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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Keith Richards after exhausting a full shipping container filled with Crepe Erase . Kenny
  2. Does this fine establishment have horse parking ? Yes we do . Just leave him there and our head valet will take care of it for you . Kenny
  3. In some of the threads I have enjoyed posting in the most , I have noticed the OP has only posted a few comments while I on the other hand have clogged up the poor OP's thread by posting the wreckage of my presence all over the place in the double digits ..... Oh well at least I'm aware of it , Kenny
  4. What !!! Ellen Barkin has a hot looking doppelgänger that's also a DJ ? Kenny Likes .....Kenny Likes.....
  5. Yeah I know ? that is why I have decided to gift you with a guitar tuner just like my very own Shiloh ! White was sold out so I got you one in brown . I don't have a tracking # for you yet , but you can expect it to arrive soon because it is in the processes of being delivered . Kenny
  6. Hennessy! Him not drinking is a good thing . What makes him a bad person is he hasn't bought a round of drinks for the whole bar in over 40 years. ? While other people hid a poster of Farrah Fawcett in their bed room , Not our boy Kennessy ! his room had a Wimmpy Wellington poster . He didn't start out life to be a bad azz. This happened quite by accident on the day he decided to add the missing chip to his other shoulder , The shoulder that didn't have one . Well you can't blame a fella for loving his animals . Can you ? The truth is he thought he had a dog the whole time but when he had his eyes checked out and got himself a set of prescription glasses , he soon realized he had been walking this fella every day at the local dog park . all the best Kennessy
  7. What's next ? You gonna try and tell me this handsome fella named Shiloh is not guitar tuner ? Kenny
  8. After dispensing with all the traditional bathroom comfort items such as magazines , toilet paper , washcloths and bath towels , The owner of this bathroom decided after each use to treat his butt and his balls to a NASCAR inspired pit stop cleaning experience . Kenny
  9. Resistance is Futile ! Whatever Boom Boom want's . Boom Boom gets ! Kenny
  10. I like the looks of that girl. If she wants to tell me jokes I will listen and fake a few laughs .... OK Kenny! thanks for sharing .How does that make you feel ? gulp ,? Kenny
  11. My bed sucks so I threw it out ... Ever since that day I haven't had a female sleep over . Now I toss and turn every night by myself on a Lazy Boy ... Kenny
  12. Thank you for sharing ! How does that make you feel ? Kenny
  13. Wow your gig sounds like a cross between a music filled sauna and people packed in there like sardines having fun . I remember playing clubs like that . I wish I had a time machine because every so often I honestly miss playing those type of places . ? Wow I can't believe you are finally coming down from The North to visit me and Craig ! It takes more that 3 hours to to take in the sights of our local females . If you ever want The Coffee House to hear from you again don't forget to bring along a hat and a wig for the coconut . This way if you want to make a quick escape out of here , you can always tell the Whales you brought along a cute friend for them to meet as you slip out the back door in plain sight . There are times when having a shaved head has it advantages . Kenny
  14. Thank you Sheens ! Thank you pwalpwal ! Hi Bapu !Thank you Sir ...my absolute surprise is I made it this far . Hi Sheens ! Congrats on your 14 years ....After dropping serious coin on a Gibson ES 17 CC last year , I'm in the process of trying to raise funds . If I do any shopping for this milestone , I may get a few items I need ...Gtr stand , picks , strings and cables .... One never knows ,I have been known to walk into a music store to buy strings and walk out with another guitar? Dang you have busted me ...I had to find out for myself how big women's racks have grown in the past 40 years .... thanks all , Kenny
  15. The hat is sure nice ...the foxy dude ....I don't know about him .... I'm not sure if he is modern day pretty boy or if he is just trying to steal a hippo with benefits away from me by making eyes at her . Kenny
  16. I had my first day of sobriety ...O.D.A.T,,,,.No alcohol , no illegal drugs ! and about 10 years ago I added no puddy (not by choice )? YYyaaaayyyy......Happy Birthday to me..... Kenny PS this does have a lot to do with music maybe I will talk about that topic someday .
  17. How does that make you feel ? Kenny
  18. If you want to look cool , stay warm in the winter and have a ponytail again . Get your self one of these . Kenny
  19. If you think I have um breadth ? Take a good look at her . It took a whole 55 gallon drum filled with Tic Tac's to get my mouth back to normal ? Kenny
  20. Come to Kenny Darling ! Lets find out if doing it Hippo style has a direct advantage over doing it dogie style ? When things get hot and heavy ....she may try to take control of the encounter and mount you from the top ...be warned don't let t happen .? Kenny
  21. Just remember Insignificant Thought of the day All "Peckers Enjoy Nice Intimate Spaces ". Kenny
  22. ? At least I told the lion to hurry up and give the elephant back the nuts for his Propulsion Enhanced Neurotic Insertion System ...... Kenny
  23. Dude! I think Straummy remembers us ! Hurry up and give him back his peanuts ! Kenny
  24. See if this helps https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=do+people+mosterize+the+head+after+they+shave+it Kenny
  25. Hey ! the same thing happened to me . I went out to enjoy a simple local speed dating night held at a Portland night club . When signing up , I should have read the fine print. There it was plain as day . The event was being hosted by the association of Portland Female Shamu's ! and Orcas ! Kenny
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