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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. I found out about Julian Lage a couple of years ago ....I remember posting something on him here in the Coffee House even back then . I have actually played along to some of Julian's music. All it takes is spending a few hours slowing down his music and then taking it one note at a time until I can nab what he played ...simple's roight ? Call me crazy but after an hour or two doing my best to copy Julian Lage's playing note for note ! I consider it a success to be able to hang with and play along with him for 30 or 45 seconds ...even if it is a little slower than the recording . I would rather do that and have something to show for my time spent in music as opposed to a multitude of distractions that masquerade as being important ... all the best, Kenny
  2. Let's Call in the Sock Puppets ! We have another musician here with a Face For Radio ! Kenny
  3. Do you think A I will ever reach the point where it no longer needs to update itself ? What will happen once A I decides it will now focus all it's advanced intellect on upgrading us ? What happens to us ? gulp ??️‍♂️ Kenny
  4. Hey I feel dirty thinking dirty little thoughts when I look at her in that video because she looks super young to me . I don't know what year she originally filmed and performed in that video which was posted 4 years ago . And YES she is currently 24 years old . Think about it for a moment .How many times have you met a drop dead gorgeous Asian Woman that easily looked 20 years younger than her age ? I just ran out of fingers and toes trying to count all the times that one has happened in my life Kenny
  5. That video was posted 4 years ago . That "little girl" is now currently 24 years old ! Get in line and take a number Kenny
  6. Did you really say that ? If you did you better watch out !The word will get out on you ! You might have to start bringing extra treats whenever you are driving around town . Kenny
  7. That was a fun video ? Bailey seems well behaved . The car doesn't show much in the way of body work damage he may have caused .Even though he weighs what he weighs he seems to be light on his hoofs . Kenny
  8. Hi Sheens ! I recorded my guitar using the combination of an overdrive pedal pedal and selection of VST software in the box ...... I'm glad you liked my guitar tone ... ? I'm glad you give this recorded performance a listen and liked what I played .? The only way I can loose this copyright case in a court of law is if the opposing prosecution hires an expert lipreading witness ...Even then it might not help their case. My guitar is sort of lazy when it comes to learning a songs lyrics ....It usually likes to hum through the sections of a tune it don't know while making it up as we go along. Hi Base 57 ! thank you for the kind word ! all the best, Kenny
  9. The drummer from Dragon Force has a video up on u tube where he reacts to her cover video and playing as she plays ....He loved it .... Just even watching the video I can feel her joy and energy . Those qualities of her performance are powerful and infectious .... I felt young again for a moment in time just watching her ..... Now if my Addictive Drums 2 software doesn't come home soon in a couple of days, I may have to bite the bullet and file a missing persons report .... Kenny
  10. It's a good thing I'm not a drummer ! I would be seriously be asking myself Why Even Bother Making Music ??? After I saw this Video !!! My Addictive Drums software got on a Greyhound Bus and ran away from home after I played this video the second time Kenny
  11. When it comes to the human race. Mankind and Womankind can be Predictably Unpredictable . Kenny
  12. Caution super high BS content alert ahead . ? Women are actually a secret society held together by a shared common bond . It has been discovered by the top scientific geneticists in their field that smart women have always written down the innermost workings of their deepest thoughts and women tricks on how to capture and snag a man with out him ever suspecting or knowing it in invisible ink . Kenny
  13. The A.I. Beta version of Mixcraft just got back to me concerning your suggestion . Here's a few lines it came up with . "What do you think if we make like Leonidas from the movie 300 and kick all the other DAW's down a bottomless hole while shouting This Is MIxcraft " "When you said you had a lot of the skulls from your slain opponents on your mantelpiece you weren't kidding " "Stop stalling and quit asking the audience in the arena Are you not entertained ? You know they were entertained ?You are just using that ploy to help you get out of helping me organize the garage " My Bat $hIt Crazy sister asked me if you ever heard of the term "Crazy in the head" "Crazy in bed !" She say's it's OK if you bring the dog ! He is welcome to ! Kenny
