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Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Everything posted by Mark Morgon-Shaw

  1. Great machines and built like tanks, why they went the route they did with the trashcan design is a mystery to me. Probably a better bet to build a hackingtosh nowadays
  2. You are coming from the wrong angle with your list. What you should be asking is not where music is used but where these places source it from. The answer to the more popular uses of TV , film , advertising, video games, retail streaming etc. is they license it from Music Libraries. Shows like the Kardashians or Catfish will use around 90 snippets of different music tracks mostly written by people in home studios like us. Anyone can audition for a music library but the standards are high to get accepted. You mostly have to make the music for free with the promise of royalties from any placements you may get down the line.
  3. It works great..next question...can you add an octave lock button to go with it as well as it keeps reverting to 3 on each preset
  4. Yay ! I have seen this implemented in the new update , many thanks.
  5. Lol..Well I look forward to it..if you can add some depth that would be fantastic !
  6. Nice Theme..finally one I can live with ! I wish Bandlab would bring back the fake 3d 'depth' of the old Pre X series Sonar..they make everything too flat looking, took me a while to figure out why I preferred the older GUI
  7. I have always had this issue with Sonar / Cakewalk..it's never gone away and I have just learned to make my own selection before bouncing a track I suspect part of it my be to do with if you import something like a midi file
  8. 100%...I think I already asked for this but it may have been on the Facebook group
  9. I have started using ADSR Sample Manager now, it's free and it's awesome
  10. I have installed ADSR Sample Manager after seeing it suggested in another thread...It's totally free like CBB and is a great tool for browsing samples, it can index and metatag them intelligently very rapidly so my samples are now much more easy to find. It even lets you play them on a midi keyboard. I can highly reccommend it , my workflow has improved sustantially - If CBB had something along thes lines built in it would be killer
  11. What do you actually use them for, anyone that has ever taken my tracks for broadcast has asked for me to make them louder
  12. Thanks, I was thinking more about it and it would also be good if you could scrub through the sample
  13. You can always get something like Sonic Anomaly SLAX for free instead.
  14. Did you try this .. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/210310285-How-can-I-Change-the-Default-Volume-of-an-Instrument-in-KONTAKT- If this doesn't fix the issue try turning off contollers in CBB's midi settings. Sometimes it's just easier to change the input gain on the channel strip or use a gain plugin
  15. Thanks for heads up on Akai VIP 3 .I have watched the videos and read the reviews and it seems like it does everything and more I could wish for in a patch browser. I was already thinking about buying a larger keyboard so when I saw you could get the M-Audio Oxygen 61 key for £135 and get VIP 3.1 included it was a no brainer...should be here tomorrow . I think VIP will be a massive help in my workflow ( which is writing for Music Libraries ) . Do you have one of the natively compatible keyboards or do you use a 3rd party controller ? Edit : If anyone one fron the Dev Team is watching this is the kind of feature that if it was native to the DAW I feel could pull in a lot users and keep them loyal to the brand. I think there are DAWs out there now with better workflows for modern music production . If they could integrate something like this and the Intergrated Sampler I posted about I think Cakewalk could become best in class again for people that mostly make music ITB.
  16. I'm not on about that , I mean all the control surface stuff
  17. I just ordered one af these as I needed 61 keys and had been looking into the VIP 3 software...any tips on setting it up to work with CBB ?
  18. Interesting..they should steal from the best and have an intergrated solution
  19. I had forgotten there even was a patch browser there, haven't used it since the days of owning hardware synths. There is the option to select from the patch list in the track pane but it isn't searchable , it just displays all of them for the current bank. They made it customisable fairly recently as to what is displayed by the Track Control Manager and it's one of the options although I have mine unticked. It doesn't seem to work with many of the the VTI's I am using now, just checked in the current project and only Sylenth1 offers a list of patches out of the half dozen I am using. I guess a lot of people would just use the GUI of their VST synths to browse them. If it worked with everything though it could prove rather useful. What would be really cool is if the Browser had a Master List of all patch names for all your installed VSTi's and knew which instrument they belonged to and allowed you to search that way. Need a Supersaw ? No problem..just type it into the Browser search and have Cakewalk show you a list of matches..drag and drop to select. We can call it " SuperBrowser " ?
  20. You're all wrong..it was Midge Ure and Bob Geldof who started it ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjQzJAKxTrE
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