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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks for mentioning this. I have wondered why kind of bookkeeping/accounting system IK uses for Jam Points. I have assumed it would be FIFO (First In First Out). But from what you say, that is not the case. Does anyone have a link to an IK webpage where the accounting method is spelled out?
  2. Since I called out the insults you brought in when framing your legitimate question, I have removed my "thumbs down" emoji from your original post in recognition of your apology. Peace.
  3. I finally found a thread where I was in the top 4 posters. abacab 210 posts cclarry 94 posts User 905133 88 posts Doug Rintoul 74 posts I was younger back then and had more energy. ?
  4. Ohhhhhhh. Now I remember that thread. I thought that had been resolved. I guess I was wrong. I stand by my belief that all of that baggage did not need to be brought up in asking the question here. Peace.
  5. Good point that once beta testing is done the new products might be open to Early Access.
  6. How will we be informed when Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar are available? Will it be through the Bandlab Assistant, or an email or some other way?
  7. Sorry if you misinterpreted my post(s) as caustic and you think of me as ignorant. (Not really an apology; saying "sorry" in an insincere statement is something I have seen other people do. Never liked that, but now I see that sometimes such a response is appropriate). I take offence at your use of name-calling / insults. Your phraseology belies any claims about your asking a "simple question" and not wanting to stir up "a major war."
  8. I saw this earlier and had no idea you were talking about Paul Reubens. I guess that's testimony to the brilliance of his comedian-as-character ("always on") persona. I remember seeing the original stage show version of Pee Wee's Playhouse (probably on HBO or Showtime or something like that) long before the kids morning TV show and thought it was a brilliant spoof of children's TV. I recall seeing him as a comic actor (not as Pee Wee) on sitcoms early on (Mork and Mindy IIRC) and more recently on TV game shows and talk show.
  9. BTW, the version by Big Brother & the Holding Company (1970) is the original, Pure Prairie League's version (1975) is the cover.
  10. Long shot: Have you checked the resolution and scaling of the two monitors? I have had issues on a PC with other programs because of the way either Windows or my graphics card handles the disparity.
  11. User 905133

    Final update on CbB

    No. Clarification: It might be "known" in the sense that there is a projected timetable someplace in the hierarchy that has a number of dependencies, milestones, etc., but (to the best of my knowledge) the time has not been reached where there has been an announcement.
  12. I can imagine several possible reasons why they would be migrated by CbB for previous Cakewalk/SONAR users and excluded by default. Not sure that its worth trying to find out the rationale or making an issue of the decision. I'm glad that Han was able to enable them.
  13. Edit has been moved to the per post ... [more option] dots on the same line as the post time, along with Share and Report
  14. I know we can resize images we post (e.g., screen shots); not sure if there's a way to resize the media content people link to.
  15. BTW, if Men At Work's "Down Under" is a rip off of Kookaburra (as some court somewhere has decided), I nominate "Down Under" as being much better than the original.
  16. I am on a PC using Chrome. With the new web site format as it presently shows itself to me, instead of a full column of posts, there is a narrower-than-before column of posts and to the right of that at the top of where the full column used to be, there is a right-hand side column (aka sidebar) with statistics related to the current thread/topic. For example: Replies 192 Created Jun 16 Last Reply 2 hr TOP POSTERS IN THIS TOPIC Old Joad 40 posts pwalpwal 26 posts craigb 22 posts Notes_Norton 19 posts POPULAR POSTS craigb June 16 We've done these before, but so what? Always thought this one was awesome! (I'll leave some of the more obvious ones for others.) Bangles -... etc. I just assumed everyone not on a mobile device sees the same thing in terms of format and content. Since the stats only appear at the top of each page in a thread/topic, below that is a $#!+load of wasted (IMO) white space. When the posts in each thread/topic rolls over to a new page (e.g., page 11 of 11), forum readers get to see what I have started to call "competitive stats." Below that, the column appears as white space--until additional posts push it over to the next page.
  17. I just saw a black rectangle. I thought maybe there was an error in posting a link; either that or you were being oblique saying the PRV is a big black box (i.e., full of mysteries). Maybe there was a glitch in the forum or my PC. I have never had embedded videos/links show up as black boxes. Apologies if I caused you any consternation.
  18. Seriously, though, for this thread it might be nice to have the top-of-the-page right-hand side-bar show the last valid, non-off-topic song in the chain of associations.
  19. First one to 2 full pages of valid, non-trivial associations with no "interruptions" from any other contributors wins the non-competition. ?
  20. Wibbles 3,624 posts pwalpwal 2,663 posts
  21. Thanks for checking. It is only 10 and they are not consecutive.
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