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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. IIRC SONAR X1 Expanded was a version of X1 with an early implementation of the ProChannel. The X1e update was available to all versions, but you may find there is a specific X1e update for SONAR X1 Expanded, just as there was for artist/professional/producer.
  2. It's a known problem with Izotope plugins, and not just with Sonar either... other DAW's are having DPI problems with Izotope plugins too. Izotope are aware of the issue, so I guess its just a matter of waiting for them to implement DPI support in their plugins. The only workaround is to disable DPI awareness in Sonar - this essentially makes it behave as CbB did... but it'll affect the entire app and all other plugins too. Personally, I'd just avoid using Ozone 11 in my projects. If I need it for mastering, I'll run it standalone with a stereo mixdown of my project. I find Ozone grinds my machine to a halt on the best of days, so I avoid using the VST for that reason too.
  3. Using "Fit Improvisation" with real recorded material is always going to give unpredictable results. It's designed to be used on a track with only quarter notes recorded, and at every quarter note - in other words, a track where you've "tapped along" to the beat. From the docs: "To use this command, you must record a reference track containing a single clip that matches your original track or tracks but has only a single note on each beat boundary. You should make sure that the reference track has one event for every single beat, with no extra beats or missing beats. The first beat of the reference track should be at 1:01:000"
  4. Windows doing updates in the background? This catches me out all of the time.
  5. FX plugins can only be inserted on to a single track, which is why the track name can be displayed. Synths can be "fed" from multiple tracks - i.e. I could have 16 or more MIDI tracks feeding a single synth instance, along with the audio track that it is fed to. This is why a track name isn't displayed.
  6. In my experience, a laptop's onboard sound device is fine for playback/mixing but unsuitable for audio recording in most cases - the electrical interference alone makes this a blocker. Use WASAPI Exclusive, as most ASIO drivers for on-board devices are no good. Latency won't be as good as ASIO (but not that far off ), but it may not be low enough for recording virtual instruments if you're particularly fussy about timing. In my experience, synth pads are fine but piano is a no-go. One thing to add though - it's unlikely the headphone amp on a laptop will be good enough to drive professional headphones, so bear that in mind. A small portable audio interface is a far better solution. Tascam, Focusrite, Presonus, Zoom and M-Audio all do entry level 1 or 2 channel interfaces that are pretty small (about 2-3 times the size of a mouse).
  7. You're better off using Articulation Maps if you're using Ample Guitars rather than relying on MIDI notes. @Creative Sauce did a great tutorial on how to use them with Ample Guitars:
  8. All I can say is, whatever size you build it's never going to be big enough. I started off with 22' x 10' and it's ended up tiny inside, although perfectly useable if I'm the only person in the room. I've got another building which is approx 16' x 10', which I was hoping to put a drum kit in... but with sound insulation added it's gonna be too small to get a kit inside. I may still put a drum kit in it... but I'll be limited to using it when my neighbours are away (thankfully there's only two nearby). FWIW you can get great results from a log cabin with a room inside a room which can cut down costs significantly. My 16' x 10' cabin cost around £6K - soundproofing it would probably add another £2 - 3K.
  9. Essentially, you need to create a tempo map for the pre-recorded audio. There are three ways to do this: 1. Drag the audio track to the timeline, and let melodyne extract the tempo. I can't remember if this is the case or not, but you may also need at least Melodyne Essentials for this to work if you're using v5. v4 should be fine. 2. Use "Set Measure/Beat at Now". For this, you move the now time to the start of each measure/beat in your audio file and call "Set Measure/Beat at Now" specifying the measure/beat in the dialog. Start at the beginning and work your way through to the end. You can try doing this for each measure only, and then drill down to the beats if you need more accuracy. 3. Create a new MIDI track, arm it and record a single note or drum hit for each beat while the audio is playing. Select the MIDI clip, then from the main Process menu select "Fit Improvisation".
  10. ... and it works surprisingly well. I can crank up my two 150W monitor speakers to full, walk around the outside my studio, and hear practically nothing. What it doesn't cope with as well is incoming low frequency noise, e.g. (real examples from personal experience): - People revving their Harley's like crazy - Guys digging up the road up to 1/2 mile away - Visiting US destroyers trying out their fog horn - Low flying Chinooks ... but perhaps the most baffling one, was a phantom kick drum that I kept hearing... turned out my neighbour's kid was practicing drums on his acoustic kit, inside his house around 80 yards away. The only thing that was getting through was the kick drum. It's worth noting that none of these would likely make themselves heard in a recording, and if they did they'd be drowned out in the mix (or you could easily gate them out).
