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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. PS Did you see that even the Bandlab App got a sampler last week ? https://blog.bandlab.com/introducing-bandlab-sampler/
  2. No, seems more stable than ever here - I remember with old Sonar certain actions used to make it crash, i.e. whenever I used the reverse audio function it was 50-50 as to whether it was gonna fall over. Gotta say those days seem gone here.
  3. What is your other hand doing ? Maybe don't answer but if you're Righty the 'home' position of your left hand would be resting on the D ? ASDF-Space thumb. At least that's how I was taught to type
  4. Marginal ? It's been essential for about a decade at least, I'm convinced that not having a good sample workflow is one of the key reasons Sonar/CW declined in popularity. Much as I enjoy using it, I understand it's a non-starter for my kids, Nieces, Nephews. They just expect audio to almost be the same as flexible as midi ..grab audio , play samples chromatically , loop them, slice and dice them instantly. That's how they like to produce and CBB doesn't really support that workflow very easily. I find it sad that CBB is an also ran, it's not even mentioned a lot of the time in manufacturers blurb about which DAWs their products are compatible with, yet Sonar used to be referenced a lot. Personally I am very happy with CBB and my workflow is more Midi & VI based but we are ignoring a huge share of the potential user base and a lot of them are probably Bandlab Users
  5. Have you tried using the D shortcut ? You can flick between the Track View & Multidock very quickly
  6. How about similar to how we have it with the Track Manager...tick boxes for folder and individual plugins. Imagine this level of control for what plugins show up
  7. Agree. Not EDM... 90's style Electonic Pop maybe .. ?
  8. Not sure what you mean ? FWIW I have my Multidock open on a 2nd monitor and it bugs me that you can't re-order the tabs how you want
  9. I like it in principle but it always freezes and crashes on me so I can't use it for anything serious. Doesn't matter how many updates to ADSR or CBB there are , the results seem to be the same. I think it possibly struggles with the size of my sample drive, the first sample always works and subsequently it freezes.
  10. Fabfilter Pro-C2 for me as well. Flexible , intuitive, can sound like different flavours of compressor ..works well with side-chaining in Cakewalk If I could only have one compressor this is the best all rounder.
  11. IKR ! Probably could have kept it's position as one of the major DAWs if they had, others just overtook them with easier workflow for the kids. Now those kids are today's influencers and artists. Having tried ADSR Sample Manager which seems to have stability issues in Cakewalk despite numerous updates I gave LoopCloud a go...wow...what a difference. V6 is a subscription only deal now with loads of content etc. but older versions were free like ADSR then you would pay for premium content if you wanted it to work with more than just your locally stored samples. If Cakewalk could introduce anything like it built into the DAW it would be killer
  12. You're doing it wrong, all my gains were different values as well, but they all reset back to zero Pan pots do not follow same logic
  13. Already been discussed quite a lot, you should check out this thread
  14. 1. Is a huge PITA....I rarely use the text search because if I type wrong thing it can spend 7-8 mins sifting through almost 1Tb of samples I've posted previously to ask if there any way to index the search to speed up the whole process. It's got to the point now where it's actually easier to use Splice.com instead of the local sample HDD 2. This goes hand in hand with many requests for a proper built in sampler instrument - How about it Bakers ?
  15. People tend to call those " Track Outs " when they are single tracks - As opposed to " Stems " which are generally groups of tracks CBB can already export individual tracks which is hand if you are sending it be mixed elsewhere
  16. 8.5.3 was the pinnacle of what I think of as 'old' Sonar....Used it for 10 years and I'd probably still be using it had the whole CBB being free just as I was building a new DAW PC not happened. Honestly once you get used to CBB though you'll wonder why you waited so long, it's so much better but also like an old friend. Sorry but I have no idea why you're not getting Waveform images - I take it the picture cache was intact on CBB ?
  17. That version is 15 years old ! I don't remember back that far but Sonar will also re-compute them if you perform some sort of process so if you use the the gain command but leave it at zero that should re-draw the wave without changing the audio ( pic from CBB but should be similar menu in S6 )
  18. To infinity and back to 0db. That far. ?
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