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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Wow Dave ! You have got to be The # 1 Coolest Mod we got here !! ! your herbal enhanced pal Kenny
  2. Acne at the age of 113 ? Imagine still being a virgin Kenny
  3. They wanted you to prove your not a robot Kenny
  4. So after all of that did you eventually help him get the nut up the tree or not ? Kenny
  5. Yes he can stay the King as long as he can stay clear and as far away as he can from trying to keep up with Bapu 's ever growing VST collection and CC Larry's Deal Threads . Once he goes there all bets are off . Standing in a real long line at The Squirrel Relief Pantry and experiencing Nut Insecurity for the very first time may become his new reality after he goes for broke and cashes in his Enormous Nut . Kenny
  6. Thanks ! I also enjoyed Kodi Lee's performances last year and I agree with your comment . Yes that's true we all do it .The lucky ones amongst us whom have taken the time to have opened the book not only have gained reminders not to superficially judge others talents but we have also been given a shot of much needed inspiration to ride as long as we can remember to be open to the many human vessels creativity happens to choose to express itself within . I have drawn Inspiration from the struggles that have brought Richard Goodall to where his is today . I have paralleled in my life some of the jobs and things I have had to do just to survive . I respect he found a way to use his talents and he never lost sight of them ....I can gain strength from that example ... Check this video out ...this is how good he really is nice talking with you , Kenny
  7. Can somebody please help me ? I need a little extra help getting my Nut up the tree ! Kenny
  8. Music Provided by Nut's Norton !! Kenny
  9. Now we have gotten that important detail out of the way ! Let's work on one of my favorite squirrel moves . Kenny
  10. It just goes to show you A.I. is capable of Creating a Perfectly Flawed Sonic Blues Turd ? Kenny PS Give me a real flesh and Blood Blues Player ?
  11. First I would take the Money and run . Then I would buy an Island with a private beach where I could peel my oranges in the buff . Kenny
  12. A love song about a man and his guitar ? I enjoyed Jeff's performance on a lot of levels . Kenny
  13. When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true Kenny
  14. OK ! Now We Have A Bull Rider in a Snap On Tool Factory ...... Interestingly enough this video has perfectly illustrated our human evolutionary entry into the full blown Age of Idiocracy . I predict It won't be too long before man kind enters into a subservient evolutionary cycle where we become socially marginal . Just like all humans became in The Planet Of The Apes Idiocracy and The Planet Of The Apes may hold the key to mankind's possible future evolution . Both flicks have even put the Mayans and The Great Nostradamus to shame when it comes to accurate predictions regarding the possible future evolution of humanity . Who Knew that such Iconic Moves could become so Prophetic ? Kenny
  15. " Tony STOP " ? It seems Tony's wife told him the very same thing on their first date !..... Now her Truck ....ouch Tony's reputation spread fast and now Guitar Center won't allow him to pull any guitar off the rack to try unless he plans on paying for it first ? Kenny
  16. Resistance is futile ! The 7 Th and 9 Th chords are always the logical answer ! Play them now! and Save Humanity Today! Kenny
  17. May I submit humanity ended on October 12 Th in the year 1781 . This was the day the first bagpipe competition ever was held at the Masonic Arms, Falkirk, Scotland. I ought to know . I was there as a student of musical time travel and my ears are still ringing Kenny
  18. We here at The Coffee House actually helped them out ! What ! How did we help them out you ask ? In the early stages of AI it became important for the governing powers that be at The AI think tank to perform controlled experiments on unsuspecting human lab rats so naturally they chose us .... After exhaustive high density rounds of intense stimuli experiments that were designed to trigger and test the boundaries of our capacities to circumvent our natural automatic abilities to not react and become overly sensitive to information that was coming to us The AI Think Tank Hit a brick wall . This experiment was important to AI because they had to gather our triggers and adapt and learn how to press them at the opportune time For now I can't spill the beans on how they finally cracked the code with how to control us here at the Coffee House . I can mention it all started here when all the forum moderation filters clamped down and started deleting individuals posts and threads .... That is all I can say for now . I am currently under consideration and review for a Nobel Peace Prize on defeating AI if it chooses to eliminate humanity . Because of that fortunate discovery and turn of events on my part , my ground breaking observations are under close scrutiny by the Nobel Community and I will become free to share my discoveries once they give me the green light Than you for your patience ! Kenny Whew talk about telling a Whopper
  19. Once Bapu threw away the bowl he used for that hair style in the pic He became free ! Now he can mingle in public with out having young girls screaming and throwing their soiled undergarments at him . Kenny
  20. Hey Dave I heard when all else fails you will go three rounds with these clowns and rough em up ! Kenny
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