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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. You can't expect all of your cores to be balanced on every project. Some processing need to be done in a specific order, and not all tasks can be split across threads, which means some cores will be busy, and others will be waiting on something finishing. For example, you can't put reverb on a compressed vocal without doing the compression first, then sending it to the reverb - so the reverb part of the process will always be waiting on the compressor to finish. And if you've got another core that has a simple job to do on another track while that is going on, it's going to be sitting there waiting. The larger the buffer size, the more data it has to work on - but is has a longer amount of time to do it. The smaller the buffer size, the less amount of work it has to do, but has a much shorter time to do it. If at any point the time it takes to do the work is greater than the time slot it's got to do it, you'll get drop-outs. Sonar was the first DAW to implement plugin load balancing (most plugins at the time would only ever run on a single thread). If you're using a lot of plugins that do their own load balancing, you might find better performance with plugin load balancing turned off - if they're both trying to load balance, they may be fighting each other. Plugin load balancing should definitely be disabled if you're using a small buffer size, as the overhead of managing the thread scheduling may exceed any benefit of spreading the load. The other thing to experiment with is the ThreadSchedulingModel. You may see an improvement using a different model mode.
  2. I find the cheaper Sennheiser headphones work well for tracking (I use the older HD-201's) - they're very light and don't sound too bad. Sonarworks also has a profile for them too.
  3. msmcleod

    Bouncing Tracks? XXT

    Select your tracks, then choose "Bounce to Track(s)" from the Track View "Tracks" menu. If you want a single track containing the bounce of all the tracks, select "Entire Mix" as the Source Category. If you want a separate track for each of the tracks selected (i.e. just a bounced version of them with the effects baked in), either select "Tracks" (which will contain only the track/clip effects on that track), or "Tracks through Entire Mix" which will also include any additional sends / fx in buses. In most cases, you want the destination to be "New Track", and the Channel Format "Stereo" (which are both the default). Then just click OK on the dialog.
  4. This has been happening to me for the past couple of months. Sometimes it's constantly failing to authenticate, sometimes it gets stuck on "Loading Products", sometimes it fails to download. I've uninstalled/re-installed (including deleting all the stuff uninstall doesn't remove), turned off all firewalls / AV etc.. and nothing helps. Constantly restarting the app will eventually get there, but it's incredibly frustrating.
  5. MIDI event data is always in musical time. Changing the clip's time base to absolute only affects the start time of the clip. The only way to do what you're suggesting is to stretch the clip by the reverse percentage you changed the tempo by. For example, if the original tempo was 120bpm, and you change the tempo to 130bpm: 100% / 120bpm = 0.833333333 0.833333333 x 130bpm = 108.33 % So you'd stretch the MIDI clip by 108.33% to get it to play at the original tempo.
  6. It depends on how the controls are mapped. If the controls are mapped directly to the VST parameters (as is the case with the Mackie protocol), then you should be able to record the VST parameter. If however you're doing it via a MIDI CC mapping, you need to create a new automation lane for that MIDI CC, then arm that. You should be able to re-assign the CC envelope to the VST parameter afterwards if necessary.
  7. Normally ASIO would be the first choice every time. Have you checked that the Behringer UMC1820 driver actually supports more than one device plugged in at the same time? Most interfaces don't, the notable exception being RME - and even then, I think it's limited to two devices. You may find you need to disconnect the USB from one of them and essentially use it as an ADAT expander, as I doubt the Behringer drivers will support both being used as full audio interfaces simultaneously. In essence, you'd be using one of the UMC1820's as a ADA8200.
  8. The most common reason for this happening to me is Windows downloading updates in the background.
  9. Here's my recommendations: 1. Always use the same USB port for your keyboard - same for any other MIDI devices. Choose your ports once, and make sure you always use the same ones. If you change ports, Windows will think its a different device from the last time you plugged it in. 2. Always make sure the keyboard and any other MIDI devices are plugged in, preferably on PC boot, but definitely before starting Cakewalk. 3. Make sure USB sleep options are turned off across the board in Windows, otherwise the MIDI port can come and go. Windows enumerates the MIDI devices giving them nothing but a number for their port. Using different USB ports, or not having them all plugged in on start up can cause their device ID to change. Although Cakewalk does use the device name to try to match if the device ID does change, it's reliant on Windows notifications coming through (which in my experience can take up to a minute, if at all). So you can get into a situation where either the wrong device ID is picked, or none is picked for the control surface.
  10. Correct. To be clear though, the issue with ASIO4ALL specifically is, once opened, it then opens ALL of the audio devices in WDM mode and keeps hold of them, which can cause issues if you then try to either open or use the native ASIO driver. Cakewalk evaluates the available ASIO devices on start up, so if it happens to open ASIO4ALL first, then it causes problems with some devices when trying to open the native ASIO driver. Too may noobs were installing ASIO4ALL just because some YouTuber suggested it, then blamed Cakewalk for it performing badly and/or causing issues. The Realtek ASIO driver is just plain broken and definitely WILL cause issues in Cakewalk - constant hanging / freezing up is typical with that driver.
  11. Used one of those when I upgraded my laptop drive... they slide open and you fit the NVM drive inside:
  12. As I said, I used a USB to SATA adapter: Once Clonezilla has started up, I just plug the new drive into a spare USB-3 slot. One reason for going for Clonezilla, is: 1. It's Linux based, so it doesn't care (unlike Windows) that at the end of the copy, you have two drives with identical partition ID's and two identical copies of Windows. 2. It actually copies the partition ID's too. I've used a couple of OS transfer apps in the past, and they didn't do this - the OS worked, but I ended up having to re-auth a bunch of software because it thought it was now installed on a different machine.
