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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. You are now cordially invited to come to the bonfire on the beach , hold hands , and sing ‘Kumbaya’ with the rest of us dog loving crybabies ? Kenny
  2. That is some super funny stuff ? I started out in this thread crying and now I'm laughing . Kenny
  3. ? I am so lucky to have him , Thank you , Kenny
  4. What about multiflavored Abandonware edible dainty's just like what's under a sweet 21 year old hottys plaid skirt ? You know what they say ....Its your duty when you chase that booty ...........? After all , she went through all the trouble of hunting you down after the Gig just to get your autograph ...... Oh boy Kenny ! it may be a good idea for you to get your mind out of the gutter since there ain't no more fairytales with a happy ending any time soon for you buddy Kenny
  5. Milo ! is keeping a close eye on the subject matter of this thread ? Kenny
  6. With a resume like that , it sounds like you got the makings of becoming a great musical director for The Chunk-N- Dales ?? Kenny
  7. When one door closes another door opens ! Aside from that it's a pretty good car ! Kenny
  8. I am addicted to brake fluid ! But I can stop anytime . Kenny
  9. We at The Chunk-N Dales organization are very glad to see you are interested in becoming a Chunk -N -Dale - Cannon Ball Man . We have streamlined the application process to make it as simple as possible for all parties interesting in climbing the heights our corporate job ladder . The first step you need to do is make an appointment with our front office . Then show up on time for your Cannon fitting . Once in the comfort of the private room we will provide for you , our fitting processes is simple as A. B. C. 1. 2. 3 . You drop your drawers , then we will take an accurate measurement of your Patoot ! Now before you jump to any non reality based conclusions or fan any fears you may be having about our process. Let us reassure you , we need to measure you in this very precise fashion because we need to know what sized Cannon Bore is the absolute correct size for you and your plus sized physical measurements . . The safety of all our employees are one of our main concerns here at Chunk - N - Dales! In addition to our stringent safety protocols , We wouldn't want you getting stuck halfway down the Cannon when it is time for things to go Boom !? Kenny
  10. This thread has got me thinking a lot about my dog Milo . I just found a text on my old phone stating directions to the meeting I had to pick him up . I got Milo November 20 TH 2020 . Wow that's 76,291,200 seconds or, 1,271,520 minutes or, 21,192 hours or , 883 days or 126 weeks and 1 day....or , 2 years, 5 months, 2 days of Loved filled moments we have shared together in our Lives . WOW what a track record ! For a guy that can't seem to get a date on Valentines Day . Since there is no doubt in my mind I love Milo, I guess it may be time for us both to take a trip to Vegas , find an Elvis justice of the peace , rent a skydiving plane , put on a parachute , jump out of the plane together , and have the Elvis justice of the peace marry us on the way down ....? Kenny
  11. After considering hiring a neighbors dog to help him tidy up and save time organizing his projects . He decided to let the idea marinate a couple of days because he knew the dog had problems following directions . The dog on the other hand was convinced he got the GIG as an unpaid studio apprentice in Bapu's Studio . To show initiative and bump up his value as a studio apprentice the dog thought it was OK to start a full VST scan on Bapus DAW at exactly the same moment in time Bapu wanted to mix his new project . Kenny
  12. Do you remember all the times you wanted The Chunk-N-Dale's to promote you up the ranks to Cannon Ball Man ? Keep posting stuff like this and you may find yourself next in line for getting shot out of the cannon a lot sooner than you think ? Kenny
  13. Well that's certainly OK ! Your honesty is admirable ! You can still come to the weekend potluck dinner , but you can't come out to the bonfire on the beach and sing ‘Kumbaya’ with the rest of us dog loving crybabies until you watch the video ? Kenny
  14. ? Oh well ! At least I cried genuine tears over the dog . Kenny
  15. Oh well ! At least I told them I was trying to become an Astronaut Kenny
  16. After watching this video I can't seem to shut off the waterworks ! Kenny
  17. With Logic like that! You may be onto something ? Kenny
  18. Actually the stuffed skunk was the one holding his nose . ? If he could have scaled the height of my crib , he would have made a run for it ? Kenny
  19. Look at what happens the day Ed finally got all his collab mates to send their parts in on time so he can mix the new song . Kenny
  20. Things ain't what they were in the 80's ? as far as couples intimacy go's . Now a days with everything health wise that has been going around you might be able to stay healthier for much longer because not being able to find your nuts in today's day and age is not such a big deal after all . A lot of people seem to have that problem . Finding your nuts is one thing but lets face it , The simple truth of the matter is your nuts don't always have your best interests in mind . The world seems to be full of people that had everything life had to offer . Love , Money Security , Property , Prestige , all those interesting little VST things , and with one slip of the nuts they lost it all. In a way not being in a relationship where your nuts call all the shots may be a good thing after all for some people . Short arm's and not being able to reach the the Southern Artillery appears to be a problem and deal breaker of sorts for me . I'm simply just way too young and sexually frustrated as it is to allow myself to turn into a grey short haired mini T Rex that acts like he lost his boys at the vet and is now masquerading around town as a cute furry squirrel ? Plus with arms that short nobody in their right mind is ever gonna invite any one out to the Friday Night All You Can Eat Peanut Restaurants Buffet. Why ? Because with arms that short , you ain't never gonna be able to reach into your pockets for your wallet and pay for your share of the check ? Kenny
  21. I am not kidding when I say what I'm about to say ...this is the absolute truth and it really did happen too me . After wasting over 20 years of intense therapy I saw my baby pictures when I got older and there was no teddy bear or little furry stuffed lamb chop for me to dribble , squeeze , and nibble on . My Parents had taken all my younger baby pictures with me holding a stuffed skunk ! I soon realized those baby pictures were an important event that altered the shape and molded the directional orbit of my life because I knew just about everybody else had a teddy bear . Often times I will just tell people I had a teddy bear just to fit in .( like I did here in another post ) As Epiphany 's go , this one sure helped me understand the inner mental working 's of the outer edges of my mental and emotional sanity . Kenny
  22. WOW ! this is absolutely the nicest thing you ever said too me in all my years here ...? Anyway ! I happen to like the squirrel pic you posted . I posted what i though the squirrel " in the picture " may have been thinking .. Since we are on this subject we all know squirrel 's have way too much fur to look good dressed up in a bikini . Woah ! wait a minute here , on second thought I just realized if I had a squirrel dressed in a bikini when I was a little baby instead of the boring generic teddy bear they forced on me , my life may have turned out a lot different ? Kenny
  23. Sounds like you had a real good thing going there for a while ! I guess the bowl of free peanuts at the bar was simply just too much temptation to resist . For now let's place the blame of all these drastic physical changes many of us are feeling on the Pandemic Kenny
  24. From the looks of what I can see so far , I might have to go and get my glasses so I can see the nuts Kenny
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