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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. Young people won't naturally gravitate to Cakewalk because the workflow doesn't support how kids are making thier music.
  2. You often need to finesse the velocities and even pull the notes forward or backwards so I'm not sure how much use it would be , I would want notes on the actual PRV
  3. My PT owning friend is thinking of coming back to Cake. He originally used Sonar but went to the Darkside during his music degree years as it was used at his Uni Now he's thinking of coming back because gigs dried up and PT is just another subscription he doesn't really need if he can get his head back into CBB....and free is a real incentive. We had a chat because in PT he said clip gain editing is real easy you don't have change the track edit "mode " ..you can just do it right on the clip if I understand him correctly whereas we have to do the below and then swap back again. He says this is a massive pain/workflow killer when you are used to PT. I told him you can use the shortcut of shift with += to toggle modes much more quickly and he said this is a big help but his other bugbear was that whilst in clip automation the usual " s " to split a clip doesn't work ! I tried it and he's correct. You have to Right Ciick and choose Split from the menu Again he finds this a massive pain coming from a PT background and I can't seem to find any way around this one. I tried assigning it in the key bindings but it doesn't work. it doesn't really make sense to me why you should lose the " split " shortcut command when in Clip Automation mode when a similar function albeit more detailed version is there on a right click menu. So can we keep the quick shortcut of "S" to split clips regardless of the mode we set the Edit Filter to ?
  4. Like I said if you can't mix with 4 EQ bands you're doing it wrong. Either learn to record or learn to mix.
  5. If you feel you need 8 bands plus a hi & lo pass filter then you're doing it wrong.
  6. Yes...should 100% be a " set and forget " option
  7. The snap values can be changed easily on the control bar during the Project . What we are talking about here is the way the Snap Intensity behaves. Many people expect this to be constant without needing to workaround with Templates
  8. Yeah, you just turn it on the control bar and then turn it on again or change resolution in the track or PRV setting ...that's normal What I don't find normal is Snap Intensity re-setting itself every time I start a new Project . It should be a Global Preference that's fixed without the need to make my own templates. I've used CW since it just used to have blobs on the track view to show midi data..probably in the mid 90's over thousands of projects and I have never ever ever wanted the way the snap intensity works FOR ME to be anything other than extreme. Ever. It's either on or it's off and I want it left that way for every project I do .
  9. First AMD processor I've ever had but commercial DAW builders are using them so I figure why pay more for a less powerful Intel part. There's no discernible difference when using a Ryzen system apart from it having more cores and being cheaper. There are some misguided souls around these parts who seem to think you should only buy Intel. Don't believe them. There is a choice.
  10. I think they are pretty stock/standard to be honest, I do have the ThreadSchedulingModel set to the more aggressive 3 ..I don't think I changed anything else
  11. I've always thought that's somewhat of a workaround. It should be Global for the DAW IMHO, not a per project setting...surely ? Once I've set my own Preferences in any App my expectation is that they persist until I change my mind. Who would want different snap settings for each Project ? Other Preference and Customization settings are not changed by the Project so it's odd to me that Snap To Grid is. And a pain.
  12. That would be so awesome ! I usually have to drag and drop the final mix to Dropbox or a Music Library's own platform, so to have it opened without the need to go back and browse for it all over each time would be great.
  13. No you misunderstand I do not want to use dedicated DAW controllers. I will only buy controllers that are universal to all windows applications. The Stream Deck and NoB can be used with many Apps as they were not designed only for DAWs ..this means they are more open and flexible and not subject to becoming outdated
  14. Thanks for the demo...cool workflow but wouldn't really work for me as I prefer mixing with my mouse. I do have controllers on my Oxygen Pro keyboard but to be honest I am faster using mouse and Kb along with my nOb and Stream Deck macros etc. I don't need to feel analogue and hands on like I did when I had a proper console. As I worked with 3rd party EQ's since well before the introduction of the Pro Channel I've never used any of it's plugins to seriously mix with. Not that there is anything wrong with them , I just had pre-existing stuff I liked and I am faster on. But for me it was always handy to have the HPF / LPF like the old Sonar Per Channel EQ which was quicker than inserting another plugin and I suspect lighter on CPU. They made it slower to get to with the X Series by adding more steps and for that and other reasons I stayed on 8.5 until CBB came out and as my XP/Win 7 machine was dying a slow death and CBB was free I made the jump. Last year I wrote 100 tracks for TV Music Libraries and I'm up to 48 this year so I need to work pretty fast - If they implement the change to the DAW natively as suggested I'd be happy but I prefer my input devices to be more universal where possible.
  15. Yes a double click would keep it consistent across the UI Yes, I don't need to open to entire Pro Channel to only adjust some EQ , on a real mixing desk the EQ is on each channel strip..it's "there" all the time so you can just grab it and make changes. It's not hidden behind some extra panel. I think they had it better in Sonar 8.5 It's funny but I can assign "Remote Control" to it and activate it with my hardware controller and change the filter frequency but the remote control settings do not persist if the project is closed which seems a bit nuts, I found some old forum posts complaining about it which confirm the same issue so I don't think it's just me. So yeah I would take keyboard shortcuts instead, then at least I could assign them to my Streamdeck as a hotkey. That's a good idea and keeps it consistent with other fine controls but apart from the filters I agree I can't work with tiny EQ. It even annoys me that in the Pro Channel can't use the mousewheel to move parameters, I guess this is because it's used to scroll up and down the PC modules. I bought a NoB Control in the end and this makes the PC much more usable as you can just hover over the control and turn the knob to adjust it. Agree
  16. Yeah it's a good arrangement trick that I use often , you normally have to lower to velocities too as you go higher or they sound too loud. I use a Streamdeck and have the steps programmed into a macro so it can be done at the push of a button but it would be nice to have a dedicated function ..maybe call it Copy & Transpose and have the regular Transpose box pop up so you can decide how many semitones to move it by and perhaps offer a velocity change in there too.
  17. Don't think that's an option right now, although if you "open" them instead of importing you get tempo info iirc If you mean reversed that's bee possible as long as I can remember, I have mine set to a custom keybinding of the "u" key as in U-turn so I remember it It would bug me to have a confirmation pop up as I use this feature quite a lot , and not saying I never drag to a midi track by mistake but if you do you can hit ESC to cancel the operation. I would not hold your breathe- seems a waste of the Dev Team's time when there are many superior 3rd party options
  18. I agree this would be useful - It should be a click away..or maybe a double click or right click Also , I have mentioned this before but the mini EQ Plot view LOST some useful functionality when the move from Sonar 8.5 to X1 happened There is no longer any way to activate the Hi & Lo pass filters from the console strip view like there used to be with the old " Per Channel EQ " ...you have to open the Pro Channel. Some may think this is trivial but when you make 100+ tracks per year for music licensing all these extra steps add up. The old way was much quicker with the old per channel EQ, you could set your filters without opening up anything else Ironically , you can adjust the other 4 parametric EQ bands in CBB but honestly there isn't enough fine control ...yet the filters where coarser control is acceptable are not accessible. IMHO we should be able to click at either end of the mini EQ plot to activate the Hi or Lo pass filter.
  19. I agree it would be more intuitive. Ideally a context sensitive right click menu with various folder options when you right click the area shown here
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