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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. I doubt it , a new project is a new project for me - I would never recycle anything
  2. A folder is an organisational tool..a visual aid...a container...it's not part of the audio path. Audio flows through tracks and buses, not folders. Buses are easy understand if you ever owned a hardware mixer and DAWs follow those signal flow conventions for good reason.
  3. No it's the full one which is about £400 now. Can't remember what I paid as I stopped upgrading at V.5 some 15yrs ago but they're up to V.10 now. I got my first one cheap as I worked in a store that sold boxed audio software and old versions often got sold off at crazy discounts when the new one came out. So I maybe paid £10 for it originally plus an upgrade or two later on. V.5 still runs on Win 10 You can get the Elements version which does what most will want.
  4. A 22 year old DAW..really ? I think I had to upgrade to a Pentium processor just so I could run it. I am not quite clear on what you're trying to achieve. If you mean you want to play a midi part with both the Coolsoft VMS and en external hardware synth then you would just duplicate the midi to a 2nd track, assign one the VMS and the other to your external midi module and combine the two signals via an external hardware mixer. That's how we rolled back in 1999 anyway, any half decent modern soft synth is going to blow VMS out of the water though so maybe think about getting CBB and some up to date sounds.
  5. Ignore lists are for wussies. Post a thumbs down if you agree.
  6. Best algorithm is getting right at source. 2nd best is probably Melodyne. 3rd best is getting your hands dirty and chopping up the audio manually I tried Audiosnap with 8.5 and a wayward drummer. In the end it was easier to sack the drummer and re-track..never used it since. Or the drummer.
  7. Got the file thanks, I haven't used Cakewalk Instrument Definitions since around 2001 when I sold all my hardware synths What's the best way to make the note names appear in the PRV..do I have to dedicate a channel to it ?
  8. I think this may be a pre-existing issue but there seems to be a bug that prevents you dragging an instrument track into a folder See attached GIF. I wanted to drag the Kontakt track into the Bass Folder and for some reason it won't let me ( the blue box won't appear around it if I try to enter from above ) Yet it will do it for all the other folders. If I try it from underneath the Bass Folder then it works..weird
  9. It's not something that needs to be generated on every export, just a tick box option when needed ie. final mix. Not sure how the CAES operates but it's still there.
  10. Other DAWs such as PT or Cubase have the option to Export more than one file format of the mix at the same time. This is very handy when delivering final files to Clients when you need a lossy file for emailing etc for approval or edits as well as a full quality lossless version for the master. i.e Client Approval Copy = 320k MP3 Master Copy = 48k 24bit Wav They would be called MyMix.mp3 & MyMix.wav .....Is there any reason these could not be rendered at the same time in Cakewalk ?
  11. How do the Devs evaluate and decide which if any to implement..i.e this is a useful feature and several of the competition have had it for years, and on the surface it would seem like one of simpler FR although I've not written any code for decades so I could be wrong.
  12. As you can see this has been requested multiple times over many years @scook even replied in 2016 !!
  13. You can do it in Logic , Reaper..and I think my Cubase owning friends have mentioned they can do it too. This would be useful because you can dump any initial midi data , keyswitches etc in bar zero and it also seems that Cakewalk struggles to play/render the first few milliseconds and it's more reliable if it has a little bit of a run up.
  14. Studio One has implemented this now so Cakewalk needs to play catch up
  15. Sounds like you're removing all the human vibe from the music along with the 11 band EQ on the piano. On paper your mixes sound lifeless. Just because you can , doesn't mean you should.
  16. If that's the case I simply wouldn't work with those people. Audiosnap is a poor substitute for musicians who can actually play in time , it's also fairly defunct if you have Melodyne 4 or above.
  17. Can we please make the text of whichever tab is active Blue so it's easier to tell which is active at a glance
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