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  1. HIstorical note: Some of my original comments on the MIDI remote in conjunction with the Arpeggiator issue were brought up in this thread:
  2. Thanks for the clarification (remote control/MIDI learn). That's why I specifically mentioned the discussion I raised years ago about the Inspector-based Arpeggiators: For me it started with a problem with MIDI Learn/Remote Control which the deeper I looked into it seemed to involve an issue with channelization. Apologies if I misunderstood your statement to be referring to Cakewalk's automation system. I am aware of at least one DLL/VST3/Standalone software maker that has what I consider less than satisfactory MIDI Learn/Remote Control in that it is by default global/not channelized. Taking "this" to refer specifically to MIDI Learn (especially in regards to plug-ins), I suspect there are also other issues that impact the ability of third-party plug-ins to handle channelized CCs (and other MIDI data) without issues. As concerns my current test project with SONAR X1 PE, so far my channelizing has been done on the source end. In other words, I set my usb keyboard to a specific MIDI channel. So, in both real time (when recording) and playback I have program changes, notes, and CCs on specific MIDI channels. Thus, there is no CC conflation. BTW, while I had plans to explore the issues raised in this thread further with X1, plug-ins, use of remote control and then more up-to-date software, it seems you have found a third-party solution that might be just the thing the OP wants. So, I have put my explorations on hold (not to the back burner, but to the deep freezer!). I stand by my earlier comments as well as this post.
  3. From the e-mail (reformatted text and replaced the e-mail link which has user/account info with a direct YT link): Disclosure: I have no financial interest in the software or the viewing of the YT video/stream. I did purchase it when it was on sale at APD and I have experimented with it for possible use in my personal music-making workflow. I have no plans to make any tutorials or to monetize them.
  4. If Cakewalk's automation is not done per channel, that is a totally different matter from what I used to do with hardware sound modules. I recorded CCs (and other parameter controls) on MIDI Tracks. I see nothing in the OP about Cakewalk's Automation System, so I didn't assume that's what he was using. With hardware synth modules, I used MIDI tracks. With software synths I either use the same method, or I use external parameter controls. Previously, I have noted issues with MIDI in connection with the Inspector-based Arpeggiator. I gave up on that. So if what the OP is talking about is something similar, I can understand that. I stand by my comments posted above. BTW, I set up a single module (a Roland M-GS64 which has two MIDI IN Ports) in SONAR X1 PE and so far I have been able to have MIDI tracks going to each port (patch changes, note data, and CCs) without X1 getting confused (i.e., sending CCs intended for Port A to Port B).
  5. I googled SE drums and learned UJAM has a product called SE Drums [SE = Symphonic Elements]. That's all I know about it, but if you used it, maybe the image of the software will strike a familiar chord--err, have a familiar ring.
  6. Based on what you say, I guess I was wrong. I thought for sure Cakewalk software respected per channel MIDI commands (including CCs). If time permits, I will boot SONAR X1 and a multitimbral sound module to double check my memory. If it works with one port, I will set up a second module port to see if there is any crossover of CCs from MIDI channels on one port to gear on the second port. I am curious, what is a differentiated midi out input? Is that a feature that takes midi data that comes in on one channel/port and echoes it to a different channel/port either? If so, how does that differ from the [ I ] and [ O ] track control parameters?
  7. Interesting. Maybe this is one of the differences between hardware synths and software synths. With hardware it was not uncommon to have channelized midi data work properly--notes, program changes, CCs, PB, MW, Aftertouch, etc. depending on the gear's MIDI implementation and settings. I could be misremembering how MIDI data worked. Or, maybe something changed along the way. If hybrid instrument tracks are split, is there the same issue with CCs? ADDENDUM: Also, if the softsynth uses MPE, is it turn off?
  8. I seem to recall the option (a user preference switch) to have the autodock drag'n'drop feature with Ctrl+ settable to on/off was mentioned before. Not sure if I gave the idea a "like" or "great idea" emoji before, but I still think it's a great idea,
  9. Evidently you missed the pre-release sale price that was posted during the SM3 beta period. I feel lucky that shortly after I got SM2, KV331 sent me a direct deal to upgrade to the Everything Bundle. Don't ask me when or how much, but it ended up including beta versions of SM3 as they were made available and as stated when I got the bundle, the upgrade to SM3 (when released) would be free. In hindsight (based on the progressive betas), it was probably obvious that SM3 was close to ready for release. I should have gone out on a limb and done a JMO about the pre-release pricing for those inclined to upgrade. See the July 12th post (below). I think the conversion of old presets and the addition of new factory presets was a clue that the synth engine was getting increasingly stable. Of course, if someone wouldn't use it or had SM2 or (SM One) and never found a use for it, even $29 is $29 too much. We all have different uses, wants, needs, and budgets. My guess (JMO) is that there will be sales from the MSRP along the way.
  10. As a fan of E-Mus, this caught my eye. Despite some flaws the RFX-32 add-on was pretty amazing, and the filter controls as implemented in some of the single RU E-Mus gave users tremendous filtering power. So, I Googled "Is minimal audio's Morph EQ based on E-Mu filters?" and found this: I recall you are not a fan of manuals/documentation, but if anyone has links to resource materials online that correlate this plug-in with what the E-Mu's were capable of, please share. E-Mu Resources (for those who like manuals): RFX-32 Manual (Rev C) Ultra Proteus Manual Z-plane filter descriptions: starting on pdf p. 188 [numbered p. 178] See also MIDI implementation for FX parameters. Thanks for mentioning this deal. It might prove to be personally useful to Emulate a number of FX.
  11. Yup. yesterday I tracked some of the ids to mail-chimp campaigns and in at least one case the third-party vendor's tracking system.
  12. There are a few other third party vendors whose sales lists are also being linked via individual posts. JMO: It might be a test run for a denial of service style attack. It starts with new topics in the deals sub forum and then goes to other threads started by others when specific products are discussed by others. Might also be a faux turing thing--human pretending to be a bot.
  13. https://www.pluginboutique.com/ https://www.humblebundle.com/software/sound-fx-odyssey-complete-cinema-and-game-sound-design-bundle-software?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_4_layout_type_threes_tile_index_2_c_soundfxodysseycompletecinemaandgamesounddesignbundle_softwarebundle
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