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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @garybrun your post was hidden due to a key word which has been modified to get around the problem. The word has been add due to the flush of recent spam offering ser vices
  2. And the Christmas 1963 I saw the Beatles live and in February 1964 I saw the Rolling Stones live. I have to say saw as the Beatles were in audible over the screaming girls.
  3. I thought his Sol orbit completion day was the 8th. Consequently @Bapu may your Sol orbit completion day bring you a little of what you need and perhaps some sugar free cake?
  4. Another 15 flagged as spammers, which you guys didn't see as the new keywords hid them before they could burn your eyes.
  5. This "slept" you speak of is it related to this other thing I have heard of "sleep"? If so I know not of either, from what I have read of it, it sounds like bliss, unfortunately when I have experimented with it, it has eluded me, mainly due to skeletal pain. ?
  6. Some more keywords have been added to the list, consequently we should see less, but spammers are devious.
  7. 6 new spammers all posting 56 posts each, I started at 8:30am today, I think I got most, will keep checking. No idea what happened overnight though Bristol ?
  8. @Misha that would be useful, just like an update to the Staff view, which I have been asking for since SONAR XL was introduced in 2000, and repeatedly asked for with every new version. They obviously have reasons for introducing and adding the features. Have they said anything about different tiers, if so I haven't seen anything.
  9. @Terry Kelley from what I have read it will be functionally the same as CbB, the GUI may have some differences in its appearance due to the manner in which it is generated.
  10. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, what you do is always going to your choice and I wish you the best with your decision. What you decide will have no impact on me or my decision. I am just presenting the information I have gleaned from reading the website and forum posts. As for forcing them to release a product, I find I have ask again, do you want them too release a product that they are happy with and feel is suitable for general release or a product that is not ready? Would you buy new car that has not been tested, just quickly hung together and sold because you demand the new version, I suspect not.
  11. Thanks for the clarification, I assume you have made such a feature request? The markers can be assigned a Chord value and any audio loop that is REX or Acidized will follow that pitch assigned in the marker. Never tried it against MIDI.
  12. @Terry Kelley SONAR when owned by Roland and Gibson charged for the product. More features have been added to the product than in all the time it was owned by Gibson. For 7 years Bandlab have provided CbB for free, improving, stabilising, bug fixing. But I suspect that is all falling on deaf ears. If you own the now defunct SONAR by Gibson you need to understand CbB, Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next are affectively different products, owned by Bandlab Technologies. Gibson dumped us and the product, Bandlab Technologies did not by Cakewalk Inc. or the SONAR brand, they purchased the intellectual copyright of the software. If you have a problem take it up with Gibson they are the company that sold you a lifetime license.
  13. @Sistine Historically SONAR had to phone home every now and then when both Roland and Gibson owned it and charged £450.00 to purchase. Most software requires checking in, Cherry Audio, Roland Cloud, Toontrack, all require an active account that can access their servers.
  14. What makes you think you might have to change DAW's? As far as I can establish from reading the advanced information and what has been printed in the forums, the only difference between Cakewalk Sonar & CbB is the way the GUI is drawn. CbB uses fixed BMP's & PNG's and is not scalable, they have said Cakewalk Sonar will use Vector graphics which will be scalable. Functionality will be the same, the look will be the same as near as they can achieve using vector graphics.
  15. By chord track do you mean a track that automatically identifies chords. You do know that markers can be used to set a chord pitch.
  16. It is quite interesting that S1 keeps being mentioned, are you aware that if any DAW other than S1 is mentioned, on their forums or social media streams those people are removed and banned from those forums and social media streams. Bandlab have been very generous on that front. I suspect Cakewalk and Bandlab have good reasons for not releasing the products Sonar and Next, they probably want to get it right. From what I understand it is a complete overhaul of the GUI, replacing all the BMP, PNG images possible with vector graphics to make the entire GUI scalable, where possible. That is quite some trick to a GUI that has been in the wild some 9 years and probably 10 to 11 from development.
  17. A better question is what you prefer? Full baked. Half baked.
  18. Seems there may be an issue with the site.
  19. I assume you mean Region FX- Melodyne, which uses the ARA protocol to move the audio to a separate audio stream in its own window. If you play back the Region FX window you will only hear that audio, it is how ARA works. If you start the CbB transport you should hear everything. Region FX- Melodyne works as expected here. As noted by others this is a Melodyne issue and separate to the main topic of this thread. Which is feedback on the Core product not third party plugins. Please raise your Melodyne issue in a new thread thank you.
  20. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    Oh look what I found, As ever a pleasant track well recorded played and written.
  21. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    And as I said in my very first post, there was "no" link when I first tried.
  22. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    Haven't tried, thanks for asking, been busy last few days sorting the room treatment for my now studio room.
  23. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    At the risk, read what I said, there "was" no active link. That implies when I checked the thread there was not an active link, it doesn't mean the situation hasn't changed from when I checked ?
  24. Wookiee

    Love is Real

    @Supa Reels please don't be confused there was no active link or as now a track to play. Simples.
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