  11. If you clone the partition ID's as well as the data, then most activations should be fine. This is why I use Clonezilla rather than other "move your OS drive" utilities that come with new drives. Clonezilla clones everything, whereas some other utilities only do the partition contents. When cloning to a larger drive, I let Clonzilla do its thing, then use PartitionWizard (free edition) to resize the partitions to use the extra space.
  12. This isn't a network issue - it's probably down to a corrupt plugin layout database file. The file is called Library.db and can be found in %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Library If you rename this file to Library.db.corrupt (while Cakewalk isn't running), a fresh one will be re-created on startup. If you're lucky, there may be a backup file there, in which case make a copy of that and rename it to Library.db
  13. It says your sign-in was successful, which is different from activation. In other words, it recognises that you have a valid user account, but it appears you don't have a valid paid subscription?
  14. All CC's such as Pan, Modulation etc are channel wide, whereas velocity is specific to a particular note. There's nothing we can do about this - it's the MIDI spec.
  15. As it stands, the only control surface dll that can "mirror" behaviour natively is the Mackie Control dll. That being said, all of the control surfaces are aware of the active (i.e. focussed) track, so it should be possible to do that via AZController for the KeyLab / Micro4K. It's been a long time since I've looked at that, so I can't help you much with that. @azslow3 may be able to offer more insight.
  16. Did you accidently put something into offset mode at one point?
  17. The differences you're seeing between Mackie Control and MMcL Mackie Control could be down to maybe the MMcL version being an older version, or simply that the configuration in the dialog (under the Utilities menu) is subtly different. As far as the other behaviour, all I can say is every control surface that isn't an official Mackie Control (and especially those without a SONAR mode) has its quirks in MCU mode. In my office, I use an old Yamaha 01X (I removed the mLAN card and built a dongle that hardwires the control surface ports to the ports on the back) and a Mackie C4. The plugin support is actually pretty good on that, but it does have a different set of buttons than the MCU. What it does have though is an official SONAR mode, which means it's sending the correct combination of button presses for various modes. Even so, I find myself getting confused as so many buttons have more that one function (either by pressing them multiple times, or using a modifier button). The name/value display toggling is a common feature of many control surfaces, as is the single track + multiple params vs multiple tracks + single param toggle mode. ANY control surface that isn't an official MCU, unless its extremely basic, is going to be emulating multiple button presses, as they don't have the same buttons as the real MCU. The only possible exception is perhaps the largest Behringer X-Touch model, which seems to have all of the MCU buttons. Also, depending on what functionality they offer, they may have to store internal state (i.e. remembering which mode they think they're in, so that the correct combination of button presses can be sent out). So unless this exactly matches what Cakewalk/Sonar is expecting, there's going to be some weirdness. This is why MCU emulations should really have a SONAR mode. Sure, you can set Cakewalk's Mackie Control emulation to Cubase, but all that does is remap the buttons - it doesn't make Cakewalk/Sonar pretend to be Cubase. The one solution that will almost certainly work is @azslow3's AZController. I used it for a custom hardware controller I was building at one point. It can do pretty much anything, but be prepared for a steep learning curve. To be honest though, I wouldn't get hung up on the slight differences - just pick the solution that works best for you and stick with that.
  18. Pic 1 was just presenting the parameters in order, as it couldn't find MackieControl.ini - take a look at my screenshot of C4 Mapper, and the parameter list on the bottom right. That's the order the parameters are being presented, and that's what you're seeing in Pic 1.
  19. This is a variation on what I use for my "upload to cloud" script: ROBOCOPY "C:\Cakewalk Projects" "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Projects" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY "C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core" "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY "C:\Cakewalk Content\Audio Library" "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Content\Audio Library" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY "C:\Cakewalk Content\Picture Cache" "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Content\Picture Cache" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT This is the "download from cloud" script: ROBOCOPY "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Projects" "C:\Cakewalk Projects" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core" "C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Content\Audio Library" "C:\Cakewalk Content\Audio Library" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY "D:\Backup\Cakewalk Content\Picture Cache" "C:\Cakewalk Content\Picture Cache" *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ... and you set OneDrive (or whatever cloud sync app you use) to sync D:\Backup A quick explanation of the flags: /XO - exclude older files... i.e. skip anything that is newer or the same in the destination /E - include empty folders to ensure the folder hierarchy is preserved /COPYALL and /DCOPY:DAT - copy all the file attributes, e.g. date created, date modified, file owner etc.. you'll need this for /XO to work properly
  20. It'll be picking up the parameter order from MackieControl.ini, so check that - maybe those parameters aren't listed (I've edited mine, so it'll be different). It should be listed under [ProChannel EQ]. Alternatively, use C4Mapper to check/edit it for you (you'll need to run it as Administrator for it to write back to MackieControl.ini). The reason the first two parameters were different was because it wasn't finding MackieControl.ini in the other directory, so it just presented the parameters in the order it presents them to Cakewalk.
