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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. Yes, I got a great deal from IK when they were running one of their promotions and picked up a dozen or so of their "Singles" for a ridiculously low price They form the basis of every mastering chain that I set up. The LP EQ is to die for, as is the Limiter and Bus Compressor
  2. I've been using IK's Brickwall Limiter for years and to my ears at least, it does a superb job of limiting without obvious clipping artefacts or other distortion.
  3. It's been mentioned a few times but the issue you're perceving is almost certainly how you've got things set up in Cakewalk. At the risk of repetition - what are you using for an interface and what driver are you using
  4. Yes, the only way this would work is if you had a previous version of Sonar which included the BT plugins
  5. Bristol_Jonesey


    This is the orchestral overture to the album, containing snippets of several of the songs Again, only EWQLSO used with no additional plugins
  6. I'm questioning why you need your monitors cranked "while tracking"? Most of us don headphones while tracking to eliminate bleed. Some clarification required regarding what you're trying to do
  7. That's very useful Thanks a lot
  8. Hi Guys I need some advice from any of you Midi guru's I have to reload all the internal patches on my ageing Roland D50 I have downloaded the necessary files but I gather I need to get these into the D50 by means of a Sysex dump I watched an online tutorial which suggested that I need a USB to MIDI interface which kind of makes sense, and I've seen several suitable units online But, I'm hoping that the solution might already exist - my Focusrite 18i20 has dedicated Midi I/O so surely it must be possible to use this as the interface? Will there be any configuration required or will the D50 know where to look as soon as I start the Sysex transfer? (Assuming the relevant files are on my pc) Thanks in advance Jonesey
  9. This 100% Just make sure you've got "Copy audio with project" checked. You can then delete your original project folder with impunity
  10. I would guess that the continual reappearance of hidden tracks is down to a Workspace or Screenset issue 1) Set Workspaces to None 2) Make sure your current screenset isn't locked 3) Save the project
  11. If they're not on your pc, you can try downloading them from your Cakewalk Command Centre
  12. Thank you so much for your comments guys - this means a lot to me I have another piece, hopefully ready soon which is an overture and contains snippets of various songs from the album, all segued together into one continuous piece
  13. No, you don't need to install the entire program just to grab the plugins. You can either do an advanced install for what you need or just download them from your Command Centre The only exception to this is if you want V-Vocal which requires a minimum core install. The last version that shipped with VV was X2
  14. Thank you Steve, much appreciated
  15. Thanks for the compliment! Not too many tracks, less than 30 in total, spread across 5 instances of Play - Strings, Brass, Woods and 2 for percussion
  16. Have you got any hidden or archived tracks that might have it on?
  17. Bristol_Jonesey

    Sad Day

    It certainly has that melancholy feel I'm sure you were going for Nicely done John
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