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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. One of the best concerts I ever went to was back in the day when both Johnny and Edgar did shows together .The first time I heard Frankenstein Johnny invited Edgar on stage and the band went into this tune...Johnny on guitar , Rick Derringer on guitar Edgar on synths and horn , Dan Hartman on bass , those players I remember + there was a mix of Johnny's Band and Edgar's Band ...The show I saw was pretty much what they were doing for live shows as per the Tobacco Road Live album. Back then Edgar was still very young , he was also very charismatic and he put on one hell of a show musically and visually when the band played Frankenstein .... To this day Frankenstein is a tune I really enjoy on many levels .Later on in life I caught Rick Derringer playing it with his band and I got to talk with him after his show ... I'm such a lazy bum I should learn how to play it....anyway thanks for posting your example of Epic Synth Solo's ..... Kenny
  2. Songs ? Last time I checked Guitar Players don't care about no stinking songs ! All most of us really care about are Epic Guitar Solo's . Admittedly many of us do fool our self's into thinking we may be the one guitar player who can come up with an Epic Guitar Solo that can match the luscious tones , intensity and phrases of the iconic guitar solo Jimmy Page played on Stairway To Heaven If we can't achieve that lofty goal , then some of us fool our self's into hoping the day will come when we can come up with an original guitar riff that matches the memorable ear worm worthiness of Smoke on The Water or Iron Man . Oh Yeah ! IN GUITAR WE TRUST ! Kenny
  3. A little history lesson here ? Times were much simpler when many of us here on this forum were still little babies . The craft of writing songs involved the use of some very simple effective writing tools . A musician would be out having a bite to eat or a drink . Often times a song idea would come to him (or her ) like a bolt of lighting . Fearing they might loose the songs message and inspiration , the best option for them at the time was to just grab a napkin ,a pen or a pencil , and write the song idea on it . A lot of Hit Songs have come about as a result of this time honored simple approach ....I often wonder . Have we or some of us lost our way ? all the best, Kenny
  4. Whomever among us who share the numbers reflected in this VST Scan are not worthy to stand in the shadow of the Great Bapu ! ? I'm just kidding around . Like a lot of people around here I bought as many high quality plugins and synths I could afford when they were on sale . The joy of achieving ownership has been a perk and acquiring these tools has given me at times a false sense of fleeting self esteem . The DOG honest truth is "in my case " I have wasted many an hour of my precious musical creativity using the pasta method of throwing all sorts of VST plugins and synths into my projects with the hopes that something will eventually stick . The sad part for me is while I was using this approach , I even had the nerve to not even know how to use any of them Oh well ! there you have it ! my confession is over , Kenny
  5. Sorry to see the thread go bye bye ! I'm just glad they got the guy that ate the baby hippo . He was giving all us Zebras a bad name . Now as far as Cakewalk By Bandlab goes , I am running the current version ( pre future update version ) I have to say this has got to be the best release of Cakewalk By BandLab "so far for me " that I have used on all my computers . Very stable and feature rich .I wound up giving the boot to a number of full featured DAW's I no longer use any more .
  6. After I bring my captive audience to the dog park and walk him , I'll do the same . Kenny
  7. Anybody here notice the girl in the photo ? Kenny
  8. With such an impressive client roster at Abbey Road ! it don't matter who you are . Studio time at Abbey Road Studios must be really expensive if you have to sell the shoes off your feet to be able to book and afford studio time over there Kenny
  9. And They Lived Happily Ever After Hey !! what about me! what about me !! ? Kenny
  10. Let me see if I got this one right.? She is 25 years old . She has a youthful appeal and charm . Plus she has killer legs and a figure to die for. Off course The Jaguar eats her ! Wouldn't you ? Kenny
  11. After the honeymoon phase of Bobs relationship ran it's course , here's Bob having a conversation with an old friend .? I haven't talked to my wife for two weeks. Why, you guys having trouble? No, I just didn't want to interrupt her. Kenny
  12. I like her she is very talented . Kenny
  13. No Hope and Joy are not Siamese twins. They are far greater than Siamese twins because they form a synergistic relationship of powerful autonomous entities of power that have joined forces to reach the very foundations of any persons life they happen to enrich . The pictures you posted have one Siamese twin group on the top , and a set of actors for the second pic . In any case , I don't necessarily believe two heads are better than one unless evolution has finally brought humankind to the point where "some of us" are born with "two peckers" and or " two heads" . The "endowed chosen few " among us will then be able to achieve a fully satisfying mind blowing crowd inspired happy ending while enjoying a totally unique erotic sensual massage with only two people sound right to you ? Kenny
  14. Well my little titter bird had a DNA test done today . We are hopeful we may eventually be re united with our long lost titter that was separated at birth . We are so optimistic of a possible reconciliation we even wrote and played a theme-song for the happy day . Kenny
  15. When I get out of the super cold water after a swim at the nudist beach , this is what I see . A wrinkled pair of California Golden Raisins that creep-ed so far up my body I end up looking like a nut-less wonder . Kenny
  16. Oh Man Steve ! I must have a real dirty mind . I had no idea there was such a thing as titter birds . I thought we were talking about something else ? Kenny
  17. I enjoy being a titter . The only thing I'm afraid of is when I get old I sure hope I don't turnout to become a Wrinkled Sagging Knee Knocker . I'm just not ready to parade around topless in an upcoming National Geographic Tribal Documentary ! Kenny
  18. I'm having a dyslexic episode ? the OP said Bret in the title . I added an N to Bret by accident and got this ...Oh Well Kenny
  19. I'm with you on not having seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I'm not gonna loos any sleep over it either . I'm ashamed too admit this but I will . I auditioned VIA The William Morris Agency back n the day for new Artist called Meatloaf . As my luck would have it I didn't stand a chance . I don't think my look was what they were looking for ... Last I heard my resume wound up finding a good use at the bottom of the cage full of Parakeets ... Kenny
  20. Dang ! I just might trade in my guitar to become a Bread Farmer ...this pic sure makes it look like a very profitable line of work . Kenny PS: If I do that I can eventually keep up with bapu on the VST purchases
  21. Hey Steve !! I do enjoy our interactions around here so much it has got me wondering . Since titters usually come in pairs . I suspect we must be a pair of titters that have been separated at birth ? I may even take a DNA test to find out if I'm the left or the right titter ? Kenny
  22. Always pronounce the new spelling of the town Warchestershire correctly from now on ! Because if you don't , you run the risk of interrupting Struammy's titter jiggles ! Kenny
  23. Listen Kid tonight is your night! & this is your thread ! Get in there now and knock that other Rocky bum out ...Sheesh what a horror show that other guy is ? Craigb , thank you for sending your information . Human Resources has received your updated resume and we plan on adding it to your file real soon in the near future .? Kenny
  24. There is no Crying in Guitar Playing Kenny
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