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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. To ?! Or not to ? ! Is that is the question ? Kenny
  2. .???, Whoa ! it sounds like somebody around here got stung by a highly motivated Borg worker bee out on a membership drive to assimilate and recruit new members to the Bee Hive Collective. Kenny
  3. No I would rather have that lovely pair mounted in a rack at my humble home studio to behold and fondle . All we have out here are multiple pairs of the jiggle'y wiggle'y knee knockers I have noticed running around the edges of darkness in The Lovely Town of Vantuckey . Kenny
  4. Hey Lonnie ! I'm starting to think that V of yours would look great with my new tee shirt . Kenny
  5. A dyslexic guitar player walked into a guitar shop to buy his first Flying V ...Oops ! this is what he got instead ... Kenny
  6. I did take a moment to enjoy this Great tune ! Wow the band member's are as old or older than a few relics we have here and they can still rock . Kenny
  7. The Great Blues Guitar Player Albert King ! who played his V lefty w the strings upside down . Kenny
  8. I remember I used to love these guys when they first came out . A couple of listens just now and this song started getting on my nerves ? Sheeesh , where's a bionic battle monkey with an AK when you need one . Kenny
  9. I've always liked Flying V's .Someday I would like to get myself a Gibson ...IMHO they have a really nice sound for Blues and Rock. Back in the late 80's I had an MIJ Aria Pro V style guitar like the pic . This thing Rocked! . It had a bolt on neck which I'm OK with as a Fender player ...notice the trem Good luck , I hope we both get one , Kenny
  10. "When done properly it can be pretty entertaining. " Sure ! that appears to be what happened here with this video . Kenny
  11. I just noticed both actors in this video are the same guy ?? I even did a deep dive and watched some of his other videos ....Same thing where he is arguing both sides of the coin wearing a different sets of clothes and talking with a different tone of voice for each participant .... If this is a thing I can pull one of these type of things off pretty easy . I got lots of different people living inside my head ? Kenny
  12. Regardless of who your with and what your doing , if you happen to see anyone with teeth like this hanging out near the red light district of your town. Stop what your doing , Pull up your pant's , Zip up your Zipper and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE ! Your very life may depend on taking these actions . This public service message has been brought to you from The Adult Survivors Of Unwanted Circumcisions Gone Bad ! Baaadddd Kenny ?
  13. Once you slap a set of ape hangers that high on your bike you won't ever need the use The Total Gym anymore . Now you can do all your sets of chin ups and chest exercises as you wait for the traffic light to turn from red to green . Kenny
  14. Oh Oh ! it looks like a few of them got out of the crates ! ! Kenny
  15. After selling out all the advance orders of the official commemorative Coffee House Mug .... We find our famed Coffee House mug inventor at the office enjoying a relaxing moment ! Kenny
  16. Back when I worked in Music Stores back in the 70' and 80's the nature of retail music sales was set up in a way to try and get you to work with out taking a lunch break . Typically the music stores would get a lunch time rush of customers . The stores back then would offer to kick in 4 dollars to get you to skip your lunch break .... In spite of the passage of time I see some things haven't changed regardless of a persons occupation in the work world . Kenny
  17. Yeah rubber johnny ! I like the ring of that so much I nicked it and put it in his short story biography . Kenny
  18. I didn't get his name at first , but I do know in High School he used to go by the name The Big 10. Apparently he picked a really good name for himself yet he hadn't thought it the whole way through . A couple of weeks before prom night one of the cheer leaders decided to sample his wares and she was somewhat disappointed to discover there was an element of false advertising in play regarding his epic name . She was expecting the full experience of The Big 10 but what she got was the little Three 3 times and then he owed her one . As one could imagine , once the word got out , all the high school students both male and female decided to teach our friend a lesson he would remember for the rest of his life . They shot him with an animal dart tranquilizer rifle , dressed him up in a big slimy rubber , then they took his picture for the whole world to see him for what he really was . And there you have it folks , This is the true story of Rubber Johnny after he was forced to stop using the nick name The Big 10 and wound up in the Class of 68 High School Year Book . Kenny
  19. Poor fella ! everyone knew he was a wiener in real life . Once he decided to post that picture online he removed all doubts . Kenny
  20. ? good observation ! Now let's take a good hard look at the rocks on the left . They form a set of lips ? From the looks of things going on over there help has finally arrived . Kenny
  21. Dear Strummy , Can eating way to many chicken wings cause me to get the runs ? Kenny
  22. I spent a lot of time before I was 18 years old in adult situations like where you worked . My favorite curvey aun't danced a some pretty swanky places in NYC . I used to love the fact that my mom wouldn't hire a baby sitter .She would just bring myself and my 2 brothers out to the club to see my aun't dance and all the dancers bettwen dances would baby sit us . I used to love all the attention the dancers would lavish on us ....they would hold our hands , flirt and just make a big fuss over the 3 brothers dressed in the same outfits ...Some would even go as far as to ask me if I was single ?and available to get married I guess by todays standards my mom would be considered a party girl and many of my aun'ts and uncles had no relations ship to me and my brothers what so ever ? I do get what you are saying . As an adult I have played and worked in places where there were nude dancers , gambling , and all sorts of activities going on ...sometimes even in the same place . My humor may have been out of place in the context of your post . I appologise if my post may caused you any emotional distress. Kenny
  23. Hey Pinocchio ! Stop showing off " your appreciation" and sit your butt back down in the chair . You will get your chance ! The puppet show is scheduled to start once all the nude dancers have danced their first set so try to keep it in your pant's. Kenny
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