5,506 -
2,819 Excellent-
I want to pay Bandlab in Singapore dollars!
User 905133 replied to John Vere's topic in The Coffee House
I seem to recall seeing him in the forum fairly recently--possibly with a new song? Did you look there? -
Bandlab Membership perks have expanded with new effects
User 905133 replied to Pragi's topic in Deals
WOW. I can't remember the last time I used The Bandlab App. As a non-online DAW user I forgot how to use Bandlab Studio, but I see that some DAW-based test tunes I did and tested the Publish to Bandlab feature with are there along with some tests from 2019-2021. -
So is ASIO4ALL from the 1990s? or from 2000s? Sorry, I am so old I can't remember dates; it just seems like it was around forever. Maybe I have some old hard drives from when I used to have Sound Blaster Cards? Maybe they will still work in some old PC I have collecting dust?
When is Sonar going to have some new toys to play with?
User 905133 replied to Cannimagine's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
Certainly, but they will also be for Sonar users who didn't buy anything from the old Cakewalk company. Gosh, darn! I have been holding out for a sliding scale discount based on how much Loyalists have paid over the decades to all the former makers of Cakewalk software since Cakewalk for MS-DOS! 🤪 -
theme Tuncury Light Green Theme Updated for CbB 2021.12
User 905133 replied to scook's topic in UI Themes
Just a guess (I could be wrong): if it was updated, the date would be reflected on his webpage. -
Confused by reply on Sonar by Caldecott. Hope?
User 905133 replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
FEATURE REQUEST (which I hope is or could be under serious consideration wrt Z3TA+): Please bring back the ability to use the FX with external audio which was in Z3TA+ 1.5. It need not be a separate plug-in; a single plug-in that can handle audio input might serve the same purpose (depending on efficiencies). Thanks. -
This helps explains politics (among many other things). What "we" think we see is incorrect when measured by standardized, time-tested objective tools. This reminds me of a book I got as child. Based on the cover image, it was most likely Visual Illusions Their Causes, Characteristics and Applications by M. Luckiesh (published by Dover Press). ADDENDUM: Found it on line in a few different formats: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/36297/36297-h/36297-h.htm https://archive.org/details/visualillusionst00luck_0/page/n3/mode/2up Note: No copyright issues here--it's from 1922, originally published by Van Nostrand.
Request for Urgent Help - Sonar X1 Producer
User 905133 replied to SUMIT SIMLAI's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
(1) I would never post my registration codes and serial numbers in a public forum. You might want to rethink that. (2) If you have your account name and password, you should be able to log in to the legacy site and re-download the SONAR X1 Producer files. I just checked (from my account) and they are there. (3) If you don't have your account name / password, follow this advice: Legacy site > Support > My Account > My Products -
Trying to get and use the 1176 caused all my other UAD to have the Blurry Image Authorization issue, too. In 4 or 5 years of using iLok, UAD's new authorization scheme is the only one I have had these kinds of issues with. One-by-one I did all of the steps in the video Promidi linked, pausing and double-checking after each step until I couldn't go any further. The next step is to try to find the uninstall/reinstall video mentioned, but honestly my other iLoked products work and I am leaning towards just getting rid of them all and chalking it up to a learning experience. It is unlikely that I will ever get the time spent back, so why waste even more time. If anyone has other UAD plugins that still work, you might want to consider not downloading/updating them and/or getting the 1176. UPDATE: Since the first steps in the uninstall/reinstall video were not useful, I decided to use Revo Uninstaller (which I should have used first!). Next, I looked for any additional UAD Folders and renamed them (just in case I wanted to report what I had there to UA Support). Then I redownloaded and reran the latest UAD Connect software (for the third time). After downloading the plug-ins (probably the four or fifth time today), I decided to give up by removing them using Cakewalk's VSTScan. But first I wanted to see what would happen if I tried to load the UAD test project. To my surprise, I no longer got the Open UAD Connect pop-up. Then when I went to the FX Bin to open the plugs, they each opened to the blurry image and in about 1-2 seconds the image stabilized and one-by-one each plugin worked. (I didn't have to rescan using VSTScan.) Lesson Learned: If at first you don't succeed, give up, get rid of the software using a tool like Revo Uninstaller, try starting over, and then maybe whatever got screwed up will have fixed itself.
PG Music Seeking Ideas for Band-in-a-Box GUI Interface Overhaul
User 905133 replied to Jim Fogle's topic in The Coffee House
I never realized violins were as big as tenor saxes! 🤪 -
Tiagolr RipplerX modelling synth available at github
User 905133 replied to User 905133's topic in Deals
Are you trying to say something different than was previously posted?