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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks for the clarification. When I see people use FR, I automatically take that to mean Feature Request. So, I thought you were saying the Feature Request sub forum [Feedback] was set to read only.
  2. Glad to hear you managed to solve the issue. As some other users have suggested in various places, power-cycling your entire system can also sometimes help reset whatever got messed up. Makes sense to me that power-cycling can help. In fact, when my midi controller used to become unseen by Windows on occasion, sometimes I would reboot my PC to solve the issue. Also, sometimes my audio drivers get lodged in an unfortunate state. For those times I also try to reset it to a working state without rebooting. But sometimes I just reboot the whole PC and get myself a cup of coffee. ? PS: If you feel the problem has been solved, you can edit the topic to add [SOLVED]. People can still offer insights, but others who are inclined to help will know that you don't need it.
  3. Sorry; I am still adjusting to the new location for the Edit button.
  4. I saw a great example of how helpful this is together with a hand icon to indicate the person recently joined. Someone replied to a thread that was from two years go ("two years later..."). It was unclear to me (1) if the person read the entire thread and tried any of the suggested solutions and (2) what the specific issue the new member wanted addressed. So, rather than trying to be a dentist (pulling teeth), I choose the Confused emoji in hopes that the new member would clarify the post. JMO: "I'm having this problem also" + the Confused emoji seems to me to be a good way to signal that the new post is a bit vague. The hand icon is probably intended to be a friendly "hi" wave, but I think it can also be a cue for people (veteran users) to not be harsh in replying.
  5. Deleted post. (Just getting used to the semi-hidden edit button.)
  6. DAMN!!! It will take a while to get used to the new location for the semi-hidden edit button.
  7. Based on what you have stated, the first things I would check are (1) routings, (2) settings, and (3) cables, esp. since Sampletron 2 doesn't respond to live input in standalone mode. Also, sometimes my keyboard controller gets unseen by windows, possibly by some sort of energy-saving setting in Windows. To diagnose this, I use MIDI-OX. If Windows is not seeing midi input, usually it can be re-seen by power cycling my keyboard controller (requires rebooting MIDI-OX to check).
  8. Did she do that more than once? I only saw it on SNL. Update: The Internet seems to confirm my memory: "Sinéad O'Connor . . . ripped up a photo of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live on Oct. 3, 1992.
  9. If so, its probably a good idea to prevent people from complaining about things that are in a state of flux. "Currently _____________________________________. Please fix it or else I will switch to another DAW."
  10. I thought of changing it to: but this is not the FR sub-forum.
  11. Please delete this post. I accidentally moved my hand to the lower left to edit out of habit because of the new semi-hidden placement of the edit button.
  12. If the Caldecott Music Group gets bought out by InMusic Brands, I will be disappointed. However, if the Music Caldecott Group goes public and subsumes InMusic Brands, I would buy shares for my portfolio.
  13. I like the line separating old and new posts + the time frame display (e.g., "three weeks later").
  14. Yes. Yesterday I saw a message like that when a link someone posted had a language search tag. I assumed it was because the new website was under construction and didn't make a big deal about it. Maybe I should have?
  15. If by "no longer supported" you mean that only one more update is schedule before the new products are available, I suppose it makes sense to jump the gun and start looking for a replacement. As for me, I am planning to use CbB while it is still current and will wait until the two new products are released. For all I know, one of them might meet my needs. I can relate. I tried Reaper a few years ago and found I kept missing the SONAR/Cakewalk workflow. Also, I tried Samplitude Pro X4 Suite (before I knew Cakewalk had been rescued by Bandlab), and never got it to work properly on my PC. If necessary, I will just continue to use CbB.
  16. Wait until the forum is done being redesigned. Also, by any chance are you on a mobile device such as a smart phone? Several people have previously commented that the re-design (evidently in progress) doesn't show everything on mobile devices. So, if the issue of not seeing where to log into your profile is related to a mobile device, try a PC. Its in the upper right corner.
  17. Sorry, but this position seems silly to me. You might not buy Cakewalk because of comments made by a user in a forum??? Sometimes people announce in the forum that they are done with Cakewalk for any of a number of reasons. Personally I think that people are entitled to use or to not use any software based on their own personal preferences, workflows, needs, etc. However, some users vent in the forum to publicly proclaim their dissatisfaction or frustration often pretending to ask questions instead of simply acting on their personal decisions to switch to other software. If you want to switch from Cakewalk to other software, that is a personal decision and in my opinion ought best be done on the basis of your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the software.
  18. Yeah; I use it a lot, too. (I didn't freak out though; I looked for it.) On the other hand I freaked out with what for me is causing increased eye strain--the smaller size of the text in posts, the increased amount of white space, and the reduction of the amount of actual content displayed per screen. For me this means more nausea-inducing scrolling is needed to see what used to fit on a single page. I get that it is better for people who use mobile devices such as smart phones. However, I tried viewing the forum on my phone this afternoon (which I never do) and the text is way too small for me to read. If I expand the size, I have to scroll left and right in order to read each line of each post.
  19. We now know who the moderators are!!!!
  20. Yeah--looks more mobile device friendly--smaller text font for messages, more white space. Less actual content per screen. Edit button is now hidden under the . . . [more] dots (along with the report button and a share button). When the browser is expanded to make the text messages the same as the prior size, images are way huge. Test: Hmmmmm. Links to old images seem to retain to old size. Maybe its just that the image posted above is Huge?
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