  13. I've done this several times... 500GB to 1TB, to 2TB then finally to 4TB. I use CloneZilla to clone the old drive to a new one (using a USB to SATA converter for the new drive), then replace the old drive with the new one. Then I use PartitionWizard to resize the partitions afterwards to make use of the extra space.
  14. I've got the bottom one... I use it for a raspberry pi when I need keyboard access - they work pretty well. However, I've just got a new fanless PC which is 13cm x 8cm x 1.75cm (just slightly larger than the size of an old cassette case), along with a 10" 1920 x 1200 touch screen. They both sit nicely on top of one of my controller keyboards as a host for soft-synths. I intend to get another one of these keyboards just in case I need keyboard access for something. I guess they'd also be useful if you were say recording vocals and were out of reach of your main keyboard.
  15. Another thing to rule out... some custom mouse drivers can cause issues. I use a Kensington trackball, and their driver was causing no end of issues for me. Uninstalling it and sticking to the default Windows mouse driver solved that issue.
  16. 1. Make sure your Cakewalk projects directories, plugin directories and sample library directories are excluded from any anti-virus, anti-malware and cloud-sync services - this includes Windows Defender and OneDrive. If these programs try to access files that Cakewalk (or a plugin) expects exclusive access to, it can cause a crash. 2. Make sure Windows is up to date, and is running the latest Visual C++ Redistributables - some plugin installers force install an older version. Note that it's normal to have different VC++ Redists installed (e.g. the 2015 redists is different to the 2019 redists, so can live side-by-side), but you should be running the latest versions of the ones that are installed. 3. Open up PowerShell ( Windows Key + X, then press A ), and run sfc /scannow to check for/repair any Windows system integrity issues. And as a general note regarding Anti Virus software.... never have more than one of these products installed at the same time. Pick one, then use it. Multiple anti-virus products will literally fight each other, slowing down your PC, and will introduce stability problems across the board.
  17. Exactly this. The undo mechanism only works because it can reverse a command based on a known global state. Most commands affect more than just one track as even a single track operation affects the underlying routing graph - which has to be global. Undo's have to be performed in order, so that when you call the next undo the project is in exactly the same state as it was when you finished executing that command. It's like trying to ask for the primer to be changed without removing the top coat. If you want different undo's for mixing decisions, take a look at Mix Recall.
  18. What amazes me is these features have been around since at least Sonar 1 (that's Sonar 1 from back in 2001... not Sonar X1 ), and hardly anyone knows about them. IIRC Loop Construction View came out as part of Sonar 1, but I think pitch markers were supported prior to that in Cakewalk Pro Audio... you just needed something else to create the ACID-ized loops ("Groove Clips"). LCV lets you create your own from within Sonar itself.
  19. The Pitch you set in LCV is the pitch of the original sample - so if you recorded yourself playing an D string on a guitar, you'd put "D" here. Follow project pitch is to do with Pitch Markers and Meter/Key entries. Meter/Key entries set the project key signature - e.g. D Major, B minor etc. Once you've created your groove clip using LCV, Pitch Markers can be used to force the clip to change pitch relative to the project key. So if you're playing in C Major, and the pitch markers are set to C at measure 1, F at measure 3, and G at measure 5 the loop will be pitch-shifted to play at those pitches. However, it's important it knows the original pitch of the loop in the LCV, so it knows how much to pitch-shift it by. If you don't have any pitch markers, then the loop will play back at the project key (which will be C major if you're using the default meter/key "4/4 C"). Groove Clips / Pitch Markers can give you a kind of "poor man's chord track", in that it can change the audio from one pitch to another using the pitch markers to specify the chord. It can only shift pitch tho - not change major to minor.
  20. @michaelrb - you need to make sure you're running the very latest version of Cakewalk by BandLab. The back-end authorization servers were changed to support the new Sonar. Older versions of Cakewalk will not connect to then new server. Once you're sure you're on the latest Cakewalk, sign out from the help menu, then sign back in again from the help menu. It should automatically re-authorise.
  21. Ensure you download and install the latest version of Cakewalk Control Center. Older versions no longer work.
  22. Freeze is unlikely to be aware of complex routing, so I'd recommend using Bounce to Track(s) - it can be found under the Track View "Tracks" menu. Once you've bounced, you can archive the original tracks to free up resources.
  23. I've got both the MidiSport 2x2 and the MidiSport 8x8. I found the 8x8 is a bit flakey in Windows 10 and liable to blue screens... rock solid in Windows 7 though. Thankfully the only time I need to use it is when editing sounds on my hardware rack gear, so I'm happy to switch to Windows 7 for that. I now use the MidiTech midiface 8x8 / midiface 4x4 - they work fine in both Windows 10 & Windows 11. I did try out some cheaper interfaces, but they suffered from missing notes / sysex issues.
  24. If you mean this bug: "Moving Comp Split Point in Multi-Tempo Project Alters Next Segment's Start Time.".... then yes, it is fixed.
  25. Just a FYI... it's been a while since I've checked this, but when I first got the Virtual Guitarist series I found I was getting loads of clicks & pops, regardless of what ASIO buffer size I set. It seemed to affect all the UJAM plugins - in my case both Virtual Guitarist & Virtual Drummer series of plugins. My workaround was to check the "Load with jBridge Wrapper" setting in the plugin properties (obviously you need jBridge installed). This allowed me to use it at lower buffer settings. I wouldn't use this setting unless necessary though - if they work fine without jBridge, it's best to use them without it.
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