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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. FWIW, the manual for Sound Forge 7.0 lists "Simple Delay: adds a delayed copy of the audio signal to the file."
  2. Did you try putting in a 2nd 1/8th note or an 1/8th note rest?
  3. Hmmmm. I have seen some plug-in comparison videos done by Chandler Himself. Maybe he has one that touches on several of these. This one touches on MEqualizer, MEqualizerLP, MAutoequalizer, MDynamicEQ, MAutodynamicEQ, MFreeformanalogEQ, MFreeformEQ, and MTurboEQ. Maybe he has other comparison videos that mention the others?
  4. Best wishes to all who are suffering anxieties during the transition into whatever comes next. May all your uncertainties be resolved to your satisfaction and bring you happiness and contentment.
  5. I don't do lyrics, but I did notice you have 11 syllables but only 10 notes. Seems to me you need one more note.
  6. I don't think I have printed out music from SONAR/Cakewalk in 15-20, but I followed these instructions and they worked. CORRECTION: I looked at the instructions, but I think my hands just did what they always used to do. Sec. Let me retrace them and write them down. UPDATE: Ooops. I was typing down the exact steps, but when I went to look at your reply, I lost the text. ? I was only up to Step 5 or 6. I will re-do and post as I go. Open / Load Project (2 midi tracks + 1 instrument track). Select 2 midi tracks (Ctrl + mouse clicks). Choose Menu Bar > Views > Staff View (opens up in Multi-Dock). In Multi-Dock's Staff View, Choose Print > Print Preview. OPTIONAL: Press Configure; Change Rastral Size; Use Zoom In/Out (resizes display size); Choose Close. 5a Press Configure. 5b Change Rastral Size. 5c Click OK. 5d Use Zoom In /Zoom Out buttons to see the result of the Rastral Size change. 5e Choose Close. PRINT Path 1: Choose Print (the button next to Configure once you are in Print Preview / Configuration Change mode). Path 2: Press Close to exit Print Preview / Configuration Change mode. Choose Print (on the Multi-Dock's Staff View Tab/Menu Bar Select Print to PDF [I used Microsoft Print to PDF]. Save [I saved to Desktop]. **In order to have the preview display change to something close to the new rastral size, I had to close out of the print preview and then choose print again. The rastral size [layout] was correct in the PDF that was printed. But in order to see the approximate layout in the preview display, I had to close out of print preview and re do it. I will try this again to make sure I typed out the steps I used correctly. I think the first time I tried, the steps might have been different. SEC: I left out a step: Zoom out let me see the preview change the first time. Let me update the steps. SEC: I believe there are (at least) two paths to printing. Double checking that now. So, these steps (and variations) worked consistently on my PC. Hope they help. I have been trying different things, but so far in Step 2, Print Preview is not disabled no matter what I do. Maybe someone else has some ideas about what might cause it to be disabled. It shouldn't matter because Staff View has been around for so long, but I am using CbB Version 2022.11 (Build 021).
  7. I listened to all the models and watched the developer's vimeo in addition to the third-party YouTuber video (posted above). I was not impressed enough to want to play around with it yet, but if anyone here comes up with some practical uses that sound good, I'd be interested. BTW, I found the Vimeo was rather rushed (as in too fast--would have been easier to follow with a list of steps in text). Also, for experimentalists interested in neutone, there's this and a discord channel. UPDATE: MBAM didn't find an issue with the current 1.4 installer. Excerpts from the license agreement: I am not a lawyer, but I occasionally watch videos of lawyers. I recently saw a video done by a U.S. lawyer that addressed the implications of Indemnity clauses. From a lay person's understanding, it seems to me that if someone who signed the license agreement violates section 3.5 and neutone is sued on the basis of a violation, that person might be on the hook for neutone's legal expenses. I am not a lawyer; I defer to others who know more about this kind of stuff. Just wanted to recommend (1) taking the time to read the license agreement and (2) taking the time to understand possible implications of using the software. I'd be interested in any insights from Cakewalk users familiar with music, copyright, and AI with knowledge of Japanese legal issues relevant to the use of AI-based modelling software. My take away: the software might be fun to play around with on a purely experimental basis, but I am not sure I would share any results I came up with. PS: From what I can see, Section 8 (Termination of the agreement) is written in terms of neutone's interests, not users. From what I can see, there is no provision for users to voluntarily terminate the license except perhaps by failing to comply with the terms of the agreement (in which case termination is automatic).
  8. I don't know if its bad protocol; I was confused because it seemed like you expected us to remember what you had been talking about.
  9. For what seems to be a continuation of this thread, see
  10. Is this the continuation of another thread you started or contributed to? If so, you might consider posting a link to it here so there's a context for this post which seems like it is an update of a previous post. UPDATE: Maybe this new thread is intended as an update to this?
  11. If you've seen the Tony Bennett/Lady Gaga concert and special (60 Minutes IIRC) from a few years ago, you know how ingrained his musicianship was. JMO: Even if you never were a Tony Bennett fan and never got into Lady Gaga, the concert and documentation of their collaboration should resonate with people who do music.
  12. Speaking just for myself, in the US, the price of everything has gone up. Yes, energy has gone up, but in my experience food, most consumer goods and services, and essential repairs (parts and labor) have gone up more than energy prices.
  13. A watched kettle will boil eventually, but instead of watching it boil you could be making music. ?
  14. It is much more than 2 x Ignite!!!! I'd say it is has at least 20 x the abilities of Ignite. See the Comparison Table. More if you make extensive use of MIDI and non-VM plug-ins (Instruments and FX) via the Plug-in Host modules.
  15. Have you searched the forum for posts about Musio? If not, I would recommend it because some other Cakewalk users have posted comments.
  16. Based on the image above (thanks, @JohnnyV) and some posts at another website it seems that Rapture version is the version that was posted to CCC. I will try the process described here to see if version can be added to my account since I would prefer to use an official channel to get a copy of the software. UPDATE: That process leads to a dead end: UPDATE: I used e-mail directly instead of the link on the website FWIW: The project file repeatedly works without fail when I replace the synth with other software synths (Edirol VSC, DimPro, MSF, various newer synths from companies like IK and Arturia, etc.). When I replace any of those with Rapture, it again crashes. I have used other problem-solving strategies.
  17. I will assume you mean Cakewalk. I will also assume you have put an audio recording of a commercial soundtrack onto an audio track within a Cakewalk project. There are several ways to put FX Plug-in onto a track. If it were me, I would just either (1) drag a plug-in from the Browser and put it onto the track's FX bin or (2) right-click on the track's FX bin and choose "Insert Audio FX." There are other ways, too. If you have trouble reading the Cakewalk Reference Guide and Online Documentation, there are video tutorials that should help familiarize you with the terminology and methods used in DAWs such as Cakewalk. BTW, welcome.
  18. Nope; not those issues. When I get some time, I will try to track it down. It works without incident on older PCs with less resources.
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