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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Thanks for the explanations. I don't have any IK hardware so I was wondering about the problem you mentioned. I understand the problem better now. If the bundled software is NFR, and the seller can use the software without the hardware the seller might not want to transfer it for fear of losing access to the bundled software. But if the hardware doesn't violate an NFR condition, JMO: they should provide a way for the new owner to download the hardware drivers. I'll just have to add this to my list of things I just don't understand about why companies do things the way they do. Thanks for mentioning this issue
  2. Did you try adjusting the display resolution and/or scaling in windows?
  3. I don't have any blue tooth devices, so I cannot test this, but would switching driver mode trigger the wave profiler in such a way that the BT device would be made available (e.g., from ASIO to WASAPI and back to ASIO)?
  4. I'm still getting used to the hidden edit button. 67.5% of the time I have been remembering. Working on upping that number. Sorry for any inconvenience this erroneous posting causes.
  5. When people pay the transfer fee, doesn't that cover the cost of adding the S/N and registration to the buyer's account?
  6. For several years I have been using a floating control bar. I have it just with the modules I use most, so it's not too long. Super easy to slide around, even onto Monitor 2 temporarily and then back. I first did this when I was marking up some oral history tapes, then used it for some staff input/editing projects. It soon became like second nature to move it around as needed. I could never go back to a docked, full width control bar. This might or might not work for you; depends on your individual needs/workflows and whether or not you feel comfortable with moving it around on your desktop. Just mentioning it as another option.
  7. If the price is indeed $200 with a coupon, I can save $200 AND keep all my Jampoints until they expire. ? Seriously, though, I have reached the age when I can no longer keep track of (1) what TS 4 MAX will add to what I already have and (2) what new products have come out which are not included in TS 4 MAX. Sure I could look it up and compare with my most recent spreadsheet, but at this point, I saving $200 is quite appealing. But, just out of curiosity, has anyone else here been keeping track of what has come out since TS 4 MAX?
  8. Ahem. I know there was an upgrade offer several months ago. Are you saying there's a new upgrade offer? Hmmmm. Maybe there's a new offer to upgrade to Total Studio Max 4.1? If so, does that include all the new stuff since Total Studio MAX 4 came out?
  9. I used to play this all the time on my college radio station show. But I just realized it was written by Cook and Greenaway! The first collaboration of theirs I also liked was this one:
  10. IIRC, the wide space result was talked about when it first happened. I don't recall any setting being added to control the width of section dividers for the new track types. Maybe someone else knows? It seems to me that if they were too thin, grabbing the dividers would be a problem. The options to show the new track types in the Track Menu > Views submenu is handy, but I suspect many people prefer using a mouse to drag them open. I haven't done this, but I suppose it might be possible to switch custom Workspaces to have any number of the three open or closed.** Might even be possible on a project by project basis with screen shots. **UPDATE: I did a quick tweak to my current Workspace to show all the (ATV Tracks). I don't recommend this method. It is quicker for me to just drag them open and closed than to wait for the Workspace to change. YMMV.
  11. Anyone else remember this group? To be honest, I had totally forgotten about Atomic Rooster myself, until I saw the previous contribution to the song chain. The Wikipedia Page for Atomic Rooster can be found here. Here's a synopsis for those who don't want to read the whole page:
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