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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. One benefit of shaving your head around Christmas time is when they decide to make a Chia pet in your image, you will know exactly what it will look like ? Kenny
  2. I shaved my head once . It was a major adjustment for me . My head and neck nearly froze to death during a typical August California Heat Wave . Who Loves You Baby ! Kenny
  3. That was nice thanks .? Sure if you got all the bucks it takes for all that expensive gear. When you factor in everything including all the time it takes to route it all up for the show I get it You get an uncluttered , simple easy to maintain stage . I knew he sounded too good to not be using an amp ...The proof is right next to his left leg . Kenny
  4. I wanted to do a Mission Impossible face reveal where I pull of the Bapu mask and show my face ... Something went horribly wrong !! ...I pulled off the Bapu mask and this here face was there instead of my own . As they say , Oh well ! back to the drawing board , Kenny
  5. Hey fellas please let me know when it is safe for me to come back here . Kenny
  6. Only one handed ? It takes at least two hands to get the job done when a girl has a set as nice as hers . No wonder they killed the thread . Kenny
  7. OMG! Kenny killed a thread! Yeah you got that right ! When you are posting a pic of a woman with 3 luscious perfectly shaped mammary glands ....you got to be careful who you tell. All I said was ....One for you !... One for me ! and One for anybody but the Bass Player ! I guess folks around here don't like when your generous and U invite your friends over for lunch Oh well time to get my licks in someplace else , Kenny
  8. One of my better pics . Attribution accepted Kenny
  9. Hendrix's looks a lot like Einstein Elvis looks a lot like Bapu ? Kenny
  10. The Future of Mankind's Continued Survival hinges on whether or not these two can eventually find an A Minor Chord . "The Secret Chord " BTW , These two are the same person Kenny
  11. I would love to know where this girl hangs out so I can ask her out to lunch on Tuesday .? Kenny
  12. I don't always listen to Kenny ! But when I do , I'm always glad I listened ! I learned that lesson the hard way . Kenny ! told me not pick the first drawstring photo and I didn't listen . I loosened the drawstrings to let down the pants and there was a banana behind the curtain . Lesson Learned ! Listen to Kenny ! Kenny
  13. A USB ! Left Crab ! Wow ! it's sure getting a little strange around here.. Right Crab ! Yes , It sure is . Can you pass me the toilet paper ? Kenny
  14. If looks are not super real important , Curtis from Maya's tiny mic is available . Kenny
  15. What do Sprinters eat before a Marathon ? Nothing...they Fast Kenny
  16. Alright Grem ! So your not the model in the picture ! We got it ! Kenny
  17. Why are we looking at a Dude ? Has it gotten that bad around here ever since we started chasing all the wimens out of here ? Here's one is to help me reaffirm my preferences Kenny
  18. In the battle of the car DAW's , there is only one true way to find out ? We line up the two cars, the Tesla and my car on the track with of a set of drag strip lights . After the light tree hits the green the race is on ! The first person to actually finish a complete song that sounds good wins ? Once every charging station has these lights we can start a whole new thing .Who knows? it may turn out to be more popular than NASCAR Kenny
  19. Please don't slam the DAW to my car . The force of slamming the DAW on my car will shut that DAW and another DAW will open . Aside from that it's a pretty good car . Kenny
  20. Hi Dave , I'm glad you made it through your GiG w out any real lasting damage . Could this experience be a wake up call of sorts ? Kenny
  21. Left Crab ! Why is Craig effing with Kenny ? Right Crab ! Milo ! left Craig a steamy pile in his beach towel . Kenny
  22. Sure ! Why Not ! I say let's go for it . We have to do something to get A I out of the picture ... At least with her it's the devil we all Know .? Kenny
  23. Left Crab ! Why is the sand on the beach wet ? Right Crab ! Because the sea weed ! Kenny
  24. This is a great time to ask yourself ! What would Yoko Ono Do ? If she can do ! You can do it ! Kenny
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