  21. You can't just move these DLL's - they're COM objects. They need to be unregistered first (while they're in the original folder), then re-registered in the new location. The MMcL uninstaller/installer will do this for you - but they need to be in the folders they were originally installed into, for the uninstall to work.
  22. It's probably worth clarifying the "working independently" thing... Cakewalk's Mackie Control, Mackie Control XT and Mackie Control C4 all talk to each other. So I could have five surfaces set up: 2 x XT units, a main MCU unit, and 2 x C4. These would be set up as Mackie Control XT, Mackie Control XT, Mackie Control, Mackie Control C4 and Mackie Control C4. Anything I do on any of the surfaces is "known" by the others, so they're acting as if they're one big control surface. I can add as many additional surfaces to that group that I want by assigning them as one of those three control surface types. MMcL Mackie Control #1, MMcL Mackie Control XT #1 and MMcL Mackie Control C4 #1 work in exactly the same way, except they only talk to other "MMcL ... #1" surfaces. Likewise MMcL Mackie Control #2, MMcL Mackie Control XT #2 and MMcL Mackie Control C4 #2 work in exactly the same way, except they only talk to other "MMcL ... #2" surfaces, and so on. So you essentially have four groups of Mackie Control surfaces that can work independently of each other.
  23. Have you installed the MMcL Mackie Control to the same directory as where your Sonar one is? They should both be in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\ Your directory should look something like this: All the MackieControl dll's look for MackieControl.ini in the current directory, so if for some reason you have them in different directories and they're looking at a different MackieControl.ini, then that might explain the differences. FWIW - I've just compared the source of the CbB/Sonar version of MackieControl.dll with the source of MackieControl-MMcL - they're essentially the same. The only difference is the registered classId (which has to be different so it comes up as a different control surface), and the fact that the CbB/Sonar version is now code-signed - this is why it's slightly larger in size. The "Exclude Filters" checkbox was added by Azslow3 a few years back - he added support for the Pro Channel EQ and Compressor, which are normally not seen by the Mackie Control (because they're essentially in a different FX bin), so checking that disables that support. So yes, checking "Exclude Filters" then hitting the plugin button will show the first effect in the FX bin.
  24. MMcL vs Cakewalk Mackie Control The MMcL Mackie Control DLL is essentially no different from the stock Sonar one. All the enhancements I did for the MMcL version have been merged back into the Sonar/Cakewalk Mackie Control DLL. When you use the Mackie Control surface DLL (including Mackie Control XT and Mackie Control C4), any control surfaces using them act as a team - so in my setup, the MCU, XT and C4 all act as if they were one big control surface. Changing from tracks to buses for example, will change to buses mode on all three devices. What the MMcL DLL does give you is it allows you to use an additional control surface (or set of control surfaces) independently from another set of control surfaces. In other words, it's not part of the "team" that other control surfaces are in. What you can't see in my picture above is the nanoKONTROL 2 I've got stuck to the wall next to my vocal mic in the corner of the room. This is set to use the MMcL Mackie Control, so that I can control a completely different set of tracks/buses without affecting what the MCU/XT/C4 are using. At one point I had a Behringer BCF2000 that was set to control buses using MMcL Mackie Control, while the MCU/XT/C4 could be set to control tracks. Unless you need that kind of a set up, just stick to the stock Mackie Control DLL. Plugin Parameters As far as parameters are concerned, the parameters available and their ordering is defined within MackieControl.ini. If no entry is found for a particular plugin, you'll get all parameters available in the order they present themselves to Cakewalk. Details on editing MackieControl.ini can be found in the Mackie Control help - or alternatively you could use my C4 Mapper utility which will edit the file for you. You'll want to restrict your parameter/v-pot mappings to the top row only, as the other three rows are only available on the C4. You can download the utility here: https://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/C4Mapper.zip EQ vs Dynamics vs Plugins buttons Within MackieControl.ini, each plugin can be given a type of EQ, Dynamics or General. If you press the EQ button, then you'll only see the EQ plugins; pressing Dynamics will only show you the dynamics plugins. The Plugins button will show all plugins on that track, regardless of type. On the MCU and C4, the up / down cursor keys navigate through plugins, and the left / right keys navigate through the parameters on the current plugin.
  25. For vocals, you probably want some compression, EQ and either delay or reverb (or both if you want!). Generic settings are unlikely to be of any use as every vocal is different. As far as stock plugins go, you have the choice of using the ProChannel compression / EQ / reverb, or using the Sonitus plugins in the FX rack. You can also use the Sonitus plugins in the ProChannel if you add them into an FX Chain. Here's a couple of guides that will help:
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