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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee


    Thanks Andy, it was one of those weird tracks, it literally just happened, all the chord changes just fell into place and the lead just flowed out of the furry paws. Appreciate your time, ears and comments.
  2. @Craig Anderton I hear what you say, though this was the opinion of a respected (probably) music producer. For myself however having listened to several tunes mixed for Dolby Atmos and Digital on both a good quality 5.1.4 and 5.1 systems, mixed by engineers that should know what they are doing, for me the 5.1 was a better musical experience. On the 5.1.4 matched Dolby Atmos Focal system whoopee the FX flew round the room, but no better than on my 5.1 system, which is again quality speakers. If it grabs your bits do it but...... Film different story, but to get the best of it you need a multi speaker system, those using sound bars, well it keeps some happy.
  3. Interesting video I watched about Dolby in general for music, basically they could not see the point, as 90% of consumers listen on low price ear buds not capable of the Dolby needs. Film very useful probably but not much for music.
  4. Wookiee


    Thanks Nigel, not sure I intend sad, but I found this patch on the CX-80 that just sounded cool, then for some really bizarre reason I played an F followed by an F# and the rest is history.
  5. Just learn that if it is female it's senior management, accept that simple fact and your life will be so much easier. (No it doesn't mean that they are always right but.......)
  6. As far as I could see, it was a word most foul, or even fowl, hated by many. What s a p p. A dangerous word wrapped in mysterious forces. It has been the favourite platform for the purveyors of nar c o t ics, certain vegetation, voo-doo d o l l s, l o v e sp e ll s etc. @craigb and that will be enough of your sauce, do you know how they make that stuff?
  7. @Matt Rayner due to the spam we have recently been experiencing you unfortunately used a banned word. As I see you managed to post refrazed.
  8. @projectm the "couldn't understand a word" comment a tongue in cheek joke, I was wondering if we were to get some throat singing. Which I always find intriguing and fascinating.
  9. Wookiee


    Thank you sir, sometimes life can be a little sad.
  10. Wookiee

    Midnight Show

    Nice balance in the mx, each voice has space to breath. Slight digital edge to the mix.
  11. Nice guitar work Lynn, interesting Vox Daryl, nice drumming Hugo. Nice bass Ed, though I found it a little to forward when Daryl was singing, just my two Triganic Pu's worth. As always reasonable production.
  12. Mix sounds balanced, didn't understand a word, like Nigel the vox could be a little more forward.
  13. They own Soundforge as well don't they?
  14. Wookiee


    Thanks Steve.
  15. Wookiee

    Solutio. Rondo

    Sounds quite good, here, could be interesting to know what instruments you used?
  16. To these furry ears, the overall kit balance if off, to much overheads. Did you program the drums? If so did you make use of velocity to control dynamics? A question though, is this a tune with just a drummer and bass guitar? Even so the drums are a little to busy.
  17. Good to hear Nigel, you do do excellent work
  18. @Marcello Here is the message from your Google Drive Unable to play back as it requires access permissions You need access Request access, or switch to an account with access.
  19. Personally it would have to be Sonar, I see Next as an introductory DAW, possibly even competition, but with more function, with a certain fruit based computers supplied DAW.
  20. Wookiee


    Thank you, most kind, glad you had an enjoyable Sunday moment ?
  21. Wookiee


    Thanks, I suppose it does have that sense. Appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.
  22. Works here mix wise.
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