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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. Yep, leave all older versions intact. If it ain't broke....................
  2. One thing to bear in mind if you're dasiy chaining compressors. The ratio settings that you dial in will in effect be multiplied So if your first comp is set at 5:1 and your 2nd at 3:1, the overall effect on the signal is 15:1
  3. Good for you. But do you realise this thread is 3 1/2 years old?
  4. Just insert a new artic further down the timeline, or extend the length of the last one.
  5. Send an email to support@cakewalk.com to sort out your password
  6. Do ctrl + end to to find out where it thinks the project ends Then select the entire range of tracks between where you want it to end and where it does end Switch on Ripple Edit All Press delete Switch Ripple Edit OFF (Important!)
  7. Check your Windows settings. You cannot change the size of the UI in this version of Cakewalk.
  8. Works fine here. Which parameter(s) are you trying to automate, and how are you trying?
  9. Well, after much to-ing & fro-ing, I can safely say what you want doesn't exist
  10. It's easy to configure CV just to show the faders
  11. No, none whatsoever, at least with that specific case
  12. Use 2 monitors. Track View on 1, Console View on the other.
  13. I'd start a new thread of your own. This one is 32 months old.
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