  14. Same here I laughed out loud at a few of them . I did a Coffee House on my reaction to some of them . Kenny
  15. Hahahaha .... Did it hit you with this comment while it was doing your VST scan ? Kenny
  16. Yes I also use Mixbus (I'm a few versions behind currently ) . I like what Mixbus does pretty much all across the board including the authorization process . Regarding Mixcraft 10 , IIRC , all I did was log in to Acoustica to get Mixcraft 10 Pro at my upgrade price ( $39 ) Having downloaded the program , when it first started installing I remember I had to give it my e mail ...I don't recall if I had any challenge responses .... I'm almost certain all I had to give it was my e mail and possibly my Acoustica acct password .I honestly don't remember since I was so amped up on getting my upgrade within hours of the Version 10 release . Overall the whole upgrade and authorization process was painless and smooth . Kenny
  17. I honestly have no idea of the financial details concerning The New SONAR in regards to whether the company & people behind it need to raise large sums of money or not . Having said that and not having all or any of the facts ? I would be pleased if the powers that be offered loyal users a buy in cost wise along the lines of Reaper . A loyal Cakewalk user can pay a reasonable cost effective manageable upfront fee . Then they will be licensed for a decent number of updates ... I also like what Acoustica has done for Mixcraft DAW users . I decided to give Mixcraft a whirl when Acoustica offered SONAR users a reduced price to cross grade . The cross grade cost was much less than what it would have cost me as a new user . I got in on Mixcraft 7 Pro and I'm currently on Mixcraft 10 Pro . IIRC my upgraded fee's were $39 dollars each upgrade to go from 7 to 8 , 8 to 9 and 9 to 10 .... One thing is for sure , I'm not paying $150 or $200 bills plus a year any more for or to any DAW company that thinks they can get me for it . NO KEN DO Kenny
  18. I would be hard pressed to determine who in mankind's history could have accurately predicted the eventual evolutionary state of affairs the human race would ultimately find itself in . There was a time in human history when people looked to Darwin and Nostradamus's observations and predictions to clarify where mankind was heading . Now if you ask me, I would have to say Idiocracy and WALL-E are the 2 movies that best illustrate and hold the key as to accurately predicting the evolutionary path mankind is currently on the road to heading ...? Kenny
  19. Who was the "dyslexic" responsible for all those spelling errors on the Map ? Kenny PS I am dyslexic so I know it takes one to know one ?
  20. I happen to like Boss Pedals . Yet I happen to think using today's modeling and guitar apps a person could replicate and get a lot closer to the actual sounds he was talking about and trying to nail ... Kenny
  21. Yeah ! a couple of those do seem a little on the judgmental side . Now you have me wondering ...can they be turned off ? Well it seemed like a good offer to me at the time since I was hoping to get a doggie bag ? for Milo .... Kenny
  22. Here are some of the pick up lines it tried to use on me . Are you asking me out ? ? You sure know how to make an old fella feel good . If you think that's impressive check out Bapu ! He's the reining plugin Champ around here! Hey ! what do you mean by that comment ? I thought we were doing so good . Help you organize your garage ? After all the chit chat you put me through you owe me dinner and a movie . Then we can talk about it ? Kenny PS : Yeah I know ! It is time for me to face the music ! I'm more screwed up than I originally thought I was
  23. Yep , stumped or not I would be willing to bet that nice looking lady with the impressive rack will show up with her new girlfriend and they will both ask me to look over the boats railing because they thought they saw a Killer Whale swimming alongside the starboard side of my 50 yard SuperYacht Once I lean over and take a look to see if there is a Killer Whale , they will throw me overboard , take my Super Yacht and proceed to record a session of Yoko's Greatest Hits and Duets in my impressive studio ... No Thanks! I have made up my mind .She can keep her impressive rack and her Vegan girlfriend. I'm sticking with Flipper ! Kenny
  24. Oh Boy ! Here we go again ! Get Your Yo Yo's Out ? Kenny
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