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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. I aee no difference whatsoever between the 2 versions for load times, cpu usage or ram usage
  2. It's got nothing to do with singing. Where did you get this from?
  3. Padding the beginning of a song is good, normal practice, irrespective of enabling artic offsetting to occur
  4. Build 403, downloaded just now appears to have fixed it.
  5. This little bug must have occured recently, because I already managed to use save & save as a couple of days ago. But now they've disappeared Missing commands: Save Save As Save Copy As Import Export Browse Bandlab Projects Publish to Bandlab
  6. Those were Microsofts "recommended" settings when I first got the laptop. No other reason. I might play around with the settings, see if it makes a difference
  7. Sure. This is on a 17.6" laptop, 3840 x 2400, 250% scaling I've not had chance to try it out on my studio rig yet
  8. 1. Funny that, loads of us are currently using Sonar so to say it isn't available is plain wrong 2. The only reason the current installation will change is due to maintenance releases. You're really on a massive stretch about all this for some reason.
  9. Maybe you should have sorted out the activation issue before doing any work.
  10. For those of you struggling to see the NEW spectrum analyzer, go into Console View. Under Options > EQ and Plot > Show Spectrum Analyzer
  11. If it helps, these are the settings on my laptop
  12. Ok guys, any idea what's happening here? all VST'S - VST2 & VST3 are opening up REALLY small and cannot be scaled any bigger
  13. VX64 (and PX64) were both hidden/excluded due to instability issues. This may be resoved when the new Sonar is released.
  14. I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that
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