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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. ? ?la la la la la la la la la la la ?ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ?e e e e e ya e e e e e Kenny
  2. I had the opposite problem I could play the $hit out of a guitar yet I had no idea how to use a computer Kenny
  3. When the sound and performance of the plugin is stellar , don't worry about the out dated look of the plugin ...case in point Sonitus plugs . Kenny
  4. I would love to request a thug icon for the people that have given a few of my posts bad reactions . Kenny
  5. If you could go back in time to when you first started what would you tell yourself to do differently . Lets hear your thoughts on this topic . Kenny
  6. In the 80's I auditioned at SIR Studios in NYC for Chubby Checker ...there was something like 50 guitar players hanging around waiting for their number to play . When it was my turn I went on stage gave him a hug , plugged in and had a blast .. IIRC the audition consisted of us playing over an extended Funky Blues Vamp in the key of E ...not any of the 50 / 60's tunes he made famous ... The band was great. Chubby was very personable and gracious . And before I forget ...I felt real good about what I played ....yet I didn't get the Gig ....? Kenny
  7. Watch out for the horse on the left ! Even though the tongue is sticking out .It still has teeth ! Kenny
  8. Yeah! Me too Wilbur! I like my massages with happy endings . That horse knows exactly how fast to run to and when to stop , After the cowboy hid the bag of money the horse watched him hide the shovel ? Kenny
  9. If you ask me ...these are confusing times . Who is leaving the building anyway ? Is it the big guy who kept his bag full of money safe and sound after he went home and took a cold shower ? Or is it the little guy putting on a tight fitting rubber coat who spent all his cash on massages with the hopes of having a good time ? Kenny
  10. I starting to think my spellchecker let the Lets slip through because it must have felt the complete utmost urgency and sheer desperation I was feeling inside myself while trying to get my thread topic posted in the sperm of the moment . Best wishes back to you Steve Kenny
  11. Oh My ! If Ernest Hemingway was still around he would definitely want to take ritting lessons witt you ? Kenny
  12. Isn't that's the guy holding a mop while pushing a bucket of soapy water who has to clean up the spills seniors have recently been leaving in the magazine aisle of the supermarket ? After seeing Martha in this context I may finally decide to ditch all my Farrah Fawcett posters . Kenny
  13. Hey ! I had the same make and model car as the one in the photo . I sold mine for $ 29 dollars because I wanted to buy a Waves plugin ....I should have keep the car Kenny
  14. Yes I feel stupid myself ?The good thing about the spellchecker is I can adjust my message to incorporate the 5 dollars words I don't know how to spell into what I'm trying to say as opposed to using only the 50 cent words I know how to spell thereby granting me an elevated false status of pretending to be smarter than I already am . Kenny
  15. Lets hear the truth folks . In my case I would have to say so ... Kenny
  16. Take a smoke break and listen to some music .I guarantee you will feel better ! Kenny
  17. This is an update from The Human Resources Dept . After giving your resume a closer look we have determined you may have valuable Verizon experience from your past . We passed on your pertinent information to Ms Strong . She is our current Verizon spokesperson in charge . We feel she may become a valuable resource for you to have in your corner and along side you as you trudge the path of seeking meaningful ,gainful employment with our company ... Ms Strong is currently in the process of reviewing the extensive packet you had provided from your resume containing all the video footage of your days as a leading dance performer with The Chunk - N- Dale's .... The decision of your hire is solely in her hands and we hope she gets back to you soon . Kenny
  18. That's it.... I have finally heard enough . I will be contacting the head of The Human Resources Dept on Monday morning to request your resume be removed from the bottom of the pile where it is currently residing and having it placed in uppermost slot in the Que. The change in your application status will have your listed as the # 1 qualified job applicant for the new position we have opening up soon . . Kenny
  19. What happened ???????????? You got yourself in the mood for a little fun and yelled out " Alexa ! show me a lovely pair! I have dropped my pant's , I'm so ready " ?‍♀️ Then she told you she had three of a kind and it is stronger than a pair and beat you at a hand of cards ? Have heart my friend the day is coming real soon when AI is gonna be developed enough to take over and care for all our human needs . Including the needs of our highly imaginative pecker s ? Kenny
  20. When I worked in music stores I used to practice and fool around playing lefty guitars upside down as righties .....mostly Strat style guitars This was a fun little game I used to play and it used to relax me . In I do have it in the back of my mind to come across a lefty guitar at the right price someday and play it upside down ......it's good practice ! Albert did have a good relationship with Flying V's as his trademark instrument . His first flying V was a Gibson called Lucy in honor of I love Lucy which was stolen and later recovered . His first 2 flying V's were stock right handed Gibson's flipped over so all the knobs and stuff were in the wrong places . Here is the Wiki on Albert King's Flying V's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_(Albert_King_guitar) for anyone here who is interested Kenny
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