tables out of Oak Parquet and butcher block ... With these tables we put a stain on the oak tables and then always wet sanded them using steel wool and Watco Danish oil .Then depending on how many coats of oil , we would wipe it down a few hours later and re apply a fresh coat of oil More than once someone forgot to throw the oil soaked rags and steel wool into a coffee can half filled with water ..those rags would start smoking within a few hours during the hot summer months ... 10 years ago I was doing an oil finish on one of my guitars necks ....I didn't have a strong baggie or a coffe can so I soaked them in a store plastic bag and threw my rags out .....A few days later the dumpster had a little fire ........this is for real ....be carefull ... PS my chromebook doesent have a spell check with the browser I'm using ...So if I sound ignorant and my spelling is off ... I guess I have been exposed ? all the best , Kenny
  11. I started a new diet to curb my plugin GAS . It's called The No More VST Acquisition Fast . Kenny
  12. A couple of days late on this one , What is Irish and stays outside all year long . Paddy O' Furniture Kenny
  13. Tmi ? NO !!! If I ever make into Space The Final Frontier ..I'm gonna have to cheat at strip poker when I play with those girls .? Kenny
  14. I just went over to my U tube page to see how my new Jazz Guitar video is doing .... I guesse I'm not as popular as I thought I was since I just found out that I 'm only a breath or two away from being dead . Oh Seven of Nine!!! where ever thou art in this Infinite Universe ...Please answer my humble plea and Assimilate Me .... Kenny
  15. Give it a try . Once you gain some guitar set up skills in all the various areas of action , electronics , intonation , setting up a neck , changing all the parts and fitting them , you will have some chops . The next time you run across a guitar used or new you will have a level of confidence in your abillity to know exactly what you are looking at and where you may stand on being able to determine if the guitar may be a good choice for you with out having to bring it to a shop .If you get good you may even decide you prefer what you are doing most of the time as opposed to sending one of your guitars out to have it set up in a shop. In a lot of cases I prefer what I'm building / Modding over what they are selling over the counter. The only thing I may caution you about is you may need to be OK about the money you sink into this type of activity. You may not ever see it again or get a decent price when and if you try to sell one of your experements in guitar building. Where I'm at just so you know , I do alot of my own work within these parameters . My short list includes changing bridges , necks, pickups, setting action , intonation , stripping a finish , refinishing ( oil or paint can ) basic electronics and wiring ( this one trys my patience and i always need a schematic ) truss rod adjustments , cleaning a fret board and oiling it , As you can see my list includes most things guitars need to have done to them with out the heavy tools and super experience. Things such as taking a plank of wood and turning it into a guitar body or neck , routing out cavities for parts , doing a fret job , and a few other things that invole specialized knowledge , tools and experience are out of my wheelhouse . I enjoy what I'm doing and I consider myself a parts changer that knows a little bit about what he is doing ? Kenny
  16. I'm happy I played something you enjoyed very much ! Thank you for the listen . Thank you Grem ! I'm trying to up my jazz style playing ...Seems to be gaining traction When I open up my guitars case to play later I will give her a strum for you . all the best , Kenny
  17. Ouch !!! After seeing that video it has become super clear too me as to why that muscians mother set up a go fund me page to have her homes basement sound proofed . Kenny
  18. Oh Man ! So that's where all the cool older chicks are hiding ??? Kenny
  19. I don't know man . If I was the Captain of an Intergalactic Spacecraft from another Planet ?I would hit that dude with a transporter beam to bring him back to my home Planet . Then I would get two Lava Lamps , stick him in the middle of them both and let him have a go at what he does . I sure hope he can learn some new tunes . If he does ...... Yup ! he would make a nice Pet Kenny
  20. Pragi ! I'm happy you enjoyed my playing and tone on this video performance . Thank you for the kind words . ? Craigb ! I'm super glad you enjoyed this one . ? The video end of this was filmed using a modestly priced low tech andriod phone . It tried it's best to keep up . My Avatar ? ...There is truth in my desire to represent myself online ....What you see is what you get ? Milo is a good boy and he dosen't seem to mind playing second fiddle to me playing and practicing my guitar . Whole other story when I'm on my computer . He puts his whole 98 pounds into his armpit nudges and sneak attacks for attention . Hi Paulo ! I'm glad you enjoyed my playing on this video . Thank you for the kind words you said ? ? all the best Kenny
  21. Hi all , I have been practicing playing over some Jazz tunes using I Real Pro . I'm posting this video here because I want to keep it low key .. Here is an improvised practice performance I recorded this afternoon of me playing along to the chord changes of Song For My Father . Hope you enjoy some of my melodic phrases ... all the best , Kenny
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