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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Wibbles 3,623 posts pwalpwal 2,661 posts Wibbles solidifies the lead on the previous page with 11 consecutive posts!
  2. For some odd reason the videos are smaller than they used to be. ? But at least we can scroll to the top part of the page and see the top posters to this thread. Is that why people were complaining that every thread didn't have 1/10th of the right hand column filled with competitive details? ? I guess I now have an excuse not to watch the videos posted here, but to click on the "Watch on YouTube" link.
  3. Sorry. I never was into competitive stats.
  4. New page, so we see the competitive stats. Come on, people, let's get some new names showing up as the top posters! ?
  5. So, for the fun of it, using Chrome on my PC, I zoomed in until the second line (Home Cakewalk v Other Links v Search) disappeared. Then I stretched Chrome to spread over to Monitor 2. At a certain width (depending on my zoom level), the second line re-appeared. I tried a few sites that use Invision thinking that it might be an issue with Invision's software. If anyone wants to try it, this site does the same thing on my PC. The second line has Existing client? Sign in v Sign Up Search. When zoomed in on a single monitor, line 2 disappears. Depending on the zoom level, line 2 reappears when I stretch the web page onto Monitor 2.
  6. I have seen this kind of effect (disappearing webpage elements) for years, especially on my laptop because I needed to enlarge the browser (zoom in / magnify). Not sure if it happened on my PCs, too. I don't remember if it varied from browser to browser. Zooming in may also have changed webpage navigation buttons at the bottom. "Zoom scaling issue" sounds like an accurate phrase based on what I experienced.
  7. I think some older FAQs are kept around for historical purposes, including the one with the old GC purchase prices. Notice the reference to AT 3 and the "Click ADD CREDITS . . . . " Not putting IK down here, just suggesting that the FAQ with the discounted GC prices might not be current.
  8. I looked too and didn't see them any where. I have a recollection that they changed all the prices so there was no discount. My first GB was GB25 and at that time there was definitely a discount. However, I remember there was a change after that and even looked at the new prices. There was no discount, for example 300 GC cost $300. You are remembering correctly--at one point there was a discount. I am sure there was a price change. I don't remember hearing that they stopped selling GC.
  9. Are those prices current? I thought they went to a straight 1:1 ratio.
  10. What happens if you press D first to invoke the MultiDock and then double click on the clip? Also, is the bottom missing because of the way you cropped the image?
  11. (1) Does the plugin have an an installer, and if so do you uninstall the plugin (or do you just delete the file from your computer? (2) After you "delete" it, do you run the vst scanner?
  12. I have been using so-called "smart" phones for less than a decade and I almost never use it for browsing the internet. But I just tried the trick of turning the phone sideways, found the ... [more] dots, selected "Desktop Site" and found where I could log in if I was so inclined. I was using Chrome. If it works for me, it should work for people who do browse the internet with their phones.
  13. User 905133


    jazz funk? Funny--I was just listening to Funky Nothingness. There's some stylistic/compositional overlap. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I remember some discussions of these older plug-ins. Not sure if this post will be helpful, but since I found it, I thought I'd mention it. Its a long shot, but it might be worthwhile to see if they are in the excluded list. Another thought: If they have been scanned but are just not showing up in the browser, could they be hidden by a plugin layout file. Again, a long shot, but might be worth looking into. I defer to others who make more use of these plugins, the plug-in manager, etc.
  15. Interesting: JW Plugins look potentially useful but they seem complicated. Any thoughts on those?
  16. For several years I have thought of suggesting bringing back the old "Did you know , , , ?" panels which Cakewalk used to have at start-up time (but which could optionally be turned off a la "Don't show again"). That's what I had in mind for the "wasted space" area below the competitive stats at the top. There could even be tips about the forum ("Did you know you can edit your own posts?"). Yeah--much better than ads!!!!
  17. Some people see a right-hand column 1/10th full and others see same right-hand column 9/10th empty. ? "Toe-MAY-toe . . . Toe-MAH-toe . . . Poe-TAY-Toe . . . Poe-TAH-Toe . . ." ?
  18. This thread has less wasted space on the right side (but more wasted space than some others due to short posts and fewer images). ?
  19. This thread has less wasted space on the right side. ?
  20. OH!!!!! Thanks for the updated clarification. It makes sense for FAQs to be read only!!!
  21. Only near the top of the page. Below that it looks like white space to me. Maybe they could put a place for us to put post-it notes in the white space on the right side? Or maybe they will eventually have advertising there? If so, I'd rather see some "Did you know . . . . " informative blurbs fill the space instead of advertising. Frivolous stuff for frivolous topics, but meaningful stuff for meaningful topics--like tips, tricks, etc.
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