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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. As a producer of some of Ravi Shanker's Music . I think George shined . Those videos can be found here https://www.youtube.com/@GeorgeHarrisonOfficial/videos Kenny
  2. It looks as if the drummer has seen her do that move a thousand times .. He's not even looking at her perfectly sculptured set of buns ...? Kenny
  3. This sums up how I feel about these sitar performances . If you got to go there give me some vintage George Harrison sitar performances or leave me be ? Kenny
  4. Wouldn't Magix Music Maker ( any edition ) smoke that Tesla DAW ? Off with your head Telejazz ! My Baby's Father put a lot of work into that DAW . Kenny
  5. That was interesting in it's own way ... Lots of C Major going on there on that map ....What Happened ? No A Minor ! Kenny
  6. This is what eventually happened to The FedEx driver that delayed the delivery of Dave's mixer . He thought he was slick wearing a UPS hat when he got caught sneaking around Dave's property checking up on things . Kenny
  7. Einsteins fingers are bunched up all on The Fifth Fret . There is no doubt about it as this proves the theory . He is reaching for the most lovely sounding chord in the Whole Wide Universe ! The A Minor Chord . Even Milo Knows That Glorious Sound when he hears and plays it ! Kenny
  8. Poor Craig ! He forgot there is "One Bird "worth keeping in the hand Kenny
  9. Hi Dave ! It certainly can become a super stressful chain of events when you lay out some serious bucks and then the only thing you can do involves having to wait around for the delivery . I hope you get your Mixer soon . Kenny
  10. Can we kindly get this thread back on topic fellas ! Option A Topic , Out of Our League Super Hot Chicks are OK to discuss Option B Topic , All things Involving Becan And the Love Of Becan ... Option C Topic , Various Musical Instruments and gear . Option D Topic s, Music Software and Plugs And for those of you that must ? Safer Tried and True Submersibles That Won't Quack Under Pressure . Kenny
  11. When I'm using amp sims and plugins I have a very simple solution that seems to work pretty good for me . It involves 2 simple steps . When I record my guitar I never use the comp feature .....if you want guitar solo paralysis and a bunch of takes all over the place by all means use it ... Step 1 , What I do instead is I will set up 2 tracks for my guitar . On guitar track 1 I will have set up what I " HOPE" may turn out to be my processed sounds for my guitar . This track may be a combination of and Amp Sims and a number of VST studio effects . Step 2 , I will place another audio track right bellow my processed audio track . Now both of these tracks are within easy visual range in the time line and this track will have no effects on the track itself ... at times I have used pedals into my sound card such as a little Compression , EQ , Delay or Reverb ... Yet, these tones are set to a bare minimum almost as Ghost tones so I can focus on my playing performance .... Now we get to the meat and potato's . When it comes time to record my guitar I have already did a quick couple of play through s over a few sections of the song ...These clips have been recorded with the intent of listening to how things sound . Also I also want to evaluate my playing . During my listening stages I will use the opportunity to adjust and tweak my amp sims plugs or what ever to taste in the moment Once I have done a quick global dialing in of my guitar tracks effects I WILL NOT TOUCH The EFFECTS BIN AGAIN until it comes time to edit the playing of my track .... Why ? I don't want all these endless choices to keep interrupting me . I just want to play my guitar and get the the little hairs on the back of your neck to stand up . Having deleted my test subject audio tracks , now it is time to record . At this stage I may start out using my sims and plugs track . At the least sign of Musical BS I will revert to using my dry audio track to record my performance Since I practice clean , I am totally comfortable playing a clean guitar tone most of the time especially I need to go there to jump start and get the ball rolling . Phrasing and bending are very important to me , and I don't want any effects on my guitar to trip me up ... ex bending a note and having a delay harmonize a note on a repeat or a group of repeats that obscure my phrasing .... OK , Here's where the fun starts .....after recording my performance using the clean track for sections I will gently nudge the freshly recorded audio over to my effects track ... Now I know somebodies gonna wonder so I'm gonna answer this now ..." Kenny how come you don't just record your performance on the audio track with the effects bin bypassed "? The simple answer is I don't work that way . When I play something that serves my song / performance I want it placed in the audio track with all my effects as soon as possible . Why because I always commit to a tone early ( they can always be changed ) and I don't want to leave 20.000 other choices of would have, could have, or should have lurking around in the back of my head . The other thing is I have a concise visual time line of my processed audio and the space to record a new take with out having to resort to comping ...Why ? because I commit early to what I'm doing and I can tailor my newly recorded audio to maximize the space between the phrases .... When it sounds good to me I will slide the dry track to my effects track ...When I have something playing wise I'm becoming happy with , only then will I go and readjust my effects . I may clear the decks w the effects or do a ...one by one ....until it sounds the way I want it ... Trying to explain this way of utilizing amp sims and plugs makes it sound so complicated when in fact this approach is so simple all the best , Kenny
  12. Albert Claude Einstein ? ? AI is trying so hard to wiggle in on everything ? it's a good thing he doesn't have a middle name . Kenny
  13. Scientists have detected a ‘cosmic bass note’ coming from the depths of Space . There is no need for concern or alarm . It is just renowned scientist Albert Einstein working on an Epic Musical Equation. A Minor = A C E Kenny
  14. Wow Craig , This information sounds much worse than I thought ! So what happens next ? If AI doesn't like the sound quality of a musicians recordings or the message of the songs lyrics ! Will AI send in a drone strike ? Kenny
  15. If AI is so smart, How come it took us human beings to invent it ? ? Here you go Guv'nor ! Almost Cut My Off A I ... No A I was used nor harmed during my guitar playing on this ... Kenny
  16. With all the new A I technology being forced down my throat ( real or Imagined )I have had enough ! Great now AI wants to take over my Cakewalk ! Whats Next ? Will it try to force me to listen to it's regurgitated deep fake attempts at Music ? AI needs electricity to work right ? Good if that's the case I have an out ... I'm starting to dream about the good old days when all a Musician really needed to get a musical nut off was a group of like minded guys and girls huddled in a drum circle banging away on hollowed out logs while playing melodies on a wooden flutes that doubled as a blow guns . According to AI while all that so called primitive music is happening the icing on the cake will be all the scantly dressed womenz of the tribe are doing a synchronized topless shake and gyrate that booty to the max dance .... Yeah can you dig it. I can roll with that . I got an acoustic guitar .... Kenny
  17. When you want the problem to go away , Neutralize the problem by finding a solution that solves the problem and works for you .... We are not all the same . Kenny
  18. You busted me on that one ? Kenny
  19. ? What Has Been Seen Can't Be Unseen The Bacon Grease Flashbacks ! Please make them stop Kenny
  20. She is cute ! But she needs to turn of her spell check . Around here for the food we spell it becan . For all else such as the attractive performers with all the greasy dance moves , we spell it Bacon Kenny
  21. The DNA test results for the becan seed quintuplets are in ! Kenny you are the father ! Milo say's What ? Kenny
  22. ? How on Earth did I miss this one ? I'm a few mins in and I'm digging it .... Kenny
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