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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. You can achieve the same thing by using the dedicated Velocity tool under Midi Fx
  2. Clearing the picture cache fixed it. Will mark as solved Thanks to all
  3. Should have said, I already tried that, but thanks for the suggestion
  4. Good idea - I'll try that ? Edit to add: I haven't cleared out the cache for years so I'll defnitely do that tomorrow
  5. This is an odd, one, something I've not experienced but I know others have I was worknig on a short vocal clip (audio) and applied Melodyne as a Reigon Fx Tweaked it uintil I was happy then rendered the clip to take Melodyne out of the picture Now the waveform no longer displays So I thought, no problem, I'll jsut right click the clip, select "Associated audio Files" and there's buttong in there to Recompute Picture(s) Result - no wavefrom I've tried 3 or 4 times, same result I've shut down Cakewalkm rebooted and tried again, no go I've duplicated the clip onto another track, same story I've also looked in the take lanes but they show flat as well (just a single take in each) So any idea? This isn't crucial to me finishing off the project - I might re-record the vocal anyway, but it it annoying - seeing an empty clip but it clearly isn't empty Thanks
  6. Did someone say switch off Fx when recording??????????????? ?
  7. Which parameter(s) are these envelopes controlling? This might be relevant to the bakers
  8. Well the problem is, nobody here actually knows when, or indeed if this functionality will be restored. We're [mostly] users just like yourself One of the admin team might chip in from time to time, but don't count on it So you were offered alternative ways to get CbB validated.
  9. Space is fake. We all live under a glass dome and the sun & moon are the same size, 50 miles above our heads. Satellites don't "orbit" in LEO they are suspended by balloons. I could go on but my intelligence chip is melting
  10. I'm curious. What are "all these bugs" you've been dealing with for over a year?
  11. Easiest solution is just buy a wireless dongle. Plug it in when you need to go online and remove when done
  12. You can find show / hide pro channel under the area for Console View I haven't looked for the others
  13. You mention both hiss and hum in your post - which one is it? You would need a different solution for each
  14. You can eliminate the wav files "referred to but nor used" in a project by doing a "save as" with a new name to a new location. Make sure "Copy all Audio with project" is checked. This new verion will now only reference those files currently used in the project.
  15. Not possible. The best compromises are all posted in this thread.
  16. Tom, I did a test many years ago (when my ears were a lot better than they are now) - this involved putting an extremely long reverb tail on the end of a track and automatin the volume WAY up as the tail decayed. This was then sent through all the different dither options, one at a time and then listening to each of them afterwards. The winner was Powr-3 as the decay was a lot smoother than any of the others
  17. Well you can easily hide everything apart from the faders and float the resulting window
  18. That's nothing, I had a warning from the FB group "Flat Earth Society" for flouting their rules